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Posts posted by varicam

  1. GH4 4K to Ninja (2/Blade/Star) 1080p 10bit 422 ProRes is looking exceptionally tasty (see other thread). That way you don't need to shell out thousands for a Shogun that's much bigger than you want. With a Ninja you have the best of both worlds - 4K h264 straight out of camera, or ready to rock downsampled ProRes.

    The person who invents a secure micro HDMI lock for the GH4 is going to be wealthy imo ...

    Please pardon my ignorance. So with the Ninja, you can record 4K from the GH4? Will it have a higher quality than internal 4K?
  2. My first real use of the GH4 with 4K + Steadicam + SLR Magic Anamorphot.  Also I shot it super flat with Cinelike D, but I got some real weird color casts in the shadow areas.  I had to do a lot of work in Davinci to try and fix it, and even then I don't think I got it to look right.  I tried CC in Premiere Pro and After Effects, but Davinci was just so much easier and the tracker is just awesome.  In any case, I'm going to start playing around with Andrew's settings and use Cinelike V and maybe less lift in the shadows.



    Thanks for this.  But for some reason, everything seems to have a tinge of purple.  Does anyone else see the same?

  3. I'm as excited as anybody over this camera, but one reality check: if this sensor is really as good as everybody's hoping, why is it showing up for the first time ever in a $2500 NEX body?  It just doesn't make sense from Sony's perspective.  Having Den Lennie shoot the promos and all the non-line skipping, low megapixel (or rather, APPROPRIATE megapixel) etc talk gives it the whiff of being aimed at video people strongly.  But again, if I had this "perfect" megapixel full frame sensor that is a low light monster, and goes to slog, xavc, designed around an E mount, I'd toss it in a FS700 body and call it the FS700FF or something and put a $10-12,000 price tag on it.  I guess it makes some sense in terms of volumes to put it in a slim stills body, but I don't think this camera is going to sell that high of volumes to stills shooters - they are probably looking for megapixels.  Anyway, it just seemed to me that if this sensor is really everything that everybody's dreaming about, they would put it into a flagship, higher margin product, and then maybe let it trickle down later. 


    Maybe the A7s is a beta product or a proof of concept that can be sold.  Sort of like the very first generation of Apple's MacBook Air.

  4. Here's my quick and dirty guide to color correcting.


    3.  When cross processing, work with complementary colors for the highlights and shadows.  A classic combination used in films today is beige and teal because beige is the color of skin (which can't be eliminated out of the palate), and teal complements it.  A great tool to look up complementary colors is a free online tool called Adobe Kuler.

    Teal and orange are common indeed :)

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