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Posts posted by Inazuma

  1. Sooooo….. as someone who's just getting started… Should I be selling my nikon m43 speed booster, and sigma to 18-35 nikon mount lens, and buy one of these and some canon glass instead?


    Canon glass really that much better looks wise then Nikon?


    The idea of IS sounds really awesome though. Especially for documentary shooting and taking photos. But you have to use slower lens, which is a shame. I suppose I could always get another sigma 18 - 35 second hand but canon mount.


  2. Can you post an example? I don't see how this can even touch lens IS. From the sound of it, the app takes pictures and records data from accelerometer at the same time, then uses that data to stabilise the footage in post. But the way lens IS works, there are elements working in real time that counterbalance any shake. The accelerometer in the phone may be able to record the direction it is facing, but it cant counterbalance jittery hands. Unless you can prove me wrong with some footage?

  3. Sorry to resurrect an old thread but..

    Film Convert helps add a bit of authenticity to the video output of the E-M1. However if adding film grain you must make sure not to stress the codec you’re mastering the final project in. Do NOT use the ‘DSLR’ preset in Adobe Premiere for your timeline and do not let the timeline take the form of the E-M1′s H.264 video at just 24Mbit. Instead use ProRes 444 otherwise the image will break-up when Film Convert is applied.

    Does this advice apply to all footage shot at 24mbps and below? And do you mean to convert the footage to ProRes proxy before importing to Premiere? Or to just create a sequence using ProRes (or Dnxhd in my case) settings? And why would this make a difference anyway?

  4. Here's another great example of the what the Olympus can do



    I don't know about you, but if I were to shoot something like that, especially for minutes at a time, the end result would be really quite shaky! I also quite like the colour rendition (when the camera stops changing WB). The dynamic range is not bad either; he could have underexposed it a bit to keep some highlight detail. But I still have a problem with the way it handles fine details (cotton jackets, hair, leaves, etc)... Maybe the supposed (but still somewhat doubtful) new firmware will fix this?

  5. It's possible that part of Nikon's deal with Sony means that they can't add certain video features to their cameras.


    I remember reading somewhere that Olympus wasn't able to add focus peaking in to their cameras for a while because of such a contract. And even now, Olympus' focus peaking is a really strange implementation. Remember also that the GH3 uses a Sony sensor. Maybe Sony disallows focus peaking to be used on any cameras that use their sensor except their own?

  6. Cinema 5D have tested the A5100, found it to have 13 stops of DR and less rolling shutter than the GH4. Very impressive at this price. It's good that cinema 5D now seem to be testing this kind of thing routinely. No mention though of what difference the 50 Mbps XAVCS makes vs AVCHD. I guess it's harder to devise a repeatable test for the kind of things you'd expect a higher bitrate to be better at, such as the amount of visible mud, blocking when filming detailed motion and so on. It would be interesting to see this up against a hacked D5200, to see who the king of apsc is. More testing to come apparently.

    http://***URL not allowed***/lab-review-sony-a5100-video-dynamic-range-power/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=lab-review-sony-a5100-video-dynamic-range-power

    The GH4 rolling shutter test is done in 4k, which is much worse than it is at 1080p. Also that a5100 images looks pretty soft. The "colorchecker" text is hard to read even though it's quite a big font. However the dynamic range they claim is most excellent, if true.

  7. I emailed 43rumors asking "do any of the em1 rumors indicate the video image detail will improve?" and they said yes. I asked when the firmware will be announced and he said within 10 days. 


    Even though I love the image I get from the GH3 and I love the handling, I would probably give it up for the 5-axis and better viewfinder if the EM1's video detail is improved.

  8. Those are probably from the two h264 cameras; gh4 and canon 1dc. From my experience, that type of noise and banding occurs when you try to use a LUT that tries to push more data around than is present

  9. Sorry to quote myself here but does anyone have any suggestions/advice for me? Much appreciated

    The answer to your questions depends entirely on your aesthetic preferences and uses of your equipment. For example, I use my gear for planned shoots and so have a rig and several constant aperture Nikon-mount zoom lenses. I really believe people should buy what they need.. not what will sell better in future.

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