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John Matthews

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Everything posted by John Matthews

  1. John Matthews

    Olympus OM-1

    I disagree. People spend vast sums of money on phones, just to have the latest camera. Just buy a proper camera and lens, it'll be great. I don't stick to one brand as I have lots of Panasonic stuff; however, I stick with one format because it would get super-expensive otherwise.
  2. John Matthews

    Olympus OM-1

    Here's the final product. Cool!
  3. John Matthews

    Olympus OM-1

    Olympus 12-100mm f/4 is 800 euros used all day long. Olympus 12-40mm f/2.8 is sub 300 euros used. Olympus 40-150mm f/2.8 is 800 euros used. All of those are PRO level gear for much less than retail. Olympus 12mm = 350 euros Olympus 17mm f/1.8 = 250 euros Olympus 75mm f/1.8 (my fav) = 350 euros All the Olympus f/1.2 primes are almost always 700 euros or less. All of those lenses are awesome lenses for far less than retail.
  4. John Matthews

    Olympus OM-1

    It sounds like you made the right choice for yourself, given your criteria. Personally, I wouldn't have chosen any of those lenses to make the comparison as they are huge lenses from the first-party manufacturer versus a bunch of third-part stuff. By the way, not all M43 cameras and lenses are big (GM1=204g + a tonne of under 150g, pocketable primes to choose from) and many of them have much better IBIS, especially with longer lenses; so, not really apples to apples here. Is that Tamron 28-200 a fully metal constant aperture lens with IBIS that works perfectly with the body and heavily weather-sealed with a MF clutch system that's probably the best in the industry? I don't buy anything new unless heavily discounted (like 50% off or free, with full warranties) and most of the time I buy used. The fact is that there are so many good, small M43 lenses for dirt cheap because of people saying FF is the greatest thing in the world and anyone serious SHOULD use FF. Please keep saying it too because I want more people to ditch their M43 stuff so I can keep buying it for ridiculously good prices. If I don't like the lens I buy, I usually sell it for more than I got it for. In my experience, you have a lot more risk with anything FF because the prices end up being way more and you'll be lucky to partially get your money back. Sometimes I think the mere existence of M43 pisses FF users off. It's funny.
  5. John Matthews

    Olympus OM-1

    This guy has some low-light slow-mo footage. Interesting review, but I hate mouth-open thumbnails- sorry about that! He only has 500 subs.
  6. John Matthews

    Olympus OM-1

    Not for me. I went from M43 to a Sony A7r ii, said screw that, went back to M43 and swore I'd never leave again. Why? Size, cost (especially lenses), value, and where's the challenge in having a huge camera that you're expected to get great results? I'll probably never buy a lens for $1000 or more. I like the small cameras and lenses as they give me limitations and I can improve that way. If one day I NEED the latest and greatest that ONLY FF can do, I'll rent it. The rest of the time, I look for great bargains on M43 lenses. In most cases, I end up making money on them as so many people out there don't know how to sell their gear. It can be fun too trying out old stuff. That's how I got my $40 GM1 and $60 GH2 (great and fun backup cameras for me). Personally, I get a rush out of creating cool content on other people's old stuff. Why wouldn't I go APSC? Lenses. Except Fuji, no one has anywhere near what M43 offers. And Fuji lenses aren't really made for video AF. Also, they're rather expensive as they're the "hot" new things whereas people are dumping their M43 systems for nothing sometimes because they often (unwittingly) think FF will save their photography/video skills- been there, done that.
  7. John Matthews

    Olympus OM-1

    It is true that if you look at a A7 iv and OM-1 with their respective kit lenses, they look like a similar size and weight. However, once you get to the longer focal lengths, the size comparison is no longer valid as most of the long Sony lenses are heavier than a comparable LENS and CAMERA TOGETHER- this should not be underestimated. Also, the IBIS is simply in another league. Add to that the great weather sealing, and increased AF-point density, and I can definitely see the advantage of the Olympus. Now they need to show off the size advantages of the M43 sensors in terms of small and pocketable bodies like the GM1 with some super-small lenses.
  8. John Matthews

    Olympus OM-1

    There are a slew of photographers that'll buy it, regardless of price. I'm waiting for a discount later in the year (hopefullly). Also, my experience with OMDS has been super positive so far and it would seem they treat customers fairly well IMO.
  9. John Matthews

    Olympus OM-1

    I've never heard of anyone having any problems with weather sealing on Olympus cameras (although I'm sure it exists). Mine have taken heavy showers and direct snowballs without any problems (and that's my E-M1 ii which doesn't have ANY rating whatsoever). Olympus and Pentax have always been excellent in this regard.
  10. John Matthews

    Olympus OM-1

    This cannot be understated in terms of build quality. Another way to read it from the other manufacturers is: "Sure, we have a weather-sealed camera, just don't use it as a weather-sealed camera." I still remember the imaging resource tests of the "weather-sealed" options from Canon, Nikon, Sony, and Olympus. Olympus E-M1 ii was great and it still didn't even have the rating then. The Sony A7r iii did the worst (must have been the camera's consumer electronics heritage). Now, all the E-M1 iii, E-M1x, E-M5 iii, and OM-1 cameras have IPX or IP53 ratings.
  11. John Matthews

    Olympus OM-1

    This camera far exceeds my video and photographic needs right now and looks like a great addition to M43. I'm curious to see what real-world footage looks like. Is it really that much better than what we currently have (which I think is great)? I'm just happy to have another great option for all the small M43 lenses out there. I'll probably get this camera, but wait for a heavy promo.
  12. Late edit: Out of curiosity, just looked it up. I think it's a national program similar to many places in Europe. This means your retirement is not tied to corrupt business people making bad choices about a company and your losing a big part of your retirement funds.
  13. Do you know if a Japanese company fails that they lose their pensions? There are many places where pensions are not tied to future company success (for obvious reasons).
  14. Well, in 2022, it looks like "Olympus" will still be on the camera. Great news!
  15. Nope. Looks like we're getting a new flagship in 2022, which is cool.
  16. Nope. It looks like you called it wrong.
  17. Thanks for that. I wonder how many more are going to show up out of the woodwork! Updated list: OMDS/Olympus, Panasonic, Sigma, Tamron, Laowa (VenusOptics), Xaioyi, DJI, Yongnuo and Kodak are M43 manufacturers that produce (or have produced) lenses with electrical contacts. The other quasi-producers are Metabones and Viltrox with their speedboosters.
  18. Yes. We're all winners here. @BTM_Pix was able to list the final lens manufacturer that has made a lens WITH electrical contacts (AF was NOT a requirement). You might be confusing the previous M43 trivia post. Let's recap: OMDS/Olympus, Panasonic, Sigma, Tamron, Laowa (VenusOptics), Xaioyi, DJI and Yongnuo are M43 manufacturers that produce lenses with electrical contacts. The other quasi-producers are Metabones and Viltrox with their speedboosters.
  19. Yes. Yes. I believe that's it. You win @BTM_Pix. Unless I missed one. Correct me if I'm wrong, the DJI 15mm f/1.7 is simply a repackaged Panasonic Leica 15mm f/1.7, made by Panasonic. One could say the same about many other lenses though. I believe the Olympus 75mm f/1.8 is actually made by Sigma, but it was design through and through by Olympus... more a question of production savvy.
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