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    TrueIndigo got a reaction from mercer in Screen Grabs   
    Thanks for sharing, and the grades look nice, too.
  2. Like
    TrueIndigo reacted to mercer in The Nikon DL Cameras are Cancelled   
    I really hope Nikon doesn't get out of the low end camera business like some rumors are stating. I was messing around with some D5500 clips this morning and man is that Flat profile nice.

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    TrueIndigo reacted to mercer in NO!!! Digital Bolex has stopped making cameras!   
    Congrats on finishing your artwork, and good luck with the pitches. I am currently doing the same with a half dozen scripts I rough drafted over the past five years.
    I bought a 50D a few months back for a couple hundred bucks and the image still astounds me. I took the easy route and process the footage through ML Raw Viewer directly to prores but even with a little less latitude in post, and no sound, it mops the floor with any image in that price category. I hope to get a mark iii at the end of this year or in 2018 when the used prices drop a touch more... beautiful image. Please report back when you have some footage to share. Even a shot similar to that one you posted from the RX a while back... I think it was your dog's head out the car window? Good stuff. 
  4. Like
    TrueIndigo got a reaction from mercer in Handheld Shooting   
    If you shoot a lot viewing the rear LCD screen (rather than the viewfinder), how about using the neck strap? I never used to bother attaching it to any new camera I had because I mostly shot on a tripod. But several years ago I put a strap on one of my DSLRs just to carry it about, and when I used it for informally shooting something, I found that with a short strap, pushing against the two strap connections gave surprising extra stability than handheld alone. You can gimble your waist to perform moves, and pushing against the strap seems to iron out any micro-tremors that can happen if you are holding a camera free from any support.
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    TrueIndigo got a reaction from mercer in The 4K Fuji X-T2 is here   
    Thanks, mate, it's something to think about.
  6. Like
    TrueIndigo got a reaction from Justin Bacle in 12 or 10-bit RAW Magic Lantern!!!!   
    For folks who just can't bring themselves to delete the RAW files, this will save some storage space. And if it also helps the actual recording datarate, the older DIGIC 4 cameras will get a performance boost: keeps the 50D and 5DII relevant for people who already own those cameras.
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    TrueIndigo got a reaction from mercer in Nikon Flat Profile Question...   
    "link doesn't work" -- you are right, sir! New link:
  8. Like
    TrueIndigo got a reaction from mercer in Nikon Flat Profile Question...   
    There is no live histogram with the D5500. What I do is shoot a few seconds of a representative view of my shot, and then quickly review it -- no need to play it, just see the (default) first frame. By enabling histograms (in the menus) you can have three colour or a single luminosity histogram display of that first frame to check your current exposure is not clipping. Use the up/down joystick buttons to toggle through display of histograms or no histograms.
    This is obviously less elegant than having a live histogram active all the time, but after a while it only takes a short delay to make the check. Of course, there will be a further delay if you actually need to adjust your aperture with an auto lens in response to what you learned from the histogram! You have to go out of live view to make the aperture change and then perhaps shoot another short video clip to again preview with the histogram in order to confirm that your new exposure is going where you want it. With a manual aperture lens you do not need to leave live view to see an aperture change, and I've got the FN button assigned to ISO changes to help speed that up, but you still have the delay of shooting another clip to check the new histogram.
    I put up with all this because it's important enough to me to want to know where my exposure is technically. And I've come to prefer the Nikon video image over my previous experience with Canon DSLR video: I've been using a D5200 since 2013 and got a D5500 early this year.
  9. Like
    TrueIndigo got a reaction from HelsinkiZim in Publishers Disease   
    I have a similar thing with writing text on the screen - it looks fine, but the moment it's printed on paper, I see problems straight away.
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    TrueIndigo got a reaction from IronFilm in Canon 50D ML Raw in late 2015??   
    I've just added my Magic Lantern RAW video camera test for the 50D in the "Shooting" section if anyone wants to check it out:
  11. Like
    TrueIndigo got a reaction from Inazuma in 3-minute D5200 test - no colour correction   
    Did a quick test yesterday, just an exercise in shooting something and uploading it the same day since I haven't done anything for a while, but I thought you guys might like to see it because there's no colour correction - you can see what the Nikon D5200 looks like in these conditions: interior near a window, and one LED light for fill.
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    TrueIndigo got a reaction from skiphunt in Your Top 10 Most Influential Feature Films (fun/non-gear-related)   
    Very interesting idea, Matt, about a creative site rather than a gear-centric site - there are quite a few of the latter but I haven't found one of the former that I've ever bookmarked. A possible idea I have concerns two distinct areas of creative origination:

    That which inspires
    Such as suggested films that have appeared on this thread. Perhaps a list of films could be created with various peoples explanations added about why (from the point of view of story construction, cinematography, characterisation, dramatic situations, etc) people find them inspiring. Could also include painting, music, TV, still photography (other media that inspires), though that might be straying too far.  

    Initial exploitation of ideas
    There are quite a few "how to write screenplays" sites, with advice about 3 or 9 Act structure, plot points, how many pages a treatment should be, etc, but I think one of the under-reported issues are how you handle the initial ideas before writing really starts. For example, formulating a powerful "what if statement" (to help you focus the key concept which will hook interest). What makes a story alluring; what sort of themes or subjects appeal to you? Discussions about style, ways of seeing and personal ways of showing.
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