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    Emanuel reacted to MrSMW in Once in a lifetime shoot. What primes should I bring?   
    Well try and get your heads around this one…
    Given the choice of my 28-70 f2.8 or my 24-105 f4, I’ll take the 28-70 every time.
    Size, weight, minimal extension of zoom but perhaps more importantly, actual focal lengths.
    24 is a bit wide for me as a medium wide and I prefer 28 or 35 but in recent years, I have settled on 28 as it’s about the sweet spot for not making stuff look out of proportion.
    I get why some folks like 50mm but personally find it a bit too ordinary/boring so prefer 65/70.
    105 is a bit ‘meh’ to me either being not much longer than 90 (which is my other principal lens/focal length) but well short of 150+ which is what I’d ideally need for longer stuff.
    So 28-70 used only at 28 or 70 is about 85% of my (stills) work these days with the other 15% split approx <5% 16mm and 10% 90.
    For video, simples, as above x1.5…although having said that, I am going to be trialling 6k 30p ‘open gate’ in a couple of weeks, as long as I can control/get around any flicker/banding.
    Why not just go with PAL standard 25p? No option for slow mo…which I am moving away from a little by going for a milder 80% instead of 50% ie, 30 on a 24 timeline.
    And having said all of that, my ideal focal length lens would be that Tamron 35-150 which would combine 2 bodies down to one, but that would mean switching systems to Sony or Nikon. And I’ve looked, but not!
    In the end, we’re all different and have different needs and tastes 😬
  2. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Anaconda_ in Once in a lifetime shoot. What primes should I bring?   
    I would recommend not changing lenses at a concert. Firstly you'll lose time finding enough space to change them, or balance the lenses in your arms and risk dropping everything.
    But most importantly, concerts get hot and you will 100% get condensation on the sensor, meaning you'll be unable to shoot anything for a minute or so each time.
    Better to have two bodies with a nice combination of primes (say the 21 and the 50)
    But I would personally stick to the zoom on cam A with a super wide prime for cam B.
  3. Like
    Emanuel reacted to gt3rs in New Nikon Camera coming…Z8?   
    Seems a really good camera, probably the best hybrid at the moment.

    It makes A1, Z9 and R3 look overpriced compared to this. Really good that Nikon is aggressive with the price/features pushing Canon and Sony. 

    Only odd thing that apparently it cannot record video on both cards...and personally I don't like the screen as is a pita on gimbals...
  4. Like
    Emanuel reacted to homestar_kevin in New Nikon Camera coming…Z8?   
    Also Canon EF mount and Sony E lenses work perfectly on Nikon Z via adapters.
  5. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Django in New Nikon Camera coming…Z8?   
    ..and great affordable Nikkor glass (from AI-S to AF-S) to adapt natively. Nikon have a much longer F mount legacy lens series than Canons EF that goes all the way back to the 70s and that are compact and really well built.
  6. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Django in New Nikon Camera coming…Z8?   
    If you're a solo shooter doing events/sports you might be shooting video and cannot switch to stills at a specific moment so grabbing (8K) stills is a very handy option. @gt3rs has been doing this a lot with R5/R5C on his extreme sports and safari shoots and the stills look amazing. 
    This Z8 if rumoured specs and price are correct is really shaping up to be the R5/R5C killer from Nikon. 
  7. Like
    Emanuel reacted to MrSMW in New Nikon Camera coming…Z8?   
    I’m interested in 8k for frame grabs to use as actual proper photography stills.
    2k is trash for that, 4k OK, 6k good and 8k where it’s at.
    But yes, I’m not interested in size for the sake of size, especially if it is at the expense of other areas.
  8. Like
    Emanuel reacted to ntblowz in New Nikon Camera coming…Z8?   
    Sorry but VR and VP will need 8K, just because you dont need it doesn't mean others dont need it either.
  9. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Marcio Kabke Pinheiro in New Nikon Camera coming…Z8?   
    The RAW case was dismissed, and Nikon is free to keep it.
  10. Like
    Emanuel reacted to FHDcrew in New Nikon Camera coming…Z8?   
    Apparently the ghost of DPREVIEW is lurking...
  11. Like
    Emanuel reacted to newfoundmass in Another one bites the dust   
    This is really unfortunate.
    DPReview seems to still be active. It's strange. They even posted a video (not by Chris & Jordan) on YouTube. 
  12. Like
    Emanuel reacted to hyalinejim in Another one bites the dust   
    It's a pity to see it go. I used it from time to time for reviews and to check out RAW files from various cams.
    Here are some other sites from the old days of the internet that I still use for researching contemporary and vintage lenses.
    And for RAW files to mess around with:
    Any other interesting sites to add to this list? (before they all disappear and we're stuck watching gear reviews about what gear to buy to make a gear review... for eternity)
  13. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Marcio Kabke Pinheiro in Another one bites the dust   
    Yep. Their comparometer image test, together with DPReview one, was one of the best ways to compare cameras.
  14. Sad
    Emanuel reacted to ntblowz in Another one bites the dust   
    Part of the camera history just gone like that
  15. Thanks
    Emanuel reacted to Chxfgb in RAW Video on a Smartphone   
    All I can do is rule out the Mi 10T Pro. It doesn't do 120fps. It isn't an option for any resolution. Maybe it's because frame drops are common. It just goes up to 60. I recommend you ask on their Discord server, where you will probably get a fast answer in the dedicated Xiaomi room.
  16. Like
    Emanuel reacted to kye in Another one bites the dust   
    I don't think so.
    Most of the photography blog were just endlessly repeating "more resolution cameras, more resolution lenses, more resolution computers" but using different words over and over again.  The odd post of "15 things to do with a fisheye lens" disguised this myopia, but it was the water that the entire camera internet swam in, and still mostly is.
    Now cameras have huge resolution and social-media can sustain the endless resolution-navel-gazing that people seem to want.  I think there's room for one or two blogs that discuss non-resolution-based-topics, but that assumes that the writers actually have enough knowledge of non-resolution-based-topics to keep a blog alive.  That's drastically fewer people than there were camera blogs, thus the "market correction" we're currently experiencing.
  17. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Chxfgb in Another one bites the dust   
    I don't understand why they can't leave the website live and just stop updating it. Web hosting can be very cheap. They can leave affiliate links and ads to pay for the hosting. I have used the site many times when considering lenses and probably have clicked an affiliate price link, I expect the same applies to a big percentage of photographers and videographers.
  18. Sad
    Emanuel reacted to Marcio Kabke Pinheiro in Another one bites the dust   
    Imaging Resource is gone (really), without announcement.


    Was my preferred, above DPReview.
  19. Like
    Emanuel reacted to herein2020 in Another one bites the dust   
    The only good news is that cameras are so good these days and social media has reduced most forms of produced media to warranting barely more than a passing glance so no matter what camera you buy your biggest competitor will be the cell phone vs the camera you did not buy.
  20. Like
    Emanuel reacted to markr041 in Sony New Camera Launch - 29th March 2023   
    That's an important question.  Two advantages of an external mic mounted on the camera over internal mics that are now negated by the ZV E1 are that you can choose directionality and conveniently use a deadcat to muffle wind.
    So that then leaves pure audio fidelity, which might vary by sound source.
    The ZV E1 videos I posted have recordings of various instruments including voice. So one can judge whether the audio is good enough for these sources (forward direction was used; uncompressed 16bit 48Hz audio was recorded internally).
  21. Thanks
    Emanuel reacted to markr041 in Sony New Camera Launch - 29th March 2023   
    Here is a third test video I shot with the ZV E1, kit lens, and internal mics at 4K 60p in the sun at 70 degrees F:
  22. Like
    Emanuel reacted to newfoundmass in Sony New Camera Launch - 29th March 2023   
    I think it's ridiculous that people need to even come up with their own solutions to a problem that shouldn't exist to begin with. That's just me though!
  23. Like
    Emanuel reacted to ntblowz in Sony New Camera Launch - 29th March 2023   
    This guy managed to get 4K60p recording from 40min to over 1hr 40min with this fan kit

  24. Thanks
    Emanuel reacted to Django in Sony New Camera Launch - 29th March 2023   
    So I just tried the ZV-E1 among other recent releases and here are some quick thoughts:
    The build quality is better than I thought, nothing like the previous toy-like ZV cams and much closer to current A7 series, probably closest to A7C. Unit carries a certain weight so balances ok even with bigger (prime) lenses.
    Very minimal design and button layout. While this may seem like a con its also a pro, kind of reminds me of Leica philosophy. Yes sometimes less is more. 
    Set the shutter speed with the dial, aperture with the thumbwheel. Zoom with the rocker switch. Jump to stills/video/S&Q with the mode switch.
    Just about everything else is done on the touchscreen like a smartphone. This is where things start to go a little sideways. The tiny 3" display and small fonts of the settings require precision, and the Sony menu and overlays don't help. But it is still more handy than most other A7 cameras with their limited touch capabilities. 
    By default just about everything is automatic, like a smartphone. Basically point & shoot. And it works pretty well as in no major jarring issues. The AF is top notch, I tried several lenses including my F1.8 Zeiss and it didn't skip a beat.. smooth AF, pun intended. 
    No surprise about the IQ, its an A7Siii sensor. Clear image zoom via the rocker switch is killer though, really like that function lifted from FX3. 
    Tried the AI reframing stuff, didn't gel with it. Applies a huge crop.
    Now about the overheat. After 15mn of shooting 4K60p indoors using lowest bitrate codec, the camera shut off with no warning. I thought the battery had died lol. That was on the normal level heat setting, so I put it into high and didn't run into the issue again but I was shooting short clips, changing lenses every 5 minutes and didn't spend more than an hour with the unit. I didn't have a fast card so wasn't even able to test out the higher bitrate settings or ALL-I. The camera did feel warm after about hour.
    This pretty much confirmed my suspicions through the reviews that this camera is not fit for pro/extended use but rather casual shooting. I still find the price of 2799€ pretty bonkers for a camera with no EVF, single card slot, zero cooling, no mechanical shutter etc. But the IQ and snappiness is impressive.
    That being said, it does make the A7SIII feel somewhat sluggish & dated. And all this tech in an A7 body would be nice. I guess its a good preview into what's to expect in upcoming higher end Sony bodies..
  25. Thanks
    Emanuel reacted to markr041 in Sony New Camera Launch - 29th March 2023   
    Very nice write-up. But one advantage of the ZV E1 is Dynamic Active Stabilization (DAS). It turns out that what is going on is that Sony is exploiting Clear Image Zoom technology, now much improved by AI - you can use all the tracking AF features with CIZ - CIZ is better on the E1 than on any fx camera (and the a7s iii) because of the AI (you lose tracking focus with ZIZ on all other cameras). Anyway, the DAS uses the augmented CIZ to zoom out to accomplish the crop. So the loss of resolution you expect from the crop is not there! Moreover you really can walk and shoot with the camera with no gimbal and it looks good  - much better than the simple crop you get using gyro stabilization in post, and a smoother result.
    I will have a 4K 60P real video soon, which shows off the audio (live music), focus pulls, CIZ, DAS, and AF. Shot in 4K 60P HEVC 200 Mbps 10bit 422 Slog3. And I used the kit lens. First time with the camera. As you said, the images look as good as the fx3 (a7s iii), but the capabilities are really enhanced for using in the field.
    And, in a 2.5 hours shooting with clips ranging from 10 seconds to two minutes exhausting 96 GB's of storage and 76% of the battery the camera never even got warm (65 degree (F) weather and humid).
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