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Everything posted by Shirozina

  1. Do you have a project that can't be done with your existing cameras and why?
  2. Actually I now think it's better than an Arri Alexa and at least as good as 70mm film ( i.e as good as the GH5). This is just a personal view from seeing it on youtube but I'm totally convinced! ?
  3. Bright conditions + wide apertures require very strong ND to control exposure and many ND filters don't block IR as well as visible light which the sensor can pick up and cause a colour shift in dark tones. Naturally you can also stop down the lens but then you may as well get a native M43 lens. I'm not seeing anything that couldn't be done with a GH5 or GH5s and a (heavy) grade - apart from the 4k 60p internal.
  4. Which native zooms have a 1.2 aperture though? Agree it's not a workhorse / walkaround but it's got exceptionally good IQ ( doesn't need software distortion correction like native M43 lenses), low light ability and it's a zoom! I'll only use it in low light situations as the amount of ND filtering needed for bright conditions is an issue esp if the IR filter on the P4k is not that effective?
  5. That's my plan as I have about 8 LP-E6's from when I last owned a 5DII. Even if I only get 20-30 mins from a battery this will be plenty of time for a long take. I've used external batteries on my A7s and A7r2 but the extra 'rigging' and bulk was more hassle unless it was in a fixed studio situation so in the end I just bought more internal batteries and swopped them between takes. Try one for an ipad mini or other tablet as it will be big enough to cut down without needing to have a hole in it. If the screen is gloss I'd say such a protector is essential unless you want to keep wiping away finger marks every few minutes.....
  6. Depends what the issue with the screen is you have - if you can see it clearly with a hood but the self reflections are a problem it may work but it's not going to make the screen more visible in bright light. As I said my main issue will be my eyes can't focus that close anymore so I'll need a Loupe or EVF. I can't use my VideoDevices 5" for the same reason even with a hood that excludes ambient light. This is why for many people the GH5 and GH5s with their very good EVF's are not going to be replaced by the P4k in handheld situations.
  7. 5" Loupe https://www.gridaccessories.com/products/grid-5-0-viewfinder/ Doesn't look too big? If you are concerned about size does this also extend to lenses? The 18-35 1.8 + speed booster is a bit of a beast....
  8. Why is a 5" loupe going to be no good? My eyes can't focus at 6" so it's either a Loupe or an external EVF if I want to use it off the tripod (which I won't as that's where the GH5 is clearly superior.)
  9. Plenty of battery options already out there - Atomos Power station for instance. I'd just be using my stock of LP-E6 batteries and changing them as and when I need to as I won't want the bulk or hassle of an external battery. I wouldn't expect the screen to be usable in bright sunlight but it's highly likley various loupes and hoods are already in development to fix that.
  10. If the distortion is simple barrel or pincushion it can be fixed in most NLE's. Even if it's more complex it's likley it can be made good enough for most and unless the image has vertical straight lines near the edges it won't be noticeable in the first place. Additionally if you fix it in your NLE it will probably be done with less loss of quality than if it's done in camera as in camera processing has to be done with minimum processor load and not maximum quality concerns. There are other issues to be more concerned with over lens choice - focus breathing, MF action, Bokeh, CA and image stabilisation. CA can also be fixed in some NLE's or you can import clips into photoshop as a smart object and correct with the filters ( inc distortion). I've seen loads of footage on TV and in the cinema that has uncorrected CA and distortion which may or may not have been added to create a certain 'look'. A lens can also be technically perfect but this doesn't mean it makes for a pleasing image......
  11. Lumix Lens IS works on the BMPCC so likley OL IS will work on the P4k.
  12. Likely due to the LUT used in the V-LOG to REC709 conversion.
  13. It does tend to bring out the best in any camera........
  14. The GH5 is crippled when shot in V-LOG and the standard Panasonic LUT as it's designed for the varicam and not the GH5. Better to use HLG and Resolve color management to convert to REC709 (with all 3 cameras infact). I'm also not sure how relevant 3 stops under and over are to real world shooting as I doubt even the most cack-handed operator would get exposures this wrong but at least it proves what you pay for with the Alexa. It kind of confirms what I though though that the GH5 is not going to be significantly out performed by the P4k as long as you expose and WB it correctly and use the 10 bit 4.2.2 codec.
  15. That’s what your in camera profiles do. Response curves in log or film etc allow you to move more bits to the most important areas of the image and not waste them on areas where they are not needed. Naturally this means you have to pick the profile to fit the scene and nail the exposure to pin the tones in the correct place on the curve. Higher bit depths mean you can afford to ETTR more to minimise noise and not worry you will run into banding when you pull tones down a log curve and stretch the bits out.
  16. Do we still need proof that the GH5 is a good camera when used properly? I keep saying it but every GH5 owner who is waiting to be ‘blown - away’ by the P4k may need to manage their expectations.........
  17. Most of the issues people attribute to 8bit are infact the result of high compression and 4.2.0 chroma subsampling. 8bit 4.2.2 in a good codec like prores can yield excellent results even when using Log capture.
  18. Shirozina


    Depends on how close I sit. If it was a 32" TV the other side of the room no but as a PC monitor I sit close to then yes I would.
  19. Shirozina


    Just writing this on a UHD laptop screen and I'm thinking if it was extended in size to 8k/32" it would look very nice indeed!
  20. I can live with a few teething problems on the first batch.....:)
  21. For the feature list + Resolve studio and the price? Anyone seriously need to read a review before deciding to buy it ?
  22. Shirozina


    To generate a clean 8k picture it will likely need to be downsampled from 12k capture.... On the other hand HD upscaled to 4k looks better than HD on an HD screen to me so maybe an 8k screen is the ideal display to get the best 4k image?????
  23. Not battery drain. It takes processor cycles to display a waveform in real time and the more complex ones that have 3 channels presumably the most. Resolve can start to skip frames with the RGB parade up so I'm just suggesting the lack of scopes may be a physical limitation and not a deliberate choice / crippled feature?
  24. When using waveforms in an NLE it does add a performance hit on the CPU/GPU so maybe this is a factor. I'd like to see an RGB parade as well for the very reason it makes ETTR easier. Zebras are usually linked to the green channel so it's quite possible to be clipping red or blue channels and not be aware of it.
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