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Posts posted by JazzBox

  1. I can comment on the Aputure VS 2 during the coming weekend, - I ordered one a few days ago and it should be delivered this Friday,

    Like most other monitors it should be pretty much useless due to screen glare when used outside - especially in sunlight.  I have some ideas that hopefully will remedy this issue.

    I will be back and tell you how it turns out.

    Did you find it in Europe?

  2. If you expose to the right (ETTR: http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/7922-ettr-the-ultimate-exposure-technique/ ) GH4 gives back really good images, even at 1600 ISO.
    I also like the grain of the GH4, it is very filmlike. For the profile I would use Natural (with contrast, saturation and sharpness all the way down) or Cinelike D with just the saturation down, because it is very flat. I would not mess with master pedestal or shadows/highlight, you can see the problems here: http://noamkroll.com/the-best-gh4-settings-for-video-why-you-shouldnt-be-tweaking-things-too-much/

    My 2 cents :)

  3. ​The thing is that usually you dont have that light to expose to the right. Options are low iso/underexpose or high iso/normal exposure.

    ​In normal situations you can raise the ISO up to 800 or 1600 and with a cheap led light you can do what you want without noise. 
    Using perfectly clean 25.600 ISO and no lights on Sony give you back no noise, but bad colors and a dull look.
    Cinema is often "dark" and you can barely see something. If you don't need extreme wide angle night shots with natural light you should have no problem with modern DSLR or DSLM. 
    (my opinion, of course)

  4. ​wow surprising. I guessed the white back ground used GH4 because GH4 is very noisy with low light and dark environment usually, so you might want to take advantage of the FS7 and use it for the black background shooting.

    ​As long as you use expose to the right (or at least you don't underxpose) GH4 is not noisy: it's very usable in low light situations.

  5. ​First off, Blackmagic did themselves a great disservice by calling it the "pocket" camera. That name led everyone to believe it was a "point and shoot". While technically it is, if you are shooting professionally, it isn't. And really, a pro wouldn't expect it to be anything more than what it is. It's a small compact platform that produces pro quality (all be it cropped sensor) images. But as with any pro camera, there are support accessories required. ALL pro cameras require external batteries. 45 minutes on a battery is pretty standard stuff. All pro cameras require external monitors for viewing and focusing. So does the BMPCC.  The images this little camera produces are amazing. i've used it extensively to shoot background plates to put behind arri raw foreground elements. beautiful results. If you want to be happy with this camera, buy a good external battery or two, an atomos ninja for recording and viewing and for 3K or less, You've got an amazing B cam than can be a saving grace on any set. If you're looking for a point and shoot.......stick with the GH4

    ​You're right. After few days testing it for personal shoots I just love it and I'm ok with 4 batteries (very cheap, so I'll buy 2 more, in order to shoot outside for a whole day).

    The only reaI big drawback - for me, as an ex-CanonDSLR shooter and now GH4 shooter - is the lack of a dedicate button for shutter angle and ISO. 
    I don't like to use ND filter (all the filter I had, included an expensive variable Tiffen) made some unexpected "green ghost" (flare) in the image in some rare situation, but always in some work, not during testing... so I prefer to not use ND.

    And when I shoot out I need a quick way to change shutter speed seeing how it affect the image: with the GH4 it's super simple, with the Pocket I have to go inside the menu, change, exit and repeat. But - of course - the final images are so good that it does not matter. 

    It's a little magic camera that I like a lot! 

  6. OMG....

    I have been shooting with Canon for many years, never got any feelings about it, they were just tools. But nowadays, I am getting personal feeling about Canon.
    It is embarrassing. You treat me like an idiot.

    What cost-saving? This is a bloody expensive camera.
    Without any lens, you could have realized even more "cost-saving".
    No RAW while cost-saving.... Even my little cousin knows, that first comes the RAW then the JPEG.

    This is my other favorite.Canon tells us about their fantastic 4K lenses. 
    Oohhh, yes, they are able to resolve 8MP...
    And now you think, what should you put on your 50+MP topmodel :D



    ​Exactly! I loved Canon cameras and I started to shoot with them!

    I still feel that the ergonomics is great in 70D...  But we all can see that they try to treat us like a bunch of sucker...  and it's a shame!
    Furthermore it should be embarrassing for them to see what their camera can do with Magic Lantern and they just stick their heads in the sand...

    This XC10 at 2500 $ is just offensive.

  7. Probably Canon ignores that internet exists and some people use it, finding informations about prices, specs etc... :D

    A friend of a friend that has a friend that work for them sent me this super secret picture of a new model that will be on the market in June: they developed a new camera that uses REAL reel, in order to achieve a real "raw" feel. 
    The first model will have fixed lens (20x OPTICAL!!! wow!!!), EVF, some buttons and... no, it will be not cheap, but enthusiast have to spend if they are serious about video making! ;)
    (I hope it will be possible install ML on it!)



  8. ​Well most don't have the extra 800$.  You get for 700$ a super 35mm 1080p camera with film-like DOF, sharp video, great colours, great flipping screen, and 24mp high end stills, ability to any lenses, fast AF, Great IS, a package anyone can pick up and shoot a full feature on, or a documentary and make it look a milion dollars, what a waste of 700$ :D

    ​This is the reason why I love my G6: so small, so easy to use and so "cinematic". It's not perfect, but I love it. 
    I think that sometimes not only the final quality, but also the feeling with the instrument is important.

    Of course Canon could try to be a little more competitive in this days :)

  9. Agreed, I get a little suspicious when people rant about specs too much, it is a bit like guitars...when someone says such and such a guitar is sooo much better because of this reason or that, the first thing I want to do is hear them play. As Steve Vai once said...when people get too caught up in I use this amp, with this vintage valve mic, thru to such and such a pre amp and then to tape...yada yada...well you grow old that way LOL!!

    Obviously there is a difference between say a great guitar and a shit one, but that difference is not that great (as some make out) between say an NX1 vs GH4 vs C100 or C300 or whatever from Canon..or even a Red, perhaps even the "GOD" Alexa!

    So if anyone says the GH4 footage is just "OK" thats fine, but perhaps show something you have shot that is miles better, that anyone could see..(without pixel peeping) otherwise its just words.

    Take this footage for example https://vimeo.com/125389854   this could have been shot on an Alexa or anything else, its great!!

    However if you think it shows the failings​ and limitations of the GH4, thats fine...but then post something "you have done" that is noticeably better that anyone can see....its easy to quote specs on a forum (and yes specs are important...to a degree) but the reality is, the GH4 (even without V-Log) can produce an amazing image in the right hands.

    Buying an NX2 or a GH5 is not going to make your work "miles" better, it will simply give you more options thats all.

    How do I know? Well I operate a 20 core Xeon E5-2680 v2 CPU and a ton of VST plug ins, libraries of sounds, and a couple of very versatile DAW's..and a lot of mastering plugs and hardware.

    You know what? I cant make better music on this than I did 5 or so years ago on a quad core with far less,the reality is I am limited by my imagination and skills...its the law of diminished returns, go back 20 years...yes there is a difference, go back 5 years...not so much.                                                

    The GH4 vs the NX1 vs Canon or others ..even less so.


    ​Exactly Astro! :)
    The more the time pass, the more I do love technical limitations, because they force me to be more creative!

    The video you posted is incredible, but of course someone will find it not "cinematic" because was shot on GH4 ;)

    I love "IDA" the great B&W movie that was out some months ago: it was filmed in 4/3 with an Alexa I think, lots of grain, no movements... and it's more then cinematic! It's an AWESOME movie! One of the best I saw in the last months! 

    We have all the technical possibilities to shoot with quality: we "just" need to be creative. And you can't wait better camera for that :)

  10. Indeed. Reminds me of Terrence Malick.

    In german/french public broadcaster ARTE there was a series of five docs called Schätze Südostasiens (Treasures Of South-East-Asia). 


    It was shot with two cameras: All copter shots were GoPro Hero 4 on Phantom, everything else was BMPCC. They accepted the GoPro shots (though, being 8-bit, they didn't meet the technical requirements). 


    For my taste, they should have boosted the colors more. Also, I think you agree, the GoPro stuff looks sharper.

    Like in the TV doc Life! (about people from Morocco, who are torn between a better life in Europe and their friends in their beautiful country) - shot completely on BMPCC with speedbooster. 


    I personally like the Pocket because it's about as cumbersome as my old analog Bolex, and the images can be great. It's way easier with other cams (I own some), and at first sight they seem to be 'better'. But there always had been some images impossible to achieve with any DSLR (with the exception of EOS with ML Raw, but THAT'S cumbersome!), and I'm just trying to make every shot that special.

    ​Yes, in this two days I tested the Pocket I started to questioning my normal workflow and I started to look at this little camera like a "teacher": I have to plan more before shooting and to be more pragmatic in the exact moment I have to shoot. That's good, because limitations always push me to better results and to be more creative.

    Of course the Pocket is something I have to get used to, but I'll start using for some personal projects, then I'll try to use it for the works I normally use GH4.

    Thank you very much Alex (and all you guys!) :)

  11. You can go blue in the face looking for perfect camera there is no such thing I bought Red one MX 4.5k pro camera with all the trimmings and sold it why? because its big and takes shit load of post work to get it nice. I bought Pocket camera with metaboone and i love it is it perfect camera it is for me. Can you shoot nice videos films or music videos? sure you can


    This short shoot all  on BMPCC really good work


    ​That's the point, Enny! 

    Great!! Thank you! 

  12. What's cinematic is subjective. The videos you linked perfectly show the shortcomings of the GH4. It produces an okay image if one does not encounter any high contrast or low light situations or scenes with a lot of detail that forces the high compression codec past its limits. But I must admit that I don't get the fascination with an anamorphic image. I am more fascinated by preserved highlights and absence of compression artefacts. It's a matter of personal taste.


    ​We are talking about a sub-1500 € camera that does what just some years ago would do a 25.000$ camera.
    If you find it just "ok" what do you think about the (also amazing for their price) Canon EOS? ;)
    Everything is subjective, especially if we talk about art, cameras, guitars, microphones, preamps, tubes-vs-solid-state etc... but "ok" for me is the mighty EOS 550 or the iPhone. The GH4 is (in my opinion) something more then ok, at least for what you can do with (slow motion, 4K etc...) :D

  13. ​> use only ProRes-flavors

    > use only Menu >Recording >Dynamic Range >Film

    > use only Menu >Display >Dynamic Range >Video

    > use exclusively ISO 800, no matter what

    > use 180° degree shutter in standard situations (for 24p with 60 Hz power frequency, for PAL countries then 172,5°)

    > use bigger shutter angles in lowlight for slow moving motifs, up to 360° (doubles exposure w/o more noise or worse DR through ISO 1600)

    > use smaller shutter angles for slomos (down to 11,25°). Twixtor and the like don't handle motion blur well

    > roughly guess the right color temperature, i.e. 3200 for Tungsten, 5600 for daylight. You have to grade anyway

    > buy the Zacuto loupe if you want to see anything

    > buy a camera grip with remote, like this, not a big cage, rods, mattebox and these gadgets

    > if you need s.th. like an external monitor, beware! Not all will show an image. Lilliput has a compatibility table (1080p through HDMI)

    > during recording, leave focus peaking on always (since latest FW update, it stays on after power off-on)

    > rely on 95% zebra ("ETTR"). It gives better results than trying to get a wide range in the histogram, in my experience

    > if there is no zebra, it means you don't 'fill the well' because the location is lit too poorly. This ain't the A7s!

    > therefore: search the sun! or light the scene! High contrasts, backlight: that's where the Pocket's DR shines

    > use an IR-cut filter

    > use externally recorded audio (built-in audio only to sychronize it). Or this (resp. it's successor)

    > use an app that allows to load LUTs (i.e. the free Resolve lite). Try Captain Hooks LUTs, here (download), from this site (starting point for your grade)

    > don't grade too flat. One gets used to flat looking images very quickly. But others don't.

    > To quote Stu Maschwitz: plan your shoot, then shoot your plan! Follow the suggestions above, then make a small doc, no cats, no flowers, no landscapes



    Vielen Dank, Axel!
    Or, as we say in Tuscany: GRAZIE MILLE! ;)

    Really really appreciated! 

  14. How often do you change the shutter angle, ISO and wb? I get the inconvenience of sub menus... My main camera right now is an EOS-M, everything is touchscreen menu selection and my NEX has horrible menu controls... ironically my Pentax Q7 is the best with buttons on the camera body, but I rarely find the need to change too many of those options anyway. 

    ​Not often after I see what is best for the scene. If I shoot in natural light I can bet the K, but if I'm wrong I have to enter again in the menu. Nothing super bad, just annoying. 
    With GH4 I can see the differences while changing ISO, shutter angles and WB.
    Of course is something acceptable for the great images it gives back :)

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