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Xavier Plagaro Mussard

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Posts posted by Xavier Plagaro Mussard

  1. Blackmagic strategy is ridiculous. They keep selling vaporware, when they could perfectly sell their products, which are very nice. They could have come with a Pocket 2.0 or mkII with a better LCD and little else and keep it at $1000 or stay with the first version and put the price at $750. Nobody would have complained. Instead they announce something that never gets out. 

  2. After getting a taste of raw video, I'm never going back.

    That's why I am delaying and delaying the first bite! ;-DD


    Instead of being immersed in the story, I was distracted by these production issues ruthlessly revealed by too much resolution. 

    The first DDD CDs sounded awful, engineers where using all the tricks to compensate the tape loosing high frequencies, in a digital format that do not attenuate high frequencies. You wonder if sound engineers have any hearing capacity left sometimes. 

    Same goes for 4K production. You need a 4K monitor, two eyes and a BRAIN. From "it seems to be there" to "wow look that wig on that actor" the step is short! 

  3. Aside mad scientists (ala Rich) or fanboys (ala Mattias), the history of Kodak will be studied as how to go from heaven to hell with bad business choices. We complain about Canon, Nikon and Samsung, but Kodak is the worsest!!!!!!! ;-DD

    BTW, well shot Super 8 is great, it's just the cost and workflow that doesn't make sense for most videomakers in 2016. 

  4. Testing additional H265 4K NX1 material, there is no question PP CC 2015.1 is much more responsive on it than on H264 4K from the other cameras. That doesn't make sense, considering H265 is much more compute-intensive to decode.

    IMHO, that makes sense. Adobe programmed the h264 part a long time ago. The h265 more recently. Computer-intensive is everything video related. Responsiveness depends more on well programmed software/fast storage, than on CPU/GPU brute force potential. 

  5. Hey, I'm spanish, but I must confess that you are mostly right!!! 

    The whole cinema scene in Spain is based on dick-sucking. There are 3-4 producers which can make money producing 2-3 films per year even if nobody watch them. They get public money whether they have a gem or a shit. In the "best" times 200 movies were produced of which only 10 more or less had theatre time. The others went to film deposits. At most some pass on TV in the middle of the night!!! Spanish cinema counts on Almodovar and another pair of directors to get some traction. 

    In Italy where I live now is more or less the same, with the difference that here there are more than a couple of directors with talent!

  6. Imho, Adobe keeps adding features to their programs, without really building a new version from scratch. I remember a lot of years ago, I was on a PC and Premiere gave me an error in a window that was from two versions of Windows before!!!

    I now use a 1920x1200 external monitor and I am thinking about getting a 4K one, but I have one doubt, will my setup be faster or slower??

  7. And would something like a Rode NTG3 be a must for good field sound?

    What is a must for good audio is to have the mic as near as possible to the sound source you want to capture. If you must be further than 1 meter, it's better to use a mic with directional response. So if you must be at 3-4 meters, a shotgun like the Rode you mention is great! Of course, if the background is noisy, divide the distances by three!!! ;-DD

  8. I don't know in your countries how broadcast tv looks. I bought a new 4K 55" panasonic tv here in Italy. I dedicated 10 minutes to cancel any "improvement" to the image from the tv set. But the problem is broadcast, it looks like shit. SD is a seminar on compression artefacts. HD is somehow better (only 5 channels on national TV in Italy and not all the time!).  SKY satellite is horrible too. Then I watched one of my videos on YouTube (with the tv app) and it looked wonderful! It's pretty sad that broadcasting is destroying the work of thousand of professionals.

    I still remember when broadcast was the quality and for the web the bad one!!! Nowadays is the opposite!

  9. Hi Xavier,

    Has the build quality improved? From these pictures it looks really awful, thanks!


    Let's put it this way, Sturdycam is not about italian design! If you want a beautiful object, their products are not for you. On the other hand they are very solid and well built. Ugly but sturdy! 

    How did you do that?

    Also if youre usually only using the LX100 does this help with setup time? Thanks

    The LX100 with it's wide-angle and OIS it's really the perfect camera for any gimbal. And of course, you choose your gimbal, choose your camera, balance everything and then you stop fiddling with it!!!

  10. The start of the trailer really borders being too epic, it seems there will be a Lord of the Rings film...

    I have walked 200km of the Camino so I am very curious about your film!!! ;-DD


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