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Everything posted by Shirozina

  1. Flip out screen - hope not. It obstructs the ports on the side and seeming only a vloger/ selfie aid. A7 tilting screen is Mr perfect as it is.
  2. They are acting from a maket dominating position in the best interests of their investors.
  3. If you want to save a substantial amount of money but don't want to compromise on optical quality then get a Viltrox EF -M2. Infact get the M1 straight adapter as well and still have plenty left over! No point producing a specific focal reducer for the P4k as it's just a stock M43 sensor size and mount .
  4. Thanks - yes it's bytes not bits. Pretty sure my BMPCC had an 8bit option for ProRes though?
  5. That is the assumption but why no mention in the specs and why the low data rates in the specs?
  6. Does it have 10bit internal in ProRes? I can't see anything in their specs to say this apart from 10bit via HDMI. The data rates look rather low for 10bit as well. I just assumed it would have 10bit internal but........
  7. Physically impossible without some form of optical elements in the light path which may negate any optical advantages the R lenses have in terms of sharpness. No reason Canon can’t make a 28-70 F2 in ef though.....
  8. The 'equivalence' is to do with the FOV and DOF and nothing to do with exposure or 'light gathering'
  9. You are confused - it's light intensity at the photosite that's important not ' light gathering'. The same intensity is falling on each photosite. A large hole in the wall vs a small hole is variable aperture so that is the wrong way of looking at it. I can toggle between full frame and APS-C on my A7r2 and the exposure doesn't change. I can zoom to the equivalent crop on each while maintaining the same aperture and the exposure doesn't change.
  10. The lenses will become more relevant when they release a high MP stills orientated version next year ( hope they don't just put the 5Ds sensor in it)
  11. Internal is 8bit 4.2.0 so not so good for C-LOG (did anyone else notice the horrendous banding in the skies on the video?) but at least it's 10bit ( and presumably 4.2.2) on the HDMI out. The variable ND filter is going to be a big plus feature and even at $400 it's not that expensive when you consider that good Vario ND's work out more than that if you need more than one for a set of lenses.
  12. It's certainly game-over for the P4k and BMD . I heard that top Hollywood DP's are demanding the EOS -R now in place of Arri's simply because of that clip and the 'informed' comments on this and other forums so game over Arri as well (and Hollywood)
  13. When the GH5 and GH5s and the BMPCC 4k can do 10 bit internal why is 10bit out through HDMI something to get exited about? I'm sure Canon ( like Sony did with the A7 line) will announce a more Video-centric model of the R in the future just as they will a more stills orientated one with >50mp as for many stills shooters 30mp is Meh!
  14. Clearly this is a stills orientated camera - move along now.....
  15. It's not the same codec though is it as the compression format is different.
  16. All this is based on such a slender rumour......... I can't see how Panasonic would want to enter an already crowded and shrinking marketplace while having to bring a whole new range of lenses with it. If Panasonic do have a full frame sensor in development it's much more likley to be a high end cinema camera with 8k capability. The M43 system is not going to be dead anytime soon as despite some disadvantages it produces stills and video of sufficient quality to satisfy most users in a package that's significantly smaller than larger format systems.
  17. My XC10 had a high bitrate codec and it was terrible quality in UHD so don't expect miracles as it's the codec and compression method that's important and not the bitrate. Also no mention if it's 4.2.0 or 4.2.2 chroma subsampling and I assume it's 8 bit.
  18. The best sounding is probably the DPA 4060 but it's not a budget mic.
  19. Game over Sony - and the rest of em. Just game over! I'd ditch all your cameras and be done with it - it's just so game over alround......
  20. Oh dear it's another camera that will fail to live up to expectations......... Not quite 'game - over' for Panasonic/Sony/Nikon/Fuji etc ?
  21. Both the M1 and M2 report the correct focal length with various canon and sigma zooms on my GH5 so I presume it will for other cameras.
  22. I'll wait for the inevitable Phantom 5 with an M43 sensor...... Very difficult to fly these things legaly here in the UK these days anyway but I hope with more saftey features like 360 deg obstacle avoidance they CAA may start to take a more rational approach.
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