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Andrew Reid

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Everything posted by Andrew Reid

  1. [html][img]http://www.eoshd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/gh2-in-a-heli-rig.jpg[/img] Above: GH2 on a heli rig Today the first episode of Zacuto’s 2012 shootout is aired. (Update: it is now live – [url="http://www.zacuto.com/shootout-revenge-2012/revenge-great-camera-shootout-part-one"]watch it here[/url]). This isn’t really a shootout in a technical sense rather a subjective and less scientific comparison whereby each camera is made to look as good as possible. Several leading cameras were used including the Alexa and Sony F65. Zacuto have revealed in a technical document how each camera was setup, so we’ll take a look first at the GH2 and FS100 to see what settings were settled on for the shootout and who the people behind the cameras are. [url="http://www.eoshd.com/content/8213/how-the-gh2-and-fs100-were-setup-for-revenge-of-the-zacuto-shootout/"]Read full article[/url] [/html]
  2. No they are not PAL / NTSC switchable. 25p and 50p on the PAL version, 24p and 60p on the NTSC.
  3. [html][url="http://www.vimeo.com/44064956"]http://www.vimeo.com/44064956[/url] I’ve shot a comparison in Berlin today between my modified 5D Mark III and the standard 5D Mark III. The modified 5D Mark III is similar to the Nikon D800E in that the anti-aliasing filter has been removed. (Which is why the modified 5D Mark III is dubbed 5D3E in the video). But is it any good? [url="http://www.eoshd.com/content/8201/canon-5d-mark-iii-without-optical-low-pass-filter-the-verdict/"]Read full article[/url] [/html]
  4. [quote author=TJB link=topic=837.msg6068#msg6068 date=1339657649] I didn't buy an FS100. I haven't bought a Canon 5DMK3 and I won't buy a Blackmagic Cinema Camera. $4,500 $3,500 $3,000 =$11,000 NOW.....soon I can buy a Canon C300! [/quote] FS700?
  5. The NEX lens range is pretty limiting from Sony. But the adaptable lenses are fantastic on the NEX 7 - you have virtually everything to choose from that you do on the GH2 (apart from the Voigtlander Nokton and Micro Four Thirds range).
  6. Thanks for posting the montage. NEX 7 vs 5N in low light test from me soon!
  7. [quote author=jaybirch link=topic=841.msg6071#msg6071 date=1339672051] Another day, another thinly veiled dig at Canon. Why no articulated screen on my high end stills camera  :'( Would you even have written this article if it hadn't given you a platform to bash Canon? [/quote] Another day, another troll comment from you. Good job I am in a good mood today, tomorrow I might not be so willing to let you continue to post your bullshit. I need an articulated screen, it helps my composition and my focus. I can do without the added hassle of spidery arms, rig assembles, cages and monitors - not to mention the added cost and bulk. So I'd rather have the solution built into the camera. Canon didn't provide it, so they deserve the ear bashing from me as a customer. Sometimes I feel I can't win, I point out a solution (like this) and you still post a grumpy remark. I could gloss over the problems with Canon's recent DSLRs and sugar it like other bloggers but my readers are intelligent and deserve to know the truth. Are you implying that I am using my blog as a platform to bash Canon for reasons unrelated to the actual facts?
  8. [quote author=Bruno link=topic=837.msg6042#msg6042 date=1339614918] Hey Andrew, what's so seriously bad about the 5D3? The tests without the AA filter you posted a while back looked damned good to me. Yes, that will affect the color of the images, but last I heard someone was working on a replacement filter. That should give you a kickass full frame camera that's still quite cheap considering the alternatives (actually there's not that many full frame alternatives). No one buys a RED not expecting to spend quite a lot of money on accessories, so having to buy this replacement filter so you can use a stills camera to shoot great video doesn't seem that bad to me! [/quote] This article is about APS-C Canons. The 5D3 is full frame. Different beast, different topic.
  9. [html][img]http://www.eoshd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/P6130015.jpg[/img] The Swivi USA monitor costs just $330 on Amazon USA. (I picked mine up in Europe for 229 euros at [url="http://www.meinfoto.com/Suche/650006.htm?VL=650006"]MeinFoto in Berlin[/url]) Here’s a monitor that plugs the hole left by Canon when they forgot to include an articulated screen and peaking on the 5D Mark III. How does it perform and is it worth getting? [url="http://www.eoshd.com/content/8189/an-affordable-articulated-screen-with-peaking-for-the-5d-mark-iii-the-swivi-usa/"]Read full article[/url] [/html]
  10. [quote author=MatthewP link=topic=837.msg6005#msg6005 date=1339534857] Sorry to burst your bubble Andrew, but I'm pretty sure most of that video was shot in 720p... so the bad detail is to be expected.[/quote] Really? What gives you that idea? Also this bubble thing... Am I in a bubble? What bubble am I in?
  11. [html][img]http://www.eoshd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/canon-650d.jpg[/img] I’m a filmmaker, and the Canon APS-C line fails to deliver what I need. The 650D is the FIFTH APS-C DSLR Canon have released with no improvement in video quality. Starting with the 7D (1) we’ve subsequently had the 550D (2), the 60D (3), the 600D (4) and now the 650D. [url="http://www.eoshd.com/?p=8185/"]Read full article[/url] [/html]
  12. The 5D Mark IIIE is not going well I'm afraid. Need to get the sensor cleaned, as even a single spec of dust shows up on the image now it is closer to the sensor itself rather than floating on a piece of glass in front of it.
  13. [html][img]http://www.eoshd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/nikon-d800e.jpg[/img] [url="http://***URL removed***/reviews/nikon-d800-d800e/30"]Go here to read DPReview’s look at the D800E movie mode vs the standard D800[/url] Please bear in mind the situation can be improved dramatically by the right in-camera picture settings and [url="http://www.mosaicengineering.com/products/vaf/d800.html"]Mosaic Engineering’s anti-aliasing filter for the D800[/url], which is under development now (as of June 2012). [url="http://***URL removed***/reviews/nikon-d800-d800e/30"]DPReview[/url] have updated their D800 review with comparison samples and image quality analysis versus the D800E. Along with a 2GB uncompressed file from the D800E recorded to a Blackmagic HyperDeck Shuttle 2, DPReview have posted several 1080p clips on Vimeo from the D800E. Is the D800E a viable option for video or does the lack of anti-aliasing filter aggravate the moire issues of the D800 even more? [url="http://www.eoshd.com/content/8176/a-detailed-look-at-how-the-nikon-d800e-performs-for-video/"]Read full article[/url] [/html]
  14. Not an upgrade, in fact same as 7D, 60D, 600D. And that is why it isn't "NEWS"
  15. E-M5 comes out very well. Youtube masks some of the compression issues it has but resolution is right up there with my findings so far, it is capable of superb video quality with fast glass like the 45mm F1.8.
  16. Keep the faith in eBay. Saw two go for under $2000 a few weeks ago.
  17. [quote author=Karl link=topic=822.msg5916#msg5916 date=1339171670]wake up  :P [/quote] Will take more than AF to wake me up to Canon's latest I'm afraid.
  18. [quote author=abortabort link=topic=812.msg5888#msg5888 date=1339035862] [quote author=hoodlum link=topic=812.msg5885#msg5885 date=1339014322] dpreview has confirmed there is no 1080p24.  Here is some more info. http://***URL removed***/previews/sony-dsc-rx100/4 "The RX100 allows P,A,S or M exposure modes to be used when video shooting. Autofocus remains available in movie shooting, regardless of the exposure mode used. Alternatively the camera's focus peaking can be used to aid manual focus (which can be assigned to the front dial). This, combined with the camera's active image stabilization during movie shooting, makes it a pretty capable and pocketable camera for grabbing footage." [/quote] Very disappointing! I presume the 30p is wrapped up in 60i? So in PAL regions it should be 50i (wrapped 25p) and 50p. I don't care for 24p as 25p would have been fine, but to not have 25p is very annoying (or 24p for those in NTSC land). On the plus side, this is the ONLY compact I know of that includes 1080 50/60p. It is also the only compact I know that offers full manual control over exposure, AF + MF with control ring, focus peaking etc. While it isn't perfect, it is streets ahead of any other fixed lens camera and better than a lot of interchangeable lens cameras. Also the UI is taken from Sony's SLTs rather than their compact cams, so I am guessing clean HDMI out like HX9v is out of the question... Plus it is in the WORST place I could imagine. [/quote] The HX9v did 1080/50/60p and there's also an Olympus compact that does it. 60 and 50p conform to 24/25p (50p perfectly so) and you also have the capability to do dreamy slow-mo. So don't confuse it with crappy 60i or 30p it is far better than that. Focus peaking and manual control in video mode is GREAT for this camera. As for clean HDMI out - not sure why you think the HX9v had that? It did HDMI out but it wasn't clean or enabled during recording.
  19. [quote author=sicovdplas link=topic=820.msg5901#msg5901 date=1339093151] Need new samples.... it's been nearly 2 months. [/quote] The camera isn't actually ready yet, still pre-production.
  20. [quote author=garypayton link=topic=813.msg5869#msg5869 date=1338958355] I understand these concerns. As a 5d owner I'll hate to have, let's say, my beautiful 14mm sigma to become a 30 mm... I guess we will have to live with that, maybe sell some lenses to buy new ones. [/quote] Just to be clear here Gary, as a 5D owner I'm guessing it isn't the EF mount of the Blackmagic you have an issue with, it is really the sensor size. Different topic altogether.
  21. Tokina 11-16mm F2.8 for your wide. The rest isn't a problem, trust me.
  22. [quote author=emgesp link=topic=812.msg5838#msg5838 date=1338847593] 20MP P&S is beyond overkill. I guarantee that 90% of the stills taken with this camera will not be printed. 12 MP's would have been a more practical choice. [/quote] They said 36MP was overkill for the D800. It wasn't.
  23. What are you talking about? Canon EF mount adapters are available for following... Nikon Contax Yashica (Zeiss) M42 LOMO OCT19 PL (provided no mirror, so OK with BMD) Olympus OM Many more.
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