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Everything posted by mercer

  1. mercer


    The f/4 was a nice lens, although I haven't used it in a long time. Sadly, a lot of these lenses are becoming more and more disposable with every passing year, and other than a few gems, from the golden days, a lot are often interchangeable, or indistinguishable, on a modern camera... especially on video at higher resolutions. I understand why people consistently build Zeiss or Leica sets. If I knew then what I know now, I would probably build a small set of Contax Zeiss or Nikkors and be done with it. With that said, there really are some gems from every manufacturer and I find myself using single primes more than building sets of lenses because I'm rarely straying from a specific focal range.
  2. mercer


    That's a great lens. It's rumored that Canon was so impressed by it that it had been considered to receive the L moniker.
  3. Thank you for sharing it! Well, you're obviously very talented, so using an Alexa is the natural progression in my opinion. On this site, we often discuss the 4K+ world we live in, but after shooting on my 5D3 for the past 5 years, I don't know a camera, other than an Alexa or a Red that could quench my thirst for pure image quality. Good luck with your feature. If your Hitman film is any indication, I'm sure it will be excellent. Please keep us updated on the progress of your feature! glenn
  4. Beautiful film. I still shoot with my 5Diii and Magic Lantern Raw and I'm so happy to see I am not the only one! I'm a big fan of your work.
  5. mercer

    Panasonic GH6

    Thanks, I'm hoping it can handle a 1hr. 20min. 1080p ProRes4444 timeline? Would 16gb RAM be enough?
  6. mercer

    Panasonic GH6

    I haven't had the pleasure to use bRaw, but it seems like a nice codec to work with, especially if you primarily use Resolve. I'm an FCPX user, so ProRes appeals to me on that level as well. My only experience with h.265 is from an old NX500 I had and the codec was torturous on my computer. I had to convert the footage to ProRes, which is fine, I've always done that anyway, but it took forever to convert. I can convert twice as much ML Raw footage to from the native MLV files to cdng to ProRes a lot quicker than I could go from h.265 to ProRes. One of my next purchases is an M1 Mac... I cannot wait. Do you have a MacBook Pro? Haha, I hear ya. I think I already may have mine. I don't produce enough material as it is, so I really don't need another camera. Of course, I can't stop eyeballing the dropping prices of the FP, so I may have to take one for a test drive. The GH6 looks amazing, but I couldn't justify anything over $2000 right now... or for the foreseeable future. Plus, I really like full frame.
  7. I've actually been processing a lot of footage as B&W lately. Here's a frame from the other day that turned out pretty good...
  8. I think you'll really appreciate it. With sLog2 or Cine2, and Monochrome color, the camera feels like a S16 film camcorder. The zoom lens is amazing and it has a rocker. The internal ND helps with the need to overexpose sLog2. Even the preamps are pretty good, and you can even get an XLR attachment for it. A really fun camera. If I ever find now for the right price... I may pick up another one because there isn't a camera like it... well the FZ2500 is pretty great too actually. With the instant slow motion button while recording offers some pretty unique opportunities for stylized slow motion shots.
  9. mercer

    Panasonic GH6

    And that has been my point all along. The manufacturers spent a ton of time and money pushing resolution in lieu of features that will push IQ. Look at the "The Storm" video from the GH6. By all accounts it looks great, but the 24p ProRes footage looks way better than the slow motion.
  10. mercer

    Panasonic GH6

    It was inevitable, I think, for Panasonic to be the first major manufacturer to offer internal ProRes, but you're right, it should've happened sooner. it doesn't mean it's any less impressive. I don't know the exact numbers, but I believe at least 75% of Hollywood productions are shot in ProRes. Sure some BM cameras have included it for years, at this or a lower price point, but not with 7+ stops of IBIS. With that said, like with raw video, 90% of the members of this site, do not need ProRes.
  11. mercer

    Panasonic GH6

    Cool camera. Finally a m4/3 response to the P4K from a major manufacturer that makes shooting simpler. Sure I wish it was a little cheaper... I'm a cheapskate. But it's better than the rumored price... so that's something. If Micro 4/3 is dead... then MAN... this is an honorable way to pass.
  12. Thanks @PannySVHS I really enjoyed shooting B&W with that camera. Changing the color to monochrome in the sLog settings seemed to help give the highlights a filmic look due to the higher dynamic range. And as I mentioned earlier, it negated the dreadful sky banding. Before I changed the setting to monochrome in camera, I tested the theory on color footage and as I brought the saturation down, I could see the banding disappear. I like the MonochromeL profile on the GX85 as well. I've been considering buying a camera that I only use for B&W. I suppose the Fuji X-S10 would be kinda perfect for that. Acros Film simulation, or fLog, Super 35, IBIS, high bitrate 2K and 4K. There was something very cool about the RX10ii, though. It felt like some kind of cine-camcorder.
  13. mercer

    Panasonic GH6

    For years, people complained that they couldn't get internal raw video on their cameras and now Panasonic is releasing a camera with internal ProRes (the next best thing to raw) and people aren't impressed? ProRes is a professional codec. With that said, is $2500 too expensive for a GH camera... YUP! Can you imagine what the S2H will cost? $5000? Way too much for that camera too... even with ProRes. I'm curious why more of the pros, on this site, aren't buying a Komodo or C300 Mark III?
  14. So... back to Portra 400. I've been shooting some film lately and although I haven't shot any Portra yet, I've been looking at hundreds/thousands of photos on Flickr and it looks pretty close to me. I like how your LUTS are handling different types of skintones, which is evident in the Caucasian male image and the Asian male and female. If only you made a set for ML Raw.
  15. mercer

    Panasonic GH6

    With a name like OM-1, which is recycled from their 35mm SLR days, you'd think they'd follow their own company's history and produce the smallest full frame camera. And with the 12bit raw rumor, I was hoping for an internal version, or internal ProRes. If these specs are accurate, this isn't how you make a splash. I mean, no 4K all-i?!
  16. mercer

    The Aesthetic

    No worries... I may have been being a little bit of a prick there. I get it. Although I'm still happy with my 5D, there are times when it just isn't sharp enough for certain looks I'd like to try. But with the right lens, I usually find my happy place again. Sad to hear that about the C200... I was just noticing that the C200 was coming down in price. Adorama even has an Open Box C200B for around $3000. I'm not hating on 6K at all. In fact, I am planning on renting a Komodo this summer for a couple weeks to shoot a short film... as long as our society doesn't;t fall apart from war, famine or disease by then. I think 8K might be getting into unreasonable territory... but to each their own. You know your needs/preferences more than I ever could. I don't think it takes away from it, it just seems like you can one without the other. Until I can shoot with an Alexa Mini, 4-6K seems to be the sweet spot to get a good 2K final cut, it's hard for me to justify the costs that go with it. The camera is one thing, but when you add the extra storage costs... recording media and editing, batteries, etc... I don't make my living doing video work and there's only a slim chance that any of my films will go anywhere... I just don't know if higher resolution will change that. Again Dual ISO would be great though for my horror/thriller stuff I want to do. Sorry, I misunderstood. Damn they must be lucrative gigs? Your clients do realize that their iPhones can record the same footage, right? Oh I know, I recently went back to shooting some film and I am dumbfounded at the price of some of these cameras. Luckily I like cheap things and my new, to me, Minolta X-700 and Yashica FX-3 are more than enough to satisfy my interest.
  17. mercer

    The Aesthetic

    You make some valid points. Nikon did introduce internal ProRes into a $5k camera that has the possibility of coming to market before decade's end... and about 12 years after the start of the DSLR revolution and 8 years after BM introduced it into a $1k camera. Progress. I'm not complaining at all. I'm just curious when we have reached the apex of resolution? At what point do videographers have the resolution they need... when we can confidently count the exact hairs in a model's nostril? And just to be clear, I don't mean any disrespect and I'm really not complaining, or judging, at all. I feel very lucky to have a camera that I love that is more than enough for my skill and talent. It's just a discussion.
  18. @leslie do you have the version that can shoot raw? I believe it's the V1... https://www.eoshd.com/creative-filmmaking/nikon-v1-shooting-4k-60fps-raw-for-200/
  19. mercer

    The Aesthetic

    This looks wild, thanks for posting it. I loved the shots of the actors invading the other actors frames.
  20. mercer

    The Aesthetic

    Sorry... I think you are contradicting your own thesis statement here... 'ignorance is bliss...' I don't understand why these discussions always devolve into condescension? Plus, I haven't read anywhere, in this thread, where people are complaining about tech moving forward. That would be a futile complaint. With that, at what point, do we as consumers, tell Canon, Sony, et al... that we don't want higher resolution? Give us ProRes, give us true 14+ stops of DR, give us better color depth. Is 8K enough? DO we need 12K... 16... 20K? Most of these companies haven't even given us very good 1080p yet. For some reason there's this belief that higher resolution = technological evolution when it's fairly obvious that Arri has proven that resolution is probably the least important factor in image quality. Sorry, I was discussing two different things there and should have separated my thoughts more clearly. What I meant was that I find it really depressing that the trend is to create images/videos that look like they were shot on an iPhone. For those projects, it seems a camcorder would be a better choice than a FF stills camera that shoots 8K video. My other comment was just a reaction to the idea that shooting on an iPhone in Portrait mode seems to be a modern concept so I find it surprising that these young kids are interested in analogue photography. Anyway, nice images
  21. mercer

    The Aesthetic

    Good point. But most films are still projected in 720p/1080p as well. So this idea that 4K+ is NECESSARY seems a bit far fetched. With that said, I am a firm believer of doing whatever you want with your money. But where does it end? How much does one need to crop? How many zoomed in versions of the same angle is sufficient to put together an edit? As someone else already said, it doesn't matter because technology advances so the future is higher resolutions. But Kye also has a point that when these higher resolutions require a lot of filmmakers to dirty the image for a pleasing aesthetic, one has to wonder what is the point in using the higher resolutions? On this forum, it seems there is more videography being shot than narrative, so the discussion is kinda moot. I assume most clients want the newest tech. This so interesting... yet so depressing. I wonder if it's form vs. function. Film photography is huge on IG, so is it that the new generation prefers authenticity, or are they truly just seeing the world differently now that they have had their heads glued to their smartphones for the past 15 years? With that being said, it seems that this only strengthens the less is more argument. Why would anyone shoot 8K for such content? Honestly, if I were creating this type of work, the first thing I would do is go out and buy a small sensor camcorder. It would pay for itself in an hour or two, and the production benefits are massive. Anyway, I think discussions like these go off the rails way too easily. Obviously, this is a theoretical discussion on some level, but people end up taking offense because it defies their own thoughts or choices. The truth is there are valid reasons for both camps. However, I will say that I imagine it could be pretty frustrating for beginners to read this site only to learn that you need to have an 8K camera now to create proper footage. This isn't personal to you, or anyone specifically, but it seems we're in a place, as a culture, where we yield to the commands of consumerism rather than the rebellion of creation. Recently, I was wondering what camera Godard would use if the French New Wave happened today.
  22. mercer

    The Aesthetic

    I'm hanging in there, thanks. Well played with the "100% agree." Well played. Thanks for the link. I don't remember it sucking at all. I remember it showing a strong artistic hand crafted it. 5 more films?! That's great news. I admire your work ethic. Did you pitch a producer? I am so horrible at pre-production. I just want to write a script and shoot it. I hate casting and funding, etc... you know all of the things that make a movie happen.
  23. mercer

    The Aesthetic

    Hey Kaylee, how in the hell are you? I don't think you're wrong at all... but neither is Kye. In fact, I think his point is being missed here. Higher resolution is fine... to a point... but it's completely unnecessary when you consider that it's all the camera manufacturers are giving us. Two years ago when 6K was popping up, most people here were saying that 4K is more than enough and we'd rather have higher bit depth and better DR. Instead, they give us more resolution and now some of those same people really NEED 8K. I can't tell you how many times I have almost bought a Sigma FP because I thought I needed 4K raw, but at the end of the day, I still haven't made enough with my 5D3 and ML Raw. I'd rather have 14bit color and internal 1080p raw than 4K raw, a bunch of new storage and a computer upgrade. I actually don't think any upgrade, shy of a Komodo, or better would be worth the trouble at this point... especially when you consider the OG Alexa Mini is probably still the most used camera in Hollywood. I, mean, Yellowstone, the highest rated TV show still shoots with the Mini... and nobody could say that's and outdated image... that's gotta mean something. But everybody has different needs, so YMMV. Btw... can you send me a link to your short film? I've been wanting to watch it again.
  24. The crazy thing is that a couple years ago everybody was complaining that Canon wasn't giving its customers enough resolution. Now they give 8K and people still hate them.
  25. I can't speak for the C70, I haven't seen much footage from it, but everything I've seen from RawLite looks amazing to me. I love C200 Raw and the 1DX Mark III seems like the perfect camera for me. But I agree with @BenEricson... Komodo footage is next level and, based on IQ alone, bridges a major gap between prosumer cinema cameras and the big boys. I really like the Canon look. Heck, it's why I still shoot with my trusty, old 5D Mark III and ML Raw. Most cameras that I can afford would be a lateral move in overall IQ. Blackmagic cameras have a nice image and so does Sony, but the Komodo, at $6K, is a major leap in my opinion. With that said, if the RawLite rumor for the C70 is true is good news. I don't know if it's necessary for half of the camera's users, but that's neither here nor there.
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