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Eric Calabros

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    Eric Calabros reacted to OleB in Simple colour grading > Camera colour science (Why you should learn to colour grade)   
    Before I started to develop the Rec709 conversion for the SIGMA fp I did quite a bit of research on how different manufacturers are creating theirs as a starting point.

    One of the main ingredients seems to be that after the tone mapping of the cameras dynamic range into Rec709 nearly all manufacturers LUTs have a baked in default contrast around a pivot point of middle grey.

    This looks great in a controlled studio scene, because it will be quite punchy out of the box. Additionally, it is hiding shadow noise because it will push these down as well.

    However, in reality this means you are always pushing highlight information much higher by default than you would need to. Same goes for the shadow details. So usually the first post step would be to counter this effect.
    My conclusion out of this was to create Rec709 LUTs, which are only tone mapping correctly and possibly create a smooth rolloff. Contrast has/can be added in post around a custom pivot point, or by adjusting the curves.
    Let me demonstrate that effect on some sample stills, guess that is easier to understand. 

    SIGMA fp Rec709 LUT (only colour and tone mapping into Rec709):

    SIGMA fp Rec709 LUT + default contrast at a pivot of 45 IRE (intentionally a little bit too much to show the effect):

    SIGMA fp Rec709 LUT + custom contrast at a pivot of 75 IRE

    Guess this is one of the main reasons so many professional colourists are using CST/ACES workflows, to have a better starting point compared to manufacturer Rec709s. Maybe this information can provide useful for some of you. 🙂
  2. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to markr041 in The great 8K debate. Why I have changed my mind   
    My experience shooting 8K RAW with the Nikon Z8 is similar - the 8K videos look stunning even viewed in 8K on 4K monitors.
    Of course, extracting stills from video slips runs up against shooting at low frame rates and shutter speeds. I shoot at 8K 60p because I am into "you are there" video, not filmic video. And shooting at 1/125th is sufficient for most stills-from-video to avoid blur.
    An 8K video, and extracted 8K stills:
    You can only watch this in 8K using the Chrome browser - neither Edge nor safari will display in 8k no matter what (actually I got to select 8K just clicking on the video here and I am using Edge!?).
    Some extracted stills:

  3. Confused
    Eric Calabros reacted to Davide DB in How you design a $2000 FF hybrid camera?   
    I would take the industrial design team and lock them in a room with:
    - A Hassemblad 907X 50C kit
    - An Insta360 One RS kit
    - An old Zenza Bronica with grip.
    Essentially I would want a camera consisting of:
    A squared brain with buttons, inputs and outputs, and a minimal display (like a ZCam or the front one of a GoPro) that would allow me to configure the machine.
    A high-resolution 3.5 inches display module to attach to the rear that can rotate as we are used to on a GH5. I am not talking about an external monitor but a module that adheres to the butt of the brain and forms a complete body capable of controlling and configuring it like an integrated display. The whole thing a parallelepiped like an FX3.
    A Hassemblad-style handle/grip complete with controls and wheels to add to the brain and get the ergonomics of a current camera.
    Throw in an adapter with ND.
    Put the pieces together and you have a complete camera suitable for photo and video.
    If you just use the brain you have a komodo/zcam/BS1H style stuff that you can configure as a cinema rig.
    add display and handle and you get a complete camera.
    Hassemblad 907X 5C has everything (but the touch display is built-in)
    Choose which piece costs 2K 🙂


  4. Haha
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from kye in How you design a $2000 FF hybrid camera?   
    Let's assume you are product manager in a Japanese camera company. You want to add a new video oriented hybrid to your line up. By video oriented hybrid I mean a video camera that can be used for still photography, rather than a still camera that can shoot video very well.
    Please be specific about the specs. And consider, as a product manager, you should have a clear plan for future updates releasing every 2 years, and at least one firmware update in between. Also be realistic to keep the price at $2k.
    I don't want to know what you personally want. I want to know what you think the market wants.
  5. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from Davide DB in How you design a $2000 FF hybrid camera?   
    Somehow relevant to my question.
    Now they're comparing iPhone 15 pro 5x camera to 24-70mm lens at 70mm. 

    Yes, DSLR image has higher quality, but the fact that we're now doing this comparisons shows that a $3000 camera lens combo should deliver a lot of value to stay attractive for younger generation. 
  6. Haha
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from Davide DB in How you design a $2000 FF hybrid camera?   
    Let's assume you are product manager in a Japanese camera company. You want to add a new video oriented hybrid to your line up. By video oriented hybrid I mean a video camera that can be used for still photography, rather than a still camera that can shoot video very well.
    Please be specific about the specs. And consider, as a product manager, you should have a clear plan for future updates releasing every 2 years, and at least one firmware update in between. Also be realistic to keep the price at $2k.
    I don't want to know what you personally want. I want to know what you think the market wants.
  7. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from IronFilm in Canon mirrorless market lead. What went wrong for Panasonic and Sony?   
    Nikon started at 2018 and now has more 400mm lens than Sony has 40mm. Glass business is hard, and Canon/Nikon are basically optics company. Canon didn't start the full frame mirrorless transition with a bold sensor message, it started with a bold glass message: 28-70mm f/2.
  8. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from Davide DB in A6700 - FX30 sensor 👀   
    Another active cooling solution I forgot to mention:
  9. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from newfoundmass in A6700 - FX30 sensor 👀   
    To be fair its mostly a Sony thing in our community. A lot of video/hybrid shooters these days know nobody other than Sony (a side effect of superiority of one brand's marketing strategy over the rest of industry), so when you question Sony, you're in fact questioning their career. 
  10. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to markr041 in New Nikon Camera coming…Z8?   
    12bit RAW, and I needed all the latitude I could get given the very mixed lighting levels (luma adjustments in post) and the different colors of the lighting (WB adjustments in post).
  11. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from markr041 in New Nikon Camera coming…Z8?   
    There is a lot of great capabilities with computational photography that Japanese camera makers could use, and didn't, but the point of having interchangeable lens camera is to have more control, not less. Of course you get more noise, to control how you like to deal with it.
    And what iPhone does with highlights is anything but pleasing. I don't blame the AI tho. Stacking multiple frames with different exposure to get a "normal" looking image is still a challenge for humans too. 
  12. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from kye in A6700 - FX30 sensor 👀   
  13. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from Michael S in 5 concerning trends in photo/video forums   
    Had a Telegram channel for political commentary. I only used smartphone to type posts, many of them so long that exceeded Telegram character limit. After a while I realized if I write shorter comments and post them as caption of a photo, it will be reshared many times more! I knew pictures are more popular than text, but the thing that shocked me was that this happened in my channel, which was all about politics! Cause I assumed those few people in society, at least, who are interested in boring political discussions, are disciplined enough to not show general facebook user behavior. But I was wrong. 
  14. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from kye in 5 concerning trends in photo/video forums   
    Everything can drive people away these days. Either admins try to micromanage behavior of everybody to keep it nice and clean, or just let it run like chaotic village, as Elon is doing (and fails at it). Among 10 forums or online groups that I'm even a "veteran member", I only feel free to write my uncensored opinion in just 3 of them. And it was yesterday. Today is 2, cause another one banned me.
    As someone from the depths of third world I see western people take personal attack too seriously, to the point that now everything can be personal atack. Since the days I was 15 I've been a active "hot take" user in a lot of social networks and forums popular in my country, and I don't remember a single day without being the target of verbal personal attacks. But its ok, and sometimes fun. Some of my long time online friends who helped me alot in a vast range of technical and personal issues, are the ones who actively engaged in our mutual habit of insulting each other. Our culture has a mich higher tolerance for that. I'm not saying its good. I'm saying its natural. We're spending too much time and effort to create safe spaces, but its a forever war. It will never be safe enough. Why not make individuals less fragile? There was a polymath in my country, four hundred years ago I think, I forgot the guy's name.. who was interested to join peasant gatherings in poor neighborhoods of the city. Imagine a place like an irish pub, but with middle east culture. One day a group of his students criticized this almost weekly routine and said to the man these people are a bunch uneducated low life idiots who can't talk about anything without using filthy words, why you, a wise man with high social status let yourself be seen assoiciated with them? Its not good for your reputation and your mental health. Stop it. He said: I'm diamond and they're glass. I have effect on them, but they have no effect on me.
    Sorry that I made it a bit philosophical 😂
  15. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from kye in Rode Wireless Pro - 32bit float, timecode, locking connection   
    Didn't address my issue, which wasn't about audio: its shiny and reflections can be distracting in some situations. Maybe its cool for TikTokers, but not for everybody.
    If I was one of Japanese camera makers, I would make a collaboration deal with them to have the receiver unite inside the camera. Yea that increases the costs (hardware and license rights), but can be killer feature for a hybrid camera. Sony is too proud to accept any other audio brand superiority over itself. "RODE Inside" alpha? Forget about it. Canon thinks it has enough patent to do that its own way, and the whole idea is too radical for Nikon. 
  16. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from PannySVHS in 5 concerning trends in photo/video forums   
    Had a Telegram channel for political commentary. I only used smartphone to type posts, many of them so long that exceeded Telegram character limit. After a while I realized if I write shorter comments and post them as caption of a photo, it will be reshared many times more! I knew pictures are more popular than text, but the thing that shocked me was that this happened in my channel, which was all about politics! Cause I assumed those few people in society, at least, who are interested in boring political discussions, are disciplined enough to not show general facebook user behavior. But I was wrong. 
  17. Haha
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from IronFilm in 5 concerning trends in photo/video forums   
    All female DJs I follow are super model first and a DJ second 🙂
  18. Haha
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from ntblowz in 5 concerning trends in photo/video forums   
    All female DJs I follow are super model first and a DJ second 🙂
  19. Haha
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from PannySVHS in 5 concerning trends in photo/video forums   
    All female DJs I follow are super model first and a DJ second 🙂
  20. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from SRV1981 in A6700 - FX30 sensor 👀   
    I think even with much larger sensor, the main hot spot in ILC camera is the processor fabricated with relatively old node. 
    But even if sensor was a serious heat generator, there is millimeter thin "flexible" vapor chamber available on the market:

    This  is how flexible it can be. Meaning it potentially can be used with IBIS, transfering heat from front of the mechanism to its back:

  21. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from Katrikura in 5 concerning trends in photo/video forums   
    1- the rate of decline in engagement in all of the photo/video forums and websites is depressing. Even comment sections are mini ghost towns compared to same place ten years ago. Maybe social media is stealing a lot of that free time usually spent on traditional web in the past. 
    2- many of those people who could write informative blog posts are now like "why bother writting any more when no one reads any more?". Today they're making videos, and try hard to make it 10 min long, which means they have to add a lot of water to the milk. 
    3- I don't see any other industry with so much negativity about the major brands of that industry. Telling people they don't need and shouldn't buy new released products is a norm in our corner of internet fora! There is hype moments before and after press release days, but overall discouragement is way bigger. But look at car enthusiasts or audiophiles online communities...They're constantly encourage each other to buy more!
    4- lack of communication between experienced users and newcomers is hurting everyone, and sometimes it's sad. Many people who are upgrading from smartphone, are making mistakes related to misunderstandings that discussed and explained and solved seven years ago. They just don't know where to find the knowledge.
    5-  a tendency to reduce everything to "matter of taste" has emerged to the point that the whole concept of critique apears as moot point, like there is no wrong way and right way of doing things!
    Maybe its overthinking. I don't know.. just wanted to share my thoughts. 
  22. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from kye in A6700 - FX30 sensor 👀   
    I think even with much larger sensor, the main hot spot in ILC camera is the processor fabricated with relatively old node. 
    But even if sensor was a serious heat generator, there is millimeter thin "flexible" vapor chamber available on the market:

    This  is how flexible it can be. Meaning it potentially can be used with IBIS, transfering heat from front of the mechanism to its back:

  23. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from newfoundmass in A6700 - FX30 sensor 👀   
    The main problem with overheating is not the max time for recording. Its inconsistency and unpredictability. 
  24. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from Marcio Kabke Pinheiro in A6700 - FX30 sensor 👀   
    The main problem with overheating is not the max time for recording. Its inconsistency and unpredictability. 
  25. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from kye in A6700 - FX30 sensor 👀   
    The main problem with overheating is not the max time for recording. Its inconsistency and unpredictability. 
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