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Posts posted by Inazuma

  1. Is there some sort of consensus  that I'm unaware of about what makes a good skin tone? Because I can't shake the feeling that this whole thing is very... racey. Like how do viewers that didn't do the shoot know how the person's skin is supposed to be? Are we just all pushing the tones to what we personally deem "nice"? Should we be pulling in some more reds or blues for Asians "so that their skin isn't so yellow"?

  2. adobe_render_issue.jpg


    When I did the camera test a few weeks ago some people said they saw aliasing and a little moire on the bricks and weatherboards. I was surprised because I'd never seen this issue before when using this camera. So I had a look and saw what they meant.


    On the left is the original .MTS video from my camera when viewing with WMP or VLC. On the right is how it looks when I import it to Adobe Premiere Pro. It looks like that after rendering too. This issue is not present if I convert the MTS to ProRes first.


    Can anyone explain this?

  3. How accurate are these tests though really? When I tested the a6000 (13.1 evs) and gx7 (12.2 evs), I took some raw photos and used Lightroom to push the shadows and pull the highlights on both at different ISOs. The  latitude on both ended up being the same (same highlight recovery, same amount of noise in the shadows). In fact slightly worse on the a6000 because at high ISOs the shadows had a purple cast.


    And if you use the dpreview camera comparison tool, you can see that the Canon 6d clearly has less noise than the Nikon d800, yet it's rated lower on DXOMark.

  4. First of all, I never said I loved deep dof. I also grew up with 1/3" cameras and was ecstatic when I finally got a DSLR with a 30mm f1.4 lens. However my tastes  have matured since then and I can see the uses of both deep and shallow DOF.


    That first picture you showed me is a stupid example. You can't get shallow dof on an infinity focused shot :rolleyes: The second picture is a better example, but they obviously wanted to get The Hound's burnt face in the shot to show off in that first episode. If you look at any other scene where there's one or two people speaking, 90% of the time the background will be very out of focus. It's not a bad thing. It's just that it hides all the interesting things and details going on in the scene. It's really my nostalgia for LOTR that's talking. Because they don't use shallow DOF much for that either. And you get to see a lot more of the scenery (and thus the culture of the location, whether it be Gondor or Mordor), which adds to the immersion.

  5. APS-C vs 4/3. 4/3 format is a bastard talking about cinema standard. Between Super 16mm and 35mm. Less cinematic image and not video image too.

    Whilst i do love a good bokehlicious image, I think for the most part it is overused/rated as a cinematic tool.


    Shows like Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead are shot on 35mm film, but often use deep focus. Their image is very atmospheric. Quentin Trrantino is another director who mostly uses deep focus. And if i remember correctly, Reservoir dogs was shot on 16mm.


    Then you have shows like Game Of Thrones that uses the Super 35 Arri Alexa. They often use shallow DOF, but to their detriment IMO. Because all the effort they put into making the fantastic sets becomes blurred out in every dialogue shot. Also I sometimes find shallow DOF to make the image look fake - as if the actors have been green screened in to the scene.

  6. From the bullet points OP made, it doesnt sound like there was any new info from that webcast except that Panasonic acknowledge the audio issue as a hardware problem.


    @Michael: The thing is that I have not noticed as much love for the GH4 as you seem to have. Not that I love it either (pretty happy with what I have already). Every clip of the GH4 posted is met with quite a lot of criticism either about the sharpness, dynamic range, low light performance and/or colour. And then there's people like me who have shot with these Panasonic cameras and know their potential, so I do get a little frustrated at the backlash but meh, I cant change opinions so why bother caring so much? What I will agree with is that there are too many fucking GH4 threads. And that includes this one,

  7. Looks too processed. Skintones are too golden and yes there seems to be a slight blue-purple cast to all the midtones. As for the editing/direction, we kind of got the point of the video within the first 20 seconds when she says "I love the ocean". The rest of the video seems to be her repeating similar lines and walking along the same paths. In fact none of the storytelling is done through visual means.


    Sorry not trying to be mean or anything, just telling it how I see it.

  8. I have the gx7 and love it. Apparently it has slightly better image quality than the g6. But if I had to choose again I would probably get the g6 or the gh3 due to the more substantial grip.

    The peaking works fine for me. I don't know whether or not it differs between the gx7 and g6. But when I tested the a6000, I found it to work slightly less well.

  9. I have read from a few people (including Andrew - I THINK) that it's kind of pointless to get the GH4 if you don't want 4k. Also there was a reviewer that posted here a couple weeks ago saying that the GH4 image quality is just marginally better than the GH3.

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