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Posts posted by Snowbro

  1. 3 minutes ago, Mako Sports said:

    this isn't the thread for personal attacks but that is kinda creepy..

    I agree. He just likes to go around and talk crap on everything with a closed mind. Some people like controversy, which he has a right to do, I just call him out on some things he makes up on the spot. Andrew was getting close to banning him in another thread I believe this month for it. I dont really care that much, I think he adds some excitement to a camera forum of all places ?

  2. 3 minutes ago, jonpais said:

    What does any of that have to do with the EOS R? and if you've got a problem with a  joke I made, why not bring it up with @Andrew Reid? No point in cluttering up the thread with personal attacks.


    Yeah, I agree. Let's go to the part where you say sony renders greens in a superior way (contradicting the video you screenshotted and ignore the fact that the sony image in the screen is highly altered with andrews profile, not stock). I post a screenshot disproving that and you get quiet on the greens. 

    4 minutes ago, Mako Sports said:


    ummm wtf

    That is the kind of stuff he posts. Advertising footage he films of teenage girls in southeast asia while giggling. No one wants that here, just stop jon. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, jonpais said:

    That's really unacceptable. 

    Ill go find your post jon, hold on a second. 

    On 10/4/2018 at 8:59 AM, jonpais said:

    I'm willing to share all the S-Log images you like: a bouquet of flowers, some teenage girls at the coffee shop, whatever you like. hehehe


    On 10/4/2018 at 11:42 AM, jonpais said:

    Speaking of, you might be surprised to learn that child marriage is alive and well back in the good ole USA, where, between 2000 and 2015, over 200,000 minors were legally married. So since it's clear that your brain is located in your crotch, no need to leave home.

    Why would you say such creepy things at your age on a public forum, in that area of the world? That boggles my mind. It insinuates a bad picture in peoples mind. I am sure you don't do anything illegal, but stop saying crap like that. Seriously, it is disturbing. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, jonpais said:

    Nobody is going to kill anybody. 


    I already knew you had poor reading comprehension, but I should have known. That one is on me. You seem like you would be much happier staying in your sony/fuji forums. The only thing you do here is cry and provide false information. Oh yeah, and solicit videos of minors in vietnam while saying "hehehe".   

  5. 3 minutes ago, Mako Sports said:

    Facts lmao

    lol...   well the fs5ii stock profile has a better highlight roll off so maybe we will see that in the a7siii

    The a7siii is supposedly going to have their newest color science. It will kill everything on the market if it has internal 10 bit and 4k 60

  6. 3 minutes ago, Mako Sports said:

    I prefer a sharper more detailed image as I prefer a more clinical look. So I like the A7 image

    I like high resolution, but with good highlight roll off. If sony released their venice in the a7iii I would buy it. I just want them to lower in camera sharpening more. It reminds me of the P4P vs the high end Inspire 2 cameras, you can always add sharpening in post, but its harder to take away. 

  7. 1 hour ago, jonpais said:
    1 hour ago, jonpais said:

    @DaveAltizer Thanks for the great impartial test comparing the a7 III to the EOS R.

    @Yurolov As far as reproduction of the green hues goes, Sony is far more accurate than Canon.

    Screen Shot 2018-10-14 at 11.25.53 AM.png

    That screen grab is with the eoshd color profile applied. Earlier in the video with the car in shot & green behind, they mention how much worse the sony looks in that area stock. I still think sony has too much digital sharpening even when turned all the way down, it reminds me of cell phone footage. 


    Here are your sony green colors straight out of the camera at 5pm jon. I can upload the raw somewhere if you think I changed it. Who doesn't love fluorescent greens? That seems highly accurate, I somehow missed it when I was there in person. Btw, you can see in the shadows what color the grass/leaves actually are, assuming the exposure is raised. Go ahead and color correct that without if falling apart in motion with 8-bit.


  8. 10 hours ago, Mattias Burling said:

    I love shallow depth of quarks :) 

    I haven't seen any camera out of stock since the BMCC. Those days are behind us I think. Its like with TVs. Everyone bought a flat screen already and aren't gonna rush to the store to buy HDR anymore than they did 4K or 3D. 99% are happy with their DSLR, TV, etc and sticks with it until they feel an upgrade is needed. No one needs to stand in line for cameras, iphones or TVs anymore.

    Forum nerds like us might upgrade a lot but we are not enough to drain stocks.

    (There are exceptions like the D850 but I dont buy that it was because of popularity. It sat on shelves all over Europe when it was sold out in the US.) 


  9. 2 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

    Yeah I have been pretty impressed with the Nikon Z7. But is is also pretty expensive. The Canon EOS-R is their cheaper one. But still no excuse to have the same old soft 1080p footage in this day and age. It is not like they don't know how to do good 1080p. Look at a C100, one of the best there is.

    I am convinced that Canons HQ is actually in a desert somewhere for how much they sandbag

  10. But you are still talking over a billion colors vs 16 million. Just because it was initially 10 bit, doesnt mean those colors can be there when it is taken down to 8 bit. I saw much more banding & colors breaking apart when I encoded a 10 bit video to 8 bit with a lut & just more banding without a lut. There has to be a way to still keep the benefits of the 10 bit without resorting to long h.265 encoding times or uploading a monster sized prores/DNx file to YT. 

  11. So when people were talking about banding on x-t3 footage, I bet it was because the clips on youtube were encoded as h.264. Correct me if I am wrong, but if you have 10-bit h.265, color grade it, then export in h.264 I would think you can have your footage fall apart with certain grades since h.264 is 8-bit (At least in PP CC)

    I have a top spec PC & it still takes too long imo to export h.265 with a higher quality setting. I know you can export in ProRes or Dnx, but that would take ages to upload to youtube. What is the best method to encode a 10 bit project to share without it falling apart in h.264? Seems pointless to have a 10 bit camera if you export in h.264?

  12. I held off on buying the drone because I also saw images that were way too soft. I tested today with 4k 23.976p h.265 10 bit. These are two screenshots, one with sharpening at 0 and the other with +1 (f/4). Might have been mentioned in this thread, but +1 sharpening gets rid of their in camera noise reduction. (screens are from an h.264 export with curve adjustment)

    I found the image to be acceptable with the right settings. 

    0 Sharpening


    +1 Sharpening


  13. I initially tested the Cinestyle picture profile when I got my 1dx and I had mixed results. I found a flat faithful profile better for what I wanted to do, but in this test I liked cinestyle more. 

    I noticed something odd from an old LUT I created in lightroom; the skin looks like it is falling apart (more so on cinestyle). I am assuming this is probably from a slight luminance boost to orange/yellow? I assume it wouldn't have this issue if the camera had 10-bit?

    No noise reduction applied and it was about an hour after sunset, so quite dark. I honestly didn't think the Cinestyle was too bad, I do wish I had true log though. I have tried Marvels and found it too yellow for my taste. I will eventually try the James Miller LOG simulation (Andrew helped on this profile?).


  14. Just now, thebrothersthre3 said:

    If they Canon D50 and this latest EOS R had pushed the boundaries a bit it would actually give me some temptation to go with Canon. I was just looking at getting an EOS M50, just to be able to use with Canon glass. Really a bummer they didn't put IBIS in it, and 2.5 crop 4k with terrible rolling shutter ?

    Supposedly there will be 2 new M bodies in 2019, rumored to finally have 4k dpaf. It will be more expensive than an M50 though, money will probably best be spent somewhere else. 

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