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Everything posted by anonim

  1. I understand underlining point of view, but I think there's also generalization and forced manifesto (ideological-aesthetic wise) reading in such generalization. Finally, "poetry" as quality, at the end of our limelight days, may be considered as the utmost "courage"... For mastering any art to the utmost level of its subtlety and messaging-capacity language , means much more subtle courage against external entropy of banality, than pure provoking gestures... Cuaron and Inarritu have so many such deeply inspiring poetical touches and high-art solutions in their movies. (Del Toro, I'd say, not at all up to their level, being mostly dimension/levels-restricted in his themes and formal realization.) But I'm sure you know it all better than I'm... I just wanted to add additional note.
  2. Actually, my comment was explanation which is better to be seen on ironic side - as mr Myownfriend actually mostly replaced mr Read in flesh-and-blood with psychological figure (imago) of hated authority kept deeper in mind... So, yes, it maybe could be said "just trolling to boost his ego" for something that, I'd say, simply look like a nice and free opportunity to fight with authority in general... Whether he directed his fight in the right direction in this concrete case, is very disputable - to say it mildly Why - I'd say because he doesn't see more obvious and more subtle omnipotent authority pretension in our professional DP with cool hat who promotes BM or Oly or his own sessions and knowledge (and personal memories) out of pure generosity
  3. Yes, I think it really make sense if situation is so serious... but I cannot imagine that people could be so serious about such unimportant matters (Hey, there are millions just in Syria left at the moment without homes, food and medicament, and I bet that at least for 100000 of them just several years ago the main problem in life could be also weather to buy GH4 or A7S or some corresponding toy of interest...)
  4. But no... you are just imago of figure of authority. And mr Myownfriend simply shows a courage to say that you don't scare him... You are zero (or false) of authority = he never got anything from your articles :)
  5. I think he exactly expected deep voice of conscience that you, as it seems, personify in pretty serious and austere form
  6. I look at mr JB fertile engagement in this thread from different professional angle... as interesting example of growing narcissism exercise. We read pages (before at page 170 finally appears truly professional mr Hook with concrete infos) about touchable memories of some Autralian filmmakers pioneers or such, that mr JB shared with us as a theoretic and emotional-involving part of his educational course inside the privatized thread, than we have full galleries of mr JB lying around the studios and interiors in spectacular positions with obligate cool-looking-hat, following with tirades and opinions to the such extent that whole thread at the moment became as circus... with reverent mr JB in the role of the main moderator clown... who has no any interested connection with BM and any reason to feel to say thanks to mr Read... besides constantly showing BM micro cameras as part of his spectacular shooting poses. So, from the same other professional angle of view (as I wrote the same, answering in the case about that galactic-war director with quasi innocent and stupid a la pedophilia jokes) EOSHD looks to me as some sort of institution with much much more social weight, honor and importance than, say, mr JB showcase shooting session in Medical institution so innocently and generosity presented here to common folk and ungrateful clowns: I see here extremely funny place for free-treatment of any sort of Ego-mania or narcissistic-attitude I'm so glad to meet here gentlemen (and ladies?) with witty mind, capable for humorous exchanging games, with sharp and fast tongue, with angry reactions but also with ability to take a smile as final position... So - as would say my dear slang-teacher from these threads - this is not a place for "pompous asses"... and this is, for me, so... precious. Because, not being "pompous ass" is the most important lesson to learn aiming to be-and-stay truly artist.
  7. If it is not just rhetorically question, I'd dare to guess some possible answer: because you like it.. even if everything you write above is, I think, quite true You know, sometimes we all make bad choices because of pure deeper enjoy - as, for example, when Mercer don't ask two whole weeks for buying advice about his next B camera or when Jon Pais falls in profound knights affair with poor unprotected Sony maiden
  8. I think this is the key and my exact feeling about this thread and - to the much lesser extent - similar at some other forums. Out of discussion about great qualities of new BMPocket, all BM extended marketing campaign was little bit fishy or childish to me - at any costs keeping attention alive, provoking and warming up discussion about everything and nothing by some connected voices. You have right to feel hurt, and even it is obviously nothing serious, you have full right to expect little bit of friendly empathy and support at the moment you feel bad even if it is mostly transient weakness. I'm decidedly against idea that BM marketing team doesn't know about existence of EOSHD and this exact thread.... and that their behavior is accidentally one... (Just as I decidedly protested because of - as I saw it - unnecessary banning of some nice and frankly devoted members because of opposite commenting of some stupid director with stupid pedophile allusions in some space artificial and phony from top to bottom.) Actually, for me it would be very funny to see this forum closed for a while (not forever)... because I suspect there are а number of visitors here that become so big addicts, that I'm afraid that forum makes bad for their health... or meaning of life
  9. I think there are so many nicely made movement- and tonal- transitions between shots, presented in a whole as wonderfully consequent atmospheric string... Thanks, it seems to me that, besides aesthetic quality, in a such way you made this camera extremely desirable!
  10. But why it seems as conclusion? I read here some very interesting, well-founded and clever analysis/answers from different perspectives?
  11. Ops, sorry than for repeating, thanks for warning, I'm not consistent in visiting forum and checking content these days... I'll try to delete it...
  12. Deleted... repeated clip “Sunset at Changi”. (Don't know how to delete entire post :)
  13. Huh, I found it too toned - probably due to grading taste - up to the level that seems to me as loosing clearness and get more of a typical "look" of earlier Sony A7 series?
  14. https://www.eglobalcentraluk.com/panasonic-lumix-dmc-gh5s-camera-body-only-pal.html GH5s - 1453 GBP GH5 - 1140 GBP
  15. Is it just me that can't download "Models Walking at Night" clip? I'm interested because of exclusive usage of Olympus 12-100 in it... but that clip always answer "The URL is invalid or expired..."
  16. Crop mode - faster read out - flexible mount m43 lenses line - external raw + top IBIS = revenge to BM and yet unborn A7s III But price What comes to my mind is bizarre idea - if this war of announcements and future promises goes on with such started direction, people will be paralyzed, living in constant expectations (maybe in on/off preordering state) and actually not buying anything
  17. Agree, pretty low quality... But looks to me that girl has something very natural in comparison with many other beauty models (for example, last seen models in BMPocket thread) - so maybe she draws my attention too much
  18. Of course, and that's why I think that mention of preferences about "feature films" shooting tools as important argument in question: consumers FF vs m43 (for aspiring narrative usage, what is my narrow field of interest) is irrelevant, except, of course, in EOSHD forum with its abundance of feature film directors But - mention of "Feature film" immediately calls, I think, those who are in the field of indie filmmaking or similar creative task - that's strictly respective field about which I'm argumenting. Again: I think that GHx and BMPocket are at the moment two sides (10bit+IBIS or RAW+lowlight cappability) of sweet spot for such (narrow) usage... If, for the sake of that narrow usage, I wish to go further, I'll eventually rather buy EVA1 or FS5-7 or Kinefinity, or something similar, than FF mirrorless camera, just because they have FF.
  19. Yes, I believe all feature films directors from EOSHD would probably agree, except maybe some of the greatest geniuses... who always are eccentric and from some strange reasons sensible about mentioning "whole industry moving toward" as crucial argument...
  20. Faulkner was great, probably one of the greatest (not just) American writer... his writing style may also be called comparatively extremely "thick" and "unstabilized" (in comparison with, say, Hemingway's) and so I guess he would probably preferred BMPocket above gang of those Japanese 8bit boring fancy Autofocused (!) dandies
  21. I don't know why, but you sentences and intonation as of type of "flow of consciousness", reminded me to Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury" But yes, it seems to me that it has some, even not-so-loose connection with artistic type of shooting with BM pocket...
  22. Sadly, I have to disagree if targeting market is ambitious movie/video makers. Comparing, as equal, zooms for Panasonic and Sony as enough serious film or (in less extent) video tools, looks to me totally no valid... In m43 system, usage of now existing native zooms - in combination with respective differences between Panny and Olympus bodies - implied many compromises and creative limits for such purpose. But - till the moment when there is still space for progress of codecs-approaching-raw/ibis/non-heating-struggle/body and ergonomic solidness/even color-science etc. - sensors smaller than FF have, it seems to me, their serious advantage, being always step further as having better chance to be more complete (for average buyers) poor-but-talented-man movie making tool. And m43 looks as "sweet spot" for such purpose. How long we will wait for FF answer if, for example, Panasonic announce GHx firstly with external, than internal RAW recording, integrating it with even bettered IBIS - which is completely realistic as progress path? Or if something similar, instead of Panny, make BM or some Chinese company... It is already notorious to call again as argument shake that made new BM pocket announcement - place in EOSHD where, as I see many future-tellers of m43 death are not at all squeamish to visit and zealously comment... So, will it be different if, 2-3 years from now, BM or some other company announce similar product combine with IBIS and some micro-hd internal writing solution? Is it unrealistic? What comparatively could be, at the same moment, state of integration the same advantages in FF system cameras? Let's repeat IMO very nice note of mr Dan Sherman - if I really have need for go further in film making and money making tool, I'd rather buy a camcorder type of camera as complete solution, that are also will become smaller and cheaper, than FF system cameras... And we yet have nowhere hear last word about such m43 camcorder type of product...
  23. Yes, when... And all others will stay in past "now". I know it very well - it is so charmingly addictive to write now about selectively chosen "when"
  24. If it hasn't be true, at least sounds as psychologically very interesting viewing perspective I immediately admit that I have (indeed without irony) "little boy" mentality, because - besides having enormously better UW- and zoom-lenses possibility, I haven't yet understand what in practice of (non-exotic, i.e. non in lemur conditions or so) narrative film making are today's comparative advantages of FF system cameras (for stills it is obvious to me). As little boy, I'm just waiting who will be the first and who the best to offer RAW/10-12bit plasticity of shooting/correcting/grading solution, even better with internal ND and usable IBIS solution - and it seems to me obvious that FF will be the last to do so. Really out of any a priori favorite inclination, I'm also confused with fact that if I sell my GH5 and its lenses - which I still easy can - after all weighing of + and - for my specific creative needs, I would again buy GH5 as still best swiss knife creative solution or, even, platform!
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