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Matthew Hartman

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Everything posted by Matthew Hartman

  1. I'm not sure it will matter much either way. Arikhan told me he's done with posting here and has given me the lead to post his findings he outlined in a previous post. (If I should receive them) Instead, he will run his own website, and I can't determine if this means people who get access to the hack will be limited or not. Whether he follows through with this or not I can't really say. But I've been trying my best to mitigate this and it appears to have finally broken down. Let's just say strategy is not our best characteristic. Bottom line, the kid said April 1st. Read into that what you will, but the constant baiting, prodding, poking and in some cases accusations pushed him away it seems, and I can't rightfully blame him, especially given his age. Some of you may believe this is not a legitimate factor but then I ask if you've ever raised a child? Prank or not, you don't approach a child as you'd approach a fully grown adult. If you know anything about biology you would know the human brain doesnt fully mature until the mid 20's. Besides, the kid didn't commit a murder. People's skepticism and impatience or what he views as "hatred" were never his to mitigate nor shepard. He made a claim and very clearly stated that he would reveal it on April 1st. Done, end of story. Everything else at this point is white noise and speculation, fueled by impatience and fear of being wronged. We live in an age where we obviously just can't wait to see what's behind the curtain. We grab at guarantees in a world of no promises and are willing to mow down anyone who steps in the way. I believe this reveals more about us than Arikhan. I know this all sounds dramatic on my end but I have been in touch with him privately. You all pushed him, despite all the warnings. If you think he's full of b.s. full stop there's nothing keeping you from not posting here. But you do it because you actually want to believe in a world that holds no promises. That's not Arikhan's problem is it?
  2. There are none, it's whatever the organizer says it is. However, they're usually a bigger to attract more people which gives more exposure to the filmmakers, and helps to pay down the costs. The word festival just means an annual gathering, celebration or commencement centered around a thing, but does not denote scale. Technically, a screening is not much different, but usually plays in a smaller, more intimate setting and is more about critque/feedback. Often festivals will have other attractions outside of the films to attract more people to the venue, much like other types of festivals. Honestly, I don't see festivals as being all that different from say a convention or a fair. It's usually all about the merch with a heavy industry presence, coupled with the main attraction. They've gotten pretty commercialized imo. I understand that pays the bills but it would be nice to see more grassroots/one-off festivals pop up where the focus is 99% about the film's and discussion panels. I think if the setup cost is kept low, this can happen. BYO"" style. Obviously, the festival being talked about here would be local only. It could be done digitally via streaming, but then you miss out on the social engagement part which in my opinion is the real magic of a film festival. Gathering and conversing with like-minded peeps and learning about people's process. We have quite a bit of film festivals here in Seattle. But it would be cool to see more in places least expected, like Iowa. If the OP plays his cards right and strategically, he could probably get some decent investment. Hit his local chamber of commerce, grab the attention of someone who is passionate about film and has money just begging to be spent. City officials look at these things as cash cows. And don't forget crowd sourcing. Offer travel/admission packages at different tiers of investment. It would be a ton of logistics but it could turn out to be a lot of fun. I think the corn field idea would prove to be an unforgettable experience, especially if the festival has a horror theme. A physically small entry that opens up to something vast. Maybe the festival is sat in the middle of a faux crop circle. Get creative.
  3. I'm a UX/UI designer by day. I'll take it for a spin tomorrow and provide first impressions, and if needed maybe some suggestions on flow and UI. So far, I like the premise a lot. Especially creating a grade from a color palette. And it was smart not to make the app native.
  4. Here's some other films of his: (Shot with NX1)
  5. Yes sir: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Holiday-Clearance-13-1-x-11-5ft-Airblown-Outdoor-Inflatable-Movie-Screen-for-a-Backyard-Theater-WSY/916442905?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=9390&adid=22222222228145600853&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=253994633263&wl4=pla-419764031758&wl5=9033288&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=115780932&wl11=online&wl12=916442905&wl13=&veh=sem Food hacks are trendy, why can't cinema hacks also not be big with the kids? I remember seeing the first Star Wars as a young kid in a drive-in movie cinema. Awesome experience. These kids today no nothing about that. They'd freaking love it.
  6. Are you following the thread at all? Do you honestly believe I'm speaking directly just to you, or perhaps am I using your post as a spring board to make a bigger point? I'm a big picture guy. My grip is rather strong, as is my level of literacy and comphrehension.
  7. I'm warning you guys, out of full respect for this forum and it's members, the way you're approaching this is pushing the kid away. I can't blame him. @lucabutera you've been downright nasty sir, not to mention falsifying information about Arikhan, and even threatening banishment. When you run a succesful business such as you do, you must have good PR skills, and yours need some serious work my friend. Again, if anyone has any financial gain out of Arikhan's potential findings it's you. You simply are not playing this in a very strategic manner, instead actually behaving quite indignant and entitled. You had every opprtunity to approach this differently and with each new negative comment you post you squander it more and more. And for what net outcome? Kicking a kid around? Per favore fermati. Ciao.
  8. I think what's comical are people posting their certain legal opinions without having an international law degree. That's what I call hyperbole. There is no debate here. Arikhan says he can get RAW, and the burden of proof lies in him, however when he's good and ready and feels comfortable he's legally protected. This is on his time table, not yours or mine. Again, he's not obligated to do any of this, nor share his results with any one of us. This fact seems to escape some of you quite often. Let's just say the approach has been less than strategic, let alone welcoming. Rest assured, the baiting and bullying is NOT working. FACT. Do you own an NX1?
  9. I think holding a film festival in the middle of a corn field that you have to traverse through a corn maze to get there would rock! I mean, really play up the theme of Iowa. ?
  10. Likewise. It's also getting ridiculous, especially if you don't even own the camera anymore or ever. I'm actually getting disheartened by the whole ordeal. If its real, it's real, if not oh well. I refuse to troll anyone let a lone a kid over it. I'm going to advise him to stop posting replies until go time, it's obviously not doing him any favors. Andrew says a few words and you all go into a frenzy. Really? Arikhan doesn't even have to prove anything, he could keep it all for himself, but his motivation is he wants to give back to this community in particular. As the author of the Samsung petition I know a little something about this. There was never any gaurantee it would work, but at least I gave it a shot. My hope is he will look past the antics of some here and follow through regardless. @lucabutera Its in your best interest more than anyone else here to show support for this kid, as you have some adapters to sell? If this mod is legit it's you that will benefit the most. Your attitude here is confusing to me.
  11. And he stated his ASAP was April 1st no? I don't see the issue here other than impatience. I own this camera. Don't you think I'm intrigued? The only reason he's "teasing" is because he's feeling pressured. And then when he does post something, you all manage to flame him. The kid has been super clear and forthright in everything he's stated thus far. There's been a lot of projection taking place and that's simply not on him. Remember my comments about approach? You seemed to agree. Are you retracting? You all can jump in the same wagon, along with Andrew, and pat eachother on the backs but it doesn't justify the approach. You may want to try encouragement instead of pressure, there's a difference. If you had children you'd know that one works and the other does not, especially with GenZ. Is this easy to apply?
  12. You're starting to scare me bro. Should I be worried?
  13. It is exciting. There are many implications of improvement that could be seen with this. The most exciting one for me personally is having a more malleable file for post processing. I don't suspect it's going to vastly change the charactistics of that "NX1 look" and I could only guess sharpness and detail are going to be more pronounced, which I'm not certain is good for filmic, but I'd rather have it and take it away than try to restore what's not there. It would be nice to see smoother gradients, less artifacts and macroblocking too. As far as noise, I'd rather let Neat Video handle that than Samsung. I'm hoping edge fringing or chromatic aberrations are lessened as well. In my opinion it's this that makes something appear video-ish the most. Little in our real environment is ever "outlined" and I currently dread shooting trees against a sky in the background because of it. Stand up response. Your humility with this is downright inspirational.
  14. I've reached my daily like quota. ?
  15. In some circumstances, yes, it does. I don't think the issue here is that the burden of proof is on him, I think he knows that and can handle that all day long, and will when he's ready. I think the issue is how it's being approached by some here, which I can assure you will be viewed differently from a young person's point of view. If you have children, then you already know this. He is in no way obligated to do anything for any of us. I suggest a gentler approach.
  16. Thank you sir. Excellent response.
  17. Hehe ish? You're in the heartland son! ? A lot of thriving film in Iowa? ?
  18. I don't share my views to negate other's. I simply offer up another in road to a consciousness much bigger than mine. Yes, in the physical material sense, absolutely. Even introverts like myself desire physical companishionship on some level, albiet maybe less than others. And terms of practicality, we live within an ecosystem. Granted. But more metaphorically, to know your true nature you need nothing but being aware of your own thoughts and sensations. If you can sit, breath and watch your thoughts eb without judgement or labeling you will understand "who" you truly are, which has very little to do with self, let alone other selves. In my younger years I sat and meditated for 10 days straight. Obviously with breaks to eat, sleep, etc. I spoke with no one else the entire time. It was just me, my breath and my thoughts. I learned so, so much, which stays with me some 15 years later. I reccomend it.
  19. Yes, a new post will be created and I'm thinking I need to get Andrew in on this in a bigger way as well. It definitely warrants it. He's not just a student, he's a young student. I don't want to reveal his age because I'm not sure he's okay sharing that publicaly but you all need to trust me on this particular one. If I were this kid's father I would be very upset at what some of you are doing right now. I realize you didn't know, but you do know now. Because I told you. Bottom line, school comes first. Yes, we could poke holes in his timing to announce such things in light of busy school exams, but again, he's young.
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