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Everything posted by Super8

  1. No one's a troll except maybe your attitude towards someone else that has a different opinion than you. IBIS and PDAF are useful tools especially in the $1,500 to $4,000 camera range market. You talk about people treating @John Brawley good so he'll come back but you call someone else a troll and talk down to that person. That's hypocritical.
  2. I would have rather had global shutter 6K with 14 stops.
  3. If Drive-In Theaters make a comeback 12K down to 8K might be the future in theatrical release motion pictures.
  4. You can't beat accurate color from Canon. That sucks for everyone else. Haha. Sony will have the same record limits as the R5. Wait and watch.
  5. 12k to get good 8K and then 4K 240p ? This is BM raising their pricing level. Now the $4,995 BM looks better and the $1995 P6K looks great. It's sad that they didn't give us a better sensor with better organic DR and color like the original BM cameras. BM had a chance to reset the field and they decided to shock the industry instead of making a better product.
  6. He knows how to use it. Every Nikon review he's done has been negative on purpose and a hit job.
  7. Why wouldn't you use the Ursa Mini G2 next to the Alexa / FX9? You're in the PRO SECTOR so why not spend a little more production money and get what's already available? What is the Pro Sector? Is that the union thing ?
  8. I was talking in general terms about AF and what Andrew said. The great thing is you can turn AF off and go manual. Where did you get that number? Traditional camera companies have the advantage having to produce AF over the years. It seems like the people talking down about AF tracking have never used it. It also comes with the "I'm a purest attitude that DP's in cinematography never use AF". I can tell you for a fact if AF was available for RED or ARRI and worked like it does in the mirror less world then big productions would be using it and loving it. It's technology that works and makes the job easier. BM needs to figure out IBIS and work on releasing that very soon.
  9. That short is so good. Great acting. I don't see any hard focus pulls. AF tracking would have helped in some of the outdoor walking scenes but they seem to keep the distance between camera and talent consistent. It looks like they shot for manual focus and not a lot of camera moves. I wouldn't change a thing. AF tracking is solid and not unpredictable from Sony, Canon and Nikon. I know I can out perform a single camera operator with manual focus rig / steady cam vs my gimbal and FF AF tracking set up.
  10. Full Frame option with options. Black Magic has sorta has a not so future proof business model right now. The P4K and P6K can be bought at a great price. So much so that they probably undercut their cine line up block cameras. So what can BM do moving forward? They're cameras are priced at the lower end. They can't come out with a FF camera that checks all the spec boxes and keep up with the C500 or even the R5. If they jump the shark with FF and release a SPECS camera they devalue the rest of their products.
  11. This guy is a joke. If anyone wonders why Nikon Z system didn't catch on for video you can blame people like Wolfjoke. This gets called out for being wrong in his reviews but never does anything but try and create more clickbait.
  12. The z6 is a great camera for video and stills. It blows away the A7III and is better than the EOS R. The reason people on the EOS don't give it a serious look baffles me also. The media / press jumped on the Z6 for a number of unwarranted things that just aren't true. Nikon is not very good at getting the word out and having professionals use the Z6 like they should have.
  13. I believe Jared Polin has clients in the real world. #1
  14. No one is getting a Canon R5 unless it's a upfront paid for review. Restricted recording times is as transparent as you can get. The way it's portrayed across the web speaks for itself. Here's the truth about the R5 / R6: If these cameras act like little babies that heat up and turn off after 15 minutes in Florida heat then this launch will be a big fail. My gut feeling is haters will do reviews and go out of their way to prove over heating is a bigger issue than it is. So it will be divided between haters and fanboys. For the price of a few of the latest Sony cameras you can have the R5 ? That's crazy. And for $2,495 you get 10 bit 60p4k. Here's R6 info: "Moreover, oversampled UHD 4K 4:2:2 10-bit video signal at up to 60fps can be output from the HDMI port with a choice of either Picture Style, Canon Log or HDR PQ format, the output can be recorded to another device externally, or the footage can be viewed on an HDR PQ compatible TV." My bet is Canon has a "builtin fan" R5s in the works to save face.
  15. Oh, shut up and take my money. Looks like RED footage.
  16. The limitations of broken unusable AF tracking on the S1 and S1H makes both cameras unusable. For me I have never recorded 30 minutes straight. So the R6 might work perfectly for me. Or if I need 120p 4K then the R5 might be best. I'm not trying to imply anything but let's wait and see how the R5, R6 shake out. Again, we need to see how these Canon cameras work in the real work and what options you have to bump down to a lower mbps 4K image and how this affects record time or "THERMAL LIMITATIONS" Since when is THERMAL tossed around in gear talk? And if the GH5 checks the boxes with the quality of work you produced then why are you looking at the Canon R5? Why? It's great to look but you've gone on and on to prove your point is valid. Everyone's point is valid in this case. In my words it sucks that Canon didn't figure out a better engineered solution for thermal problems. The solution that Canon might arrive at is to add unlimited recording setting that locks any option that causes recording limits to take affect. Canon's video files have always been bloated so this option could be valid. Get a little creative and you'll see the R5 has some impressive specs that should make anyone pay attention.
  17. What happens when you try and use AF tracking on the GH5, S1 and S1H and it fails because it doesn't work correctly as advertised? The R5 and R6 actually state recording times. As a professional on the last 20 gigs I myself as the DP, the DP hired and anyone else rolling cameras never filmed over 2-3 minutes at a time. This includes drone footage that has battery limitations and other issues to work around. I've said the R5, R6 probably aren't for gigs that require longer record times such as interviews. If you get a gig that reguires hours of non-stop recording then of course you pick the right gear for the job. If you need AF tracking you also pick the right gear. I saw some GH5 footage edit the other day that was amazing. The work captured and produced was really great work.
  18. My knowledge of the P6K came from the EOS, the hype, reviews, watching P6K video and talking with the crew I hired. That is 100% fact. As i stated, I shot with a different rig and my footage was good and was used. No it wasn't a BM camera. If I hire someone on my gig then it's simple, produce the work you were hired to do. We work as a team. The OP mentioned the Gh5 so it's relevant to this thread. My take is my opinion only. No big deal if you disagree. Now I could post for or against the R5 and R6 and I would still have people that disagree with me. I'm not the only one saying give it a chance or that you can work around it's limitations.
  19. The R5 and R6 deliver the specs they claim on paper. Let's not forget IMAGE QUALITY trumps SPECS that you never use. We need to wait and see how the R5 and R6 stack up against the latest cameras in it's class. You could be right. The Gh5 image quality might be as good as we can get. I've seen better with the S1, Z6, P4K, P6K and Sigma. Let see if the R5 and R6 are even usable before we champion that they are not.
  20. Because at the end of the day image quality matters. Crippled specs is the same as paper specs. A camera that's good on paper but the image quality doesn't match. It's clear that lots of cameras passed the GH5 in color and image quality years ago. The Gh5 is a suckers camera in 2020. You see people on Facebook boards jumping into buy a $1,697 GH5 from Adorm$$ because the specs checks all the boxes. Smartphones shoot 4k and even 8K. Go use those because I'm sure RAW will be next.
  21. So you do have good eyes and standards. That's good.
  22. Well thank you very much. You get my point and so does everyone else. Not with every camera but with the GH5, you only have so long before you can keep calling out it's specs before you have to look at the image it gives you. In camera years the Gh5 is OLD and has an old looking image. And you know i didn't write the quote above. Yes the GH5 was the first hybrid with this that and the other. If it's so good and the image is so good then we all are wasting time looking at Canon, Sony and BMP cameras.
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