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  1. ND64

    Vivo X200 Pro

    For exactly this wrong definition promoted by institutions like IMF we had to hear ridiculous terms like "transitory inflation" from politicians that wasn't.
  2. ND64

    Vivo X200 Pro

    While tariffs make things more expensive, and MAGA crowd is dumb enough to not understand that, its not actually inflation, because inflation is caused by increasing money supply. When money supply is not increased much but some goods become more expensive for whatever reason, shift in purchasing happens. Meaning you stop buying things you were buying before. And that's recession.
  3. Remember "Essential" workers in covid lockdown days? Did they become millionaires? No. Because a job's income is determined by the number of available people who are willing to do that, not the importance of the job. And there are lot of people who want to be essential workers. The only reason train operator income is relatively high, despite the high number of people who want this job, is unions that can keep the income artificially higher. There is no union for video shooter and content creators. And thats because the political left couldn't figure out how to extend it to the industries that didn't exist in those years Marx was alive.
  4. Interesting stories in that Reddit discussion. I guess we're dealing with Chinafication of content creation: super fast, short, low budget, cheap consumerism.
  5. Don't want to start 2025 with a negative post, but I saw this depressing new year resolution today: Nothing wrong with being a train operator, but we're at a point that being a train operator is a better career option than shooting pro video with RED cameras.
  6. ND64

    Vivo X200 Pro

    That phone camera is cool, but image quality comparison on compressed-to-oblivion platform like YouTube, with 4k maximum resolution, which is only 8MP, and even a crop on that resolution for the sample images, is anything but legit comparison. BTW, while I love to have 5x optical zoom on my phone, I'm not sure it stays in the market for long time due to complexities it introduces to the whole smartphone manufacturing which has already became too complicated. For example my Chinese smartphone has a motor driven selfie camera. It was the best thing happened by the industry in my opinion. The camera unit is inside the phone when its not used, which is a big plus if you care about privacy (and you want to know when exactly the camera is on. No hacker can see you when the sensor is physically blocked, and you'll notice when an app requests a visual feed), and as a bonus your screen will always be hole/island free. But Chinese abandoned it after one or two generations, and made the upgrade a massive pain for me, since there is that stupid hole on the screen on every new smartphone. Its very hard to come back to that ugliness. They said its a mechanical thing and a point of failure, but mine never failed, even after exactly 5 years of heavy use. Thats Toyota level of reliability in the smartphone world. So my advice is if you see a cool feature, grab the phone and keep it. This market has a giant backyard of abandoned good ideas. The moment they find a cheaper solution to give you a 5x zoom, even with crappier results, they'll ditch the expensive optics. Even if we're talking about $11.5 a unit expensive.
  7. Taking risk is riskier for smaller player. Look at the internet backlash against Z6III new sensor problems. Nikon might sell fewer than it expected because of that, but the volume of this all arounder is enough to absorb the lost sales. With smaller volume, you have to be sure nobody will complain. I'm not saying they should be conservative, I'm saying maybe they couldn't find a trouble free sensor with the price they can afford. Maybe A1 sensor isn't for sale, or Sony's charging too much.
  8. They sent modified Z9 to the space station. That alone is enough evidence that there will be no DSLR release. No customer is more conservative than NASA.
  9. Its hard to believe Canon lose its domination. 1 in 2 photographers in the world own a Canon, and they see no reason to switch.
  10. For exactly the same reason Nikon will release the updated P1000 superzoom with no change but USB port. At this point they can't add more than a penny to the BoM of this kind of cameras.
  11. Nikon IBIS+VR combo at tele is best in class, and its intriguing that nobody figured it out yet how to reach peak performance at both ends, Sony is very good at wide focal length but terrible at tele.
  12. Yes, if you can live with contrast AF.
  13. It shows how h265 capture is good enough for YouTube level content, rather than unnecessity of the raw. And by the way we haven't seen true potential of NRAW, because as of now its only available in cameras that have relatively low DR sensors. The perfect scenario however would be universal support of JPEG XL by all camera makers. Its free, its efficient, it can do raw, alpha, up to 32 bit, HDR, basically every feature that is needed.
  14. Samsung has consistency problem in all their businesses. Look at their Exynos shape right now, or even their OLED. They abandoned large sensor production to focus on smartphone sensor, and they're already pioneer in small pixel tech, yet you find no Samsung sensor in the main camera of the flagships.
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