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Found 7 results

  1. It's the last day of summer in rural Illinois, 1967. A boy lays alone in the dirt. Trying to catch his breath, sweat rolling down his face, he remembers a recent encounter with two other boys. As the conversation unfolds we slowly realize who we are seeing and why he's alone.
  2. Hi all, my first post here. I finished putting together this little test. It's been fun, testing out my lenses, shoulder rig, monopod and also editing and playing with the sound. I've been using my Canon 7D for four years now, only for stills. Lenses used: Vivitar 70-210 f/3.5 (heavy lens on the shoulder rig!), Nikon 75-150 f/3.5 (lovely lens!), Nikon 55 Micro f/2.8, Olympus Zuiko 50 f/1.4 (perhaps a couple of shots with the OM Zuiko 28 f/3.8, don't remember...). Hope you'll like it!
  3. Hello! I'm a video producer and i'll be getting a new camera anytime soon but i can decide on wich camera to buy or if i'm supposed to wait for a while. I'm trying to decide between a GH4, A7s, 6D, 5D3, and some others, more expensive like the C-100. Everyone of this cameras concerns me about some things. The GH4 concerns me about the lenses, the MFT mount. I have some canon lenses, nothing great or expensive, but i know they are easier to find, more versatile. And when i wrote to Metabones, asking about the speedbooster MFT-EF, they answered pretty rudely (i guess they get that question a lot). But i understand the superior image quality. The A7s, to me, it's one of the better cameras around, for it's price. I've been watching some "raw" footage of it, but i've been reading some bad reviews about it's color log and the workflow of editing/grading, regarding it's formats. On the other hand, i love the HDR and ISO. Regarding the Canons, i personally think they're more versatile cameras, but the image quality is getting ofuscated by these new cameras, maybe because it's been 2 years since Canon doesn't make any announcement on new equipment. Sometimes, i'm more inclined to buy a Canon for it's flexibility, a GH4 for it's easier workflow, and now, i'm kinda blind by the A7s. But always something turn me down, idk what to do, if i buy one of these, if i wait for any announcements, i'm getting crazy! What you guys think? What would you guys buy today or why wait a while. Thanks!
  4. Hello folks, here is my latest slide-show work, showing dancers of 13th PLESOKAZ - international dance festival, annually maintained in Pozega / Croatia. I used aprox. 900 pictures (post production killed me ) in order to show power of Canon 1Dx. Thank you all for watching
  5. Hello folks, here is my latest slide-show work, showing dancers of 13th PLESOKAZ - international dance festival, annually maintained in Pozega / Croatia. I used aprox. 900 pictures (post production killed me ) in order to show power of Canon 1Dx. Thank you all for watching
  6. sanveer

    A7S the Killer

    I, like everyone else saw the Sony A7S videos, and was completely blown away. While it is superb strategy for Sony to COMPLETELY handicap the camera, despite its insane potential. I believe Sony will introduce this sensor in its 'F' range as well as 'FS' range of cameras, which will see its full potential. While the GH4 sensor is nowhere in the league of the A7S's, Panasonic has not purposely handicap its potential to 1/10th, to make way for its professional range, which is both respectable, as well as sensible. Right now, the A7S is something that could have killed the entire 'C' range of Canon (C100, C300 and C500), as well as many other cameras which use the small form factor. I am quite unsure of why this ridiculously unfriendly anti-workflow monster has been created. I think Sony needs to seriously re-consider undoing the handicaps.
  7. I am using canon 60D.but i am getting noise in daylight i am pretty much worried because my fellows shoot great videos with it and mine is giving this noise in daylight.i am usin 75-300 canon ,18-55 canon. and 50mm canon but noise is more in 50mm and 18-55 ,75-300 gives less of it.i shot samples while using 3 of these lenses and i found that when i screw in the cpl filter noise gets worst.please help me. settings are 200iso,fstop 5,and shutter double to that of frame rate
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