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Posts posted by Yehouda

  1. 17 minutes ago, webrunner5 said:

    They use the same lens. Jesus.

    I don't say that specifically about your exemple and Canon color science evolution. I talked about relation between sensor and lense for color rendition as a general rule.

  2. @Anaconda_ANVPSC4K! Sounds good! ?

    @MokaraAtomos could make a camera but I don't think it is in their interest yet. Switching out sensors of different size would be great but it is already really difficult to make interchangeable mounts so it is too much to ask mostly for a first camera. The technical promblems would be really BIG.

    Maybe one day Atomos will make a camera but I think DJI will move first.

  3. The real question is "Can we use techs like autofocus or IBIS on a film set ?"

    I live in France and I can tell you that many people are very conservative about that. They say that you can't use AF because movies are only made with cameras which have PL mount with manual PL glasses so for them it is literally impossible to use AF. Even worse, many people think it is forbidden!

    There are many exemples of great movies made with DSLRs and photo glasses. If AF works why don't use it on appropriate situations? If IBIS is relevant on some case why don't use it? When I said to some peole it was a pity that P4K lacks AF and IBIS they replied "it is a cinema camera so it is normal if there is no AF and IBIS"... wow... It is time to break the old rules!

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