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My cameras and kit

Found 7 results

  1. https://***URL not allowed***/waterbird-bendable-slider-the-future-of-sliders/
  2. Our new Crowdfunding project: First adjustable camera slider The idea was to develop the first ever adjustable curve slider which enables linear tracks as well as any preferred curve track. Due to its mechanic flexibility, one man operator can achieve easily different dynamic effects. The Multislider is motorized, time-lapse capable and can also be operated by hand. In case you like the project and/or the multi slider you can support us our Crowdfunding project. The goal is to optimizing the prototype for high volume production. Please help us and share our link. Thank you „smile“-Emoticon Link Crowdfunding Project: https://www.startnext.com/de/multislider Link Video: https://vimeo.com/143790096
  3. Hey folks, some of you may have allready seen this on Youtube or at DIY-Photography but I like to show you my variant of the Low Cost Mini Camera Slider wich TheFrugalFilmmaker (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky4ukqvr6H8) has shown some weeks ago. https://youtu.be/Ur6FQ6pCAWE What you need: - Igus Slider Sample (http://goo.gl/Tx37DR - it's German just change the language to your country) - 2 M3 screws - 2 M3 wing nuts - 1 M3 thumbscrew - 1 1/4" 12mm screw - 2 3x3cm brackets and some rubber - a quick release plate - a mini ball head - a Tripod ball head (Acra Swiss compatible) Clearly you need some metal drills, thread drills and some other tools. Have fun with your Mini Camera Slider
  4. Imagine you and your friend are shooting a lot of run an gun things. But also short documentaries and event registration. Being a one man band wanting to add the slider effect into the toolkit. A lot on the road. - What is a good length with which you're still flexible to go and get things quickly installed? - What are the specs to look for and the things to consider - next to snood, quick install etc? - We're thinking of making it ourselves - our is there an awesome good and cheap one out there which fit our needs? Thank you so much!
  5. Here is a short nature clip I shot using the Cano 5D Mark III Lenses used: Canon 16-35 2.8L II Canon 100 2.8L Macro Canon 24-105 4.0L IS Canon 50 1.4 Tracking shots done with - Varavon Slider with Motoroid kit
  6. Hey guys, Been following EOSHD for ages, and sometimes get to implement things I've learnt on here, at work (for a small DLSR based production company). I wanted to share a recent experience we had in the office when testing out the DitoGear OmniSlider which we saw the review for on the main EOSHD blog. We were playing around with the "repeat movement" programming we stumbled across a pretty cool technique - something we then went on to use on a paid client job! Check it out:
  7. http://vimeo.com/59920628   ...I did all the "digital opticals", the glows and FX related to how slick their skater helps make your footage, lol.  My specialty usually swings more towards the photo-real, natural phenomenon stuff but I love these sorts of old school, optical printer style effects that I grew up loving as a kid.     They've always been a challenge to do, well at least, digitally but now that After Effects has both a 32bit workflow with, more importantly, linear-light colorspace, they're far, far easier to accomplish effectively.   Anyway, the spot is fun.  They should be posting the second spot Paul and I did any time now, for their Cine Squid this time.
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