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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Yeah if I could justify this kind of purchase, or had any understanding of acquiring videography jobs, I would buy one in a heartbeat.
  2. Good find @Emanuel that Augusto short film looks gorgeous.
  3. Sorry, I probably should have been clearer with my comment. My point was that as much as I like the output from the S1H, it seems that the FX3/a7siii are highly capable of creating amazing images, especially with that Cinetone profile, so if you really like the AF, I wouldn't necessarily say that the S1H has a highly superior image.
  4. I've been a big fan of the S1H since it's release (I've never used one) but in those Slashcam comparison frames @kye posted on the GH6 thread, the S1H was my least favorite, by a lot, and I thought the FX3 was in the top 3 after the Komodo and Canoj R3. Obviously, it isn't a "scientific" comparison, but it's a comparison nonetheless. I assume the FX3 footage was in the Cinetone profile and I liked the look a lot.
  5. mercer

    Panasonic GH6

    @Jimmy G I understand your desire for raw files, once I started shooting raw on my 5Diii, 5 years ago, I was hooked and every new camera release since, although tempting with their new features, always seemed lacking. 14bit Raw is very addictive. Since this is a thread on the GH6, I won't waste too much space pushing other cameras, especially since the ProRes HQ files should be pretty juicy, but since you also mentioned macro shooting, I figured I'd mention it... have you seen this 5Diii macro video posted on the Footage forum by Zero Landscape? Since you mentioned owning a 5D at some point, I figured it was worth mentioning. On another note, since you're already invested in the L-mount, why not be on the lookout for a used Sigma FP for some uncompressed internal 12bit 1080p raw, or 4K raw with a small and unobtrusive SSD? Anyway, sorry for the detour... GH6.
  6. mercer

    Panasonic GH6

    If you're looking for color accuracy, you'd probably be better off looking at a Sony camera and use one of their picture profiles. Their neutral profile always seemed pretty accurate and allowed a little wiggle room to adjust contrast and saturation to taste. Or maybe grab a camcorder. I feel a lot of people would be better off with a camcorder for video than mucking around with Log profiles in photo cameras.
  7. Somehow, or another, my YT feed ended up with some F3 videos on it and I was surprised to see how well the F3 uprezzes to 4K. This is the camera that just keeps on giving.
  8. Yeah the site is annoying now, but the videos still look better than YouTube. FYI, you can refresh the screen instead of logging in and it will allow you to watch them. What annoys me the most is when you look at a users videos, they don't list them from newest to oldest and they don't tell you the upload date unless you click on it.
  9. I wasn't really either. I'm excited they're including ProRes, but I'm not an early adopter. Originally, I really liked the ProRes footage in that "The Storm" video but after a second watch on Vimeo, I must say I was a bit discouraged by the texture of the skin. It looks very plastic, which leads me to believe that Panasonic is doing more internal processing to the files than I would have liked. But it's way too early to tell. To be honest, I may be a never adopter. Something like the Sigma FP suits me better, and I still dislike a Micro 4/3 camera that costs more than $2000... in fact I don't really like one that costs more than $1500. But that is what it is, I suppose. I think that ProRes is that headline grabbing feature. This is a professional acquisition codec used in Hollywood films/TV. This is a big deal. I understand that people on this site are often swayed by maths and that when you crunch the numbers, other codecs seem more or just as efficient, but I think there are other aspects, like motion cadence, image thickness, etc... that isn't being considered. Sure, a stop of dynamic range can be a big deal, once you get over 12+ stops. Without significantly lighting your interiors, or blocking scenes near the window, you won't get an "evenly" exposed interior shot with 11.5 stops. But I understand what you're saying. I suppose, but I'm still a little suspect, especially since they're using full vLog now.
  10. Could be wrong, but I thought the DR was the same between Raw and ProRes... of course the 12bit raw gives the perception of more DR with the added color depth. Either way, it was impressive what they did. Even the ProResHQ looked amazing. You could set your WB to 4400 and still fix it in post without any issues. No disrespect to anyone on the forum... but I don't understand people's disregard for ProRes as an acquisition codec. But I think mjpeg looks better than h.264... so what do I know.
  11. mercer

    Panasonic GH6

    The dynamic range boost mode is ISO 800+ in CineLikeD, right?
  12. I guess that depends... If the GH6 didn't have ProRes, I would yawn at this release. But I acknowledge that some of the updates could be useful to some people. But without a doubt, the ProRes propels the GH6 into next level territory... especially with the updated IBIS. I'm hoping the future ProRes updates will offer the 48p/60p in 1080p/4K but since I don't really shoot too much slow motion, it's not that big of a deal. The bump in dynamic range is minimal... what... about a stop and it's still under 12 stops. I'll take any extra they want to give, but that's not so great to go crazy over. Actually, I know there are limitations to what m4/3 can do, but how did BM get 13 stops on the OG Pocket, 9 years ago, but Panasonic can't seem to break 11.5 stops, even with the Go-Go-Gadget-Boost mode and full vLog?
  13. Obviously this conversation was born from the GH6 release and its inclusion of ProRes. Well, I think it's quite simple. If you have no plans to use ProRes, there is no real need to upgrade from a GH5.
  14. mercer


    Yeah that was a misread on my part. I'm looking for the EF L version. Samples on Flickr look really nice and seem to have a similarity to my FD 50mm 1.2 L.
  15. mercer

    Panasonic GH6

    It could be a Fairchild sensor.
  16. mercer


    I've had my eyes on this lens as well. Since it's closer in age to my FD 50mm 1.2 L, I thought it could be a good carry around lens to match.
  17. mercer


    The f/4 was a nice lens, although I haven't used it in a long time. Sadly, a lot of these lenses are becoming more and more disposable with every passing year, and other than a few gems, from the golden days, a lot are often interchangeable, or indistinguishable, on a modern camera... especially on video at higher resolutions. I understand why people consistently build Zeiss or Leica sets. If I knew then what I know now, I would probably build a small set of Contax Zeiss or Nikkors and be done with it. With that said, there really are some gems from every manufacturer and I find myself using single primes more than building sets of lenses because I'm rarely straying from a specific focal range.
  18. mercer


    That's a great lens. It's rumored that Canon was so impressed by it that it had been considered to receive the L moniker.
  19. Thank you for sharing it! Well, you're obviously very talented, so using an Alexa is the natural progression in my opinion. On this site, we often discuss the 4K+ world we live in, but after shooting on my 5D3 for the past 5 years, I don't know a camera, other than an Alexa or a Red that could quench my thirst for pure image quality. Good luck with your feature. If your Hitman film is any indication, I'm sure it will be excellent. Please keep us updated on the progress of your feature! glenn
  20. Beautiful film. I still shoot with my 5Diii and Magic Lantern Raw and I'm so happy to see I am not the only one! I'm a big fan of your work.
  21. mercer

    Panasonic GH6

    Thanks, I'm hoping it can handle a 1hr. 20min. 1080p ProRes4444 timeline? Would 16gb RAM be enough?
  22. mercer

    Panasonic GH6

    I haven't had the pleasure to use bRaw, but it seems like a nice codec to work with, especially if you primarily use Resolve. I'm an FCPX user, so ProRes appeals to me on that level as well. My only experience with h.265 is from an old NX500 I had and the codec was torturous on my computer. I had to convert the footage to ProRes, which is fine, I've always done that anyway, but it took forever to convert. I can convert twice as much ML Raw footage to from the native MLV files to cdng to ProRes a lot quicker than I could go from h.265 to ProRes. One of my next purchases is an M1 Mac... I cannot wait. Do you have a MacBook Pro? Haha, I hear ya. I think I already may have mine. I don't produce enough material as it is, so I really don't need another camera. Of course, I can't stop eyeballing the dropping prices of the FP, so I may have to take one for a test drive. The GH6 looks amazing, but I couldn't justify anything over $2000 right now... or for the foreseeable future. Plus, I really like full frame.
  23. I've actually been processing a lot of footage as B&W lately. Here's a frame from the other day that turned out pretty good...
  24. I think you'll really appreciate it. With sLog2 or Cine2, and Monochrome color, the camera feels like a S16 film camcorder. The zoom lens is amazing and it has a rocker. The internal ND helps with the need to overexpose sLog2. Even the preamps are pretty good, and you can even get an XLR attachment for it. A really fun camera. If I ever find now for the right price... I may pick up another one because there isn't a camera like it... well the FZ2500 is pretty great too actually. With the instant slow motion button while recording offers some pretty unique opportunities for stylized slow motion shots.
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