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Don Kotlos

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Everything posted by Don Kotlos

  1. You can see some black spots on the road lights. Also the "weird aliasing" also suffers from black pixels + magenta color cast similar to Andrew's black sun test.
  2. Is that with S-gammut? Have you tried s-log with other color modes? I might have missed the joke but is it included in your A7rII LUT pack?
  3. I do prefer Cine2/Cine4 over s-log2 for most shots too. I bought Benjamin's (@benymypony) LUTs that also work for rec.709 and they do a great job! S-log works great with Pro/Cinema colors too when the extended dynamic range or grading ability is needed. As far as the OPs question/statement, the A7sII remains a niche camera for video hobbyists/low light junkies. A great niche camera... A7rii video quality and plethora of megapixels are great and has enough low light sensitivity for most people, but what sets it apart from the A7sII and right into the mainstream photography is the amazing focusing abilities. Fast AF, Eye AF, tracking AF, adapted lenses AF...
  4. Gamma display assist or s-gamut3.cine would be much more welcomed than slog3. But I doubt they would do any of these, no matter how much we complain. We will be lucky if they just add a FF/S35 shortcut.
  5. I believe that it is a recognition of your unique voice. My unbanned virtual self screams conformity.
  6. My impression is that for the average shots it will be difficult to notice the difference. For deep DoF nature shots then it might be easier to see the difference. I default in FF mode since it has less rolling shutter too. Only in low light or when I want a narrower FoV I switch to S35. (Also it has been tested here, and here)
  7. For stills it depends on the print/output size or cropping ability that you might need. 12MP is enough for many things.. An advantage that A7RII might have in video is the FF/S35 4k ability that can quickly change the FoV. In daytime I find FF 4k very similar to the S35. That also helps with rolling shutter. You might also want to see how that compares to the A7sii before you commit.
  8. Bela Tarr is on top of my list too next to Tarkovsky. Very similar. Slow pace, long takes. The first one that I watched was Werckmeister harmonies. I had to watch it again and again. Then I went with hist most unique one the Satantango. If you have the time watch it in one go and it will take you to some amazing places. The Turin horse dives deeper into the human being. Its his last. He said he didn't have anything else to say and he stopped making movies.
  9. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate you taking the time to do these tests and post here your findings. But at the same time I cannot stop being critical. At the end what matters is to have a camera that you feel comfortable with and gives you the look you are after. Don't waste your time doing more tests, enjoy the NX1 instead.
  10. As I mentioned before and as you will probably know from the 35 years of experience, that will not determine the capability of the sensor. It will test how the specific lens performs with each camera. No just out of focus video :). Exactly my point.
  11. Lenses are optimized for the cameras. For example the thickness of the IR filter. If you want to argue about the details in 4K video, one of the things that you will have to do is use a lens that is native for the A7rii like the 55 1.8. The contrast of the lens, affects the image too. I will not try to argue that the A7rii has more resolution in 4K relative to the NX1. Probably it is not the case. But the differences that you see in these examples might be because of many factors other than the sensor. For example, in the "romanella" picture you have clearly focused at different depths as the letters in the orange box in the back are almost readable in the A7rii and not in the NX1. Another problem is the amount of sharpening that you see in the NX1 footage. Like in the "Whoop ass" picture there are over-sharpening halos around the figure. P.S. I am not going to mention the compression artifacts and terrible macro-blocking of NX1. Oops I just did. Don't get me wrong, I believe that NX1 is a great camera, but two are aimed at different groups. If resolution is your cup of tea then NX1 is clearly better for you.
  12. I highly doubt Panasonic would change the GHx line. They have invested a lot in building a proper lens line. Moreover the m4/3 its all about the size. Have you seen the size and the weight of the zoom FF lenses? Small body + large lens = instability + fatigue. It is more probable to attack the high end video market with a 4K FF sensor. Put it in the varicam 35 body and price it higher.
  13. Some 4K footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzQGI5T-588 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrubAy7JUNg from: http://leicarumors.com/2015/10/20/the-leica-sl-typ-601-camera-review-leica-gambles-big.aspx
  14. I am not sure about that... Leica SL is clearly aimed at people that already have a LEICA S and were looking into something smaller . But really, this is a capable camera aimed at LEICA buyers.
  15. Here they claim no overheating (but did not test in the same conditions)
  16. Yeah I have it at 1/4 - 1/8 for both but still is problematic. In your experience does it feel the same as editing 1080p? Do you add any LUT through Lumetri color? Scrubbing? Maybe is a mac thing, or the XAVC wrapper cause I edit A7rII 4K H264 footage at 100Mb/s which is the same as GH4.
  17. I haven't edited 4K on a MBP, but with my laptop that has slightly better specs and Premiere, editing 4K H264 is not a smooth process. Of course it can do it but it is not as if I am editing 1080p. That means effects cause dropped frames, srubbing is jumpy and moving to a new location takes about a sec to show the image. And this agrees with what many people see too. Again, it might be specific to premiere.
  18. Islamic site? Aljazeera is one of the least biased news corporations worldwide. http://www.democracynow.org/2015/10/12/headlines/nyc_warehouse_workers_launch_campaign_to_unionize_b_h_photo_video https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%26H_Photo_Video Its not about religion. Its about companies abusing workers.
  19. Keep in mind that editing 4K smoothly on a quadcore machine means transcoding. So the higher the better. A problem might be thermal throttling : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJt3av99e8k SSD will make a big difference for scratch storage. P70 you can keep. Also the Thinkpad line has a very very different build quality and customer service than the one for consumers. If you go with the thinkpad you really want their world wide warranty with accidental damage protection. So no matter what you do to that computer, it will get replaced/fixed for free no questions asked.
  20. "Go to HDMI Settings on the last menu group and once you select that you'll see HDMI Info Display. Turn that off. That will put the video on your monitor without the info, but the LCD will still work and it will have all the info on it." From: http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/7219-a7s-simultaneous-monitorevf-with-hdmi-how-to/ Monitors usually come with an HDMI out that you can propagate the signal to another monitor. If not, then a splitter should do the job.
  21. Yeah I know Ebrahim... That was a reply to the post with PB iphone video just to clear what his point is on shooting videos with phones.
  22. "Anyone who sets out to shoot a film on an iPhone rather than a proper camera is simply doing it because they are either very silly or want to attract publicity for their film. Proper cameras that shoot wonderful video are so bloody cheap these days, there is no excuse. Shooting video properly with an iPhone is a right pain in the bum." by Philip Bloom
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