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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Emanuel

    Panasonic GH6

    This doesn't make any sense, are you talking to whom exactly now? Is someone else's dick bigger than anyone else? I don't take you as a believer, I guess not : ) You mean, thinking out loud? Of course, to praise this or that benefit about some brand doesn't diminish some other. What distinguishes the attitude (applies for professional career too) is not the brand you acquire but for sure, much more the fact you won't dress this or that shirt just because you've purchased from them. No idea how many years any or everyone here is spending their own money on gear but I know how many years I've been placing mine. Yes, as repeatedly witten, Panasonic is among them and not little when you stop to count when reaches the number of 11 or 12 camera units... How many times do I have to write it more and more? Phew. NOBODY here or anywhere else should be refrained of any criticism addressed to any brand by unqualified fan love about a camera trademark. No track plays at all. Got it. Now replying to you directly on your invective(s) (one by one) -- that was only a preamble generally speaking... LOL I am not looking specifically for a Sony. FYI I am used to OWN (and USE) cameras of many manufacturers, so this purchase of a couple of units is only one plus. The fact I am buying a new system based on a new mount system won't stop me to keep some other mount options JFYI. But yes, I could have invested on more gear from the same camera supplier than adding a new lineup, that's correct. The point is not for a set of specs. There's another pipe to consider beyond, for making business. Hence the case. I only said that nothing is wrong with Sony in response to your comment. This should not trigger such reaction or maybe just rhetorical? ; ) No topic justifies that, no thread subject, etc.. Said "insistent"?... Really? Who or what actually? The one who claims against some unacceptable business practices not in favour of any customer from the supply side BTW, is that so? Did we understand it quite well? Or some discomfort only because someone else has some criticism to address to a sacred cow? I don't believe I'm reading it from you : ) No worries, buyer's remorse is always in good shape when we got a good deal. Something you did and I even praised your luck. This doesn't necessarily mean they behave accordingly with everyone. That's all about that, so let's the world coexist outside. And please, also some perspective as fair add-on. Better to be silent where fits to be, not trying to gag whoever else when happens to tell (but could be to think) in a dissonant way. Simple. Never feed the discussion if we don't stand to listen to. This is nothing about my team against yours. No more words needed to infer how much nonsense sounds to be if so. Let's get the right scope or too much distraction over there.
  2. Emanuel

    Panasonic GH6

    Yes, I've called them twice. A couple of days ago and today again. In the digital age, yes. This is not the first occasion I call Amazon and never had a single problem with Amazon customer service before. On the contrary, I've always been treated accordingly by them. Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's. People blame Amazon, but this is a Panasonic store inside their shopping system. No idea what comes next but they told me they would contact me in 24 hours. Well, for now, they accept they concur that's not client's fault as I heard now from their call center. The customer is deemed to have fulfilled the sale conditions when placing the order. Now let's wait and see. Nothing wrong on Sony's IBIS and colour, neither with their prices at least which look like as solid as their camera bodies. Panasonic sales department doesn't look like to follow the rule this time ; )
  3. Yup @markr041 power zoom is handy to not say mandatory for video purposes for sure. I am wondering if stabilized Sony ones may or may not end more as a trouble than a solution itself? Any tips from your own experience, guys?
  4. Emanuel

    Panasonic GH6

    But then what about the disclaimer to simply say it 'while stocks last ' ?! No, they didn't. Moreover, they even placed the number of units available (IIRC 15 units and more to come"!) And only today is Black Friday... with the price of EUR 400 (as much as their rebate) higher (in the same proportion) than in the beginning of the week. This is not the correct way of doing business, I'm sorry but no way. I am buying a couple of FX30 very likely. Ah and also buying new Sony glass BTW. The new Sony gear I am buying in 3 decades FYI. I've been a Panasonic customer for this period. Still waiting for their written answer to my written request. Amazon has responded unsatisfactory to my phone call. Vague to fit who knows what, not addressing the issue properly. That's where such aggressive marketing leads.
  5. I stand corrected, the 70-180mm f/2.8 has no stabilization. I've wrongly taken VXD as such when it is linear focus motor related instead hence the fast focusing properties as much as the other zoom BTW for external daytime use by all means, with the plus of stabilization.
  6. Thanks guys : ) I've found this one fairly interesting as all round lens with macro feature all included, go figure! Even though, we cannot live without fast primes at same time, that's for sure ;- ) Perhaps to couple the Tamron 70-180mm f/2.8 which looks like a solid option too with fast AF even sharper (!) on the corners (first version at lease) than the Sony counterpart and much more affordable, obviously. Both Tamron zooms have stabilization integrated for handheld video, pretty useful of course, that is, if not a trouble to deal with IBIS altogether.
  7. *three (erratum: there's so valuable glass information by this good fellow of ours there that I even counted another post extra just to not let it unnoticeable : D)
  8. Looks like this has been a win-win by Sony, I see it each day the variety of options coming out even via adapters allowing the use of other native mounts such as the most affordable bang for the buck (MFT) route so far. From David @IronFilm who has posted on the FX30 thread an interesting roll of them in four successive posts from there: What about AF performance on those not manual? And here's also an useful side-by-side comparative wide open on wide end by one of the usual suspects (as my fair disclaimer, I really find the dude funny enough also often bringing much more accurate reflections on the camera and glass gear he lightly talks about from those ramblings of his own but on the spot more frequently than the reverse):
  9. Emanuel

    Panasonic GH6

    Unfortunately, as far as I could understand, this is happening going on with their Amazon Panasonic store but also with some other authorized reseller stores out there changing prices like day trading... : X this is the behaviour which has puzzled me TBH.
  10. Emanuel

    Panasonic GH6

    These guys are crazy... This is not a way of doing reliable business with cameras. Sounds to me like when a bad screenwriter cheats the audience. EVERYTHING must be very clear to bring respect which means every rule of promotion, rebate, whatever, enough clear with transparent deadlines, etc.. This is a way to kill some reputation of a brand after decades of building up. Seems clear to me someone should be fired there. I'm sorry for my harsh words but this utterly pisses me off. I am in this industry for more than 25 years as professional player and I simply don't accept these practices. No way.
  11. So @Django what lenses would you recommend for AF?
  12. User error? I find it hard to accept it but it could be lens related yes, indeed. Thanks for your comment and suggestion : ) Once this is the Sony's thread so I am opening a new thread here: Please help. Suggestions are very welcome. BTW do you use any Fujifilm camera atm?
  13. Coming from this post and this particular test: And this one here: Any tips on good AF performance from your own testing and X-mount glass? Please let us know.
  14. Emanuel

    Panasonic GH6

    It's a hell of a capture device, that's for sure : ) Enjoy yours! I know that Panasonic gear scent... ; ) Unfortunately this time, they didn't even allow me to comply my order as reported, hence my frustration... These variation prices playing games with the customer is what bothers me (not the lack of reliable AF! : D) actually really annoy more than giving wish to be as loyal as I've been for 36 years already now! I guess there's someone not doing the job as due and we've become used to, this is solid Panasonic brand or should be. Where people see as a safe purchase as every single camera I still hold made by them. Thanks for the tip :- )
  15. Pretty good?... Are you serious? I wouldn't call it this 'pretty good': To say 'just not Canon/Sony level' is pure semantics... ; )
  16. Emanuel

    Panasonic GH6

    Despite the fact, they didn't allow me to comply my order for the EUR 1579, the price is going higher the day after again... Seems they'd rather offer camera gear as they could sell flight tickets, this is completely odd at best. Now let's only wait for next rebate when their outdated AF system will each the shelves' dust once again... LOL One of the requirements of a much complex industry as this motion picture field is stands on the premise of the guaranteed value like happens with my glass collection without much variables in decades in any way other than as a solid gradual increase on its monetary worth. I've written to them but if they increase the price to provide the illusion of their rebate... ...in two successive working days a couple of days before the event (it's yet Wednesday... two days for Black Friday!) becomes all this as uniquely and truly misleading to say it in the very least... These practices should be erradicated. Caesar's wife must be above suspicion.
  17. Have you tested it on the X-H2 in your hands, Andrew?
  18. Not in my shopping list but lovely one anyway: cinemaglass.com, distributor of GL Optics in LA.
  19. If you need AF, no new codecs will give you the trick. Bring unusuable shots to life instead, yes. As well on the other hand, a faster readout will, with an improved rolling shutter. No need to compare apples to oranges either, a hybrid can be a motion picture camera but not much the opposite.
  20. Emanuel

    Panasonic GH6

    Yes, but not before. I tried to submit the order on Amazon France as matter of fact and some bug didn't allow me to complete the purchase. When I tried later on, the price had been changed... This doesn't make any sense especially when Black Friday is coming in three days in the end of the week, not in the beginning of the week, the Monday before. I still want to believe Monday is the first working day of the week, not Friday! Without mention, they didn't even let me comply the payment before a new price (extra EUR 200) had been placed. This is not aggressive marketing (now they say they only have 15 units in stock on Amazon France page), this is purely misleading to the customers, go figure loyal ones as myself for 36 years now!
  21. *Obviously a camera is not only its AF capabilities, no crop 4K 120fps (against the X-H2s 1.29x and FX30 1.38x crops) makes GH6 to be unique and X-H2s surely trumps as hybrid the FX30 without mechanical shutter is not -- let alone the rolling shutter performance, but when we have a few of capture devices already, we need something to justify a new all round motion picture camera purchase, isn't it? ; )
  22. I don't know guys... but this Sony entry looks like to me the most all round unbeatable cam under $2000 as of now against the usual direct contenders GH6 (sample) & my fav X-H2s (sample) to even lack a basic focus tracking feature in 2022 despite their (other) strengths we all already know: Obviously a camera is not only its AF capabilities (no crop 4K 120fps against the X-H2s 1.29x and FX30 1.38x crops) makes GH6 to be unique and X-H2s surely trumps as hybrid the FX30 without mechanical shutter is not, let alone the rolling shutter performance) but when we have a few of capture devices already, we need something to justify a new all round camera purchase, isn't it? ; )
  23. Thanks! I've also found this sample here:
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