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Everything posted by Beritar

  1. I have the GH5 and the A7III and I find the highlight roll off of the A7III worse compared to the GH5. In most gammas, the highlight rolloff is terrible (better with S-LOG3 though)
  2. The IBIS of the S5 seems not as good as the S1 (5 stop only) ...
  3. Yes very good little lens, far cheaper and lighter than 10-25mm F/1.7
  4. I like to watch his videos, but sometimes I think there is a serious issue with his reviews and conclusions. He said the Sigma 18-35 was better than the Leica 10-25mm for autofocus. I had both and the Leica CAF is way better, no comparison. Also, I found very strange than the A7SIII was sharper than the A7III in 4K on his review.
  5. I hope the IBIS will be better on the new A7SIII ... Canon R5 : Sony A7RIV:
  6. Like @heart0less I can see jittering on my 120hz screen. Motion interpolation on TVs is maybe a good way to test motion cadence as well. Bad motion cadence results in a lot more ghosting artefacts and throbbing using the motion interpolation. A7III's videos look ugly with it while GH5's videos are better (again even with IBIS off).
  7. I have the GH5, A7III and NX1 and I shoot in 4K. I'm very sensitive to motion and I always found the A7III 's motion cadence very very bad. I thought it was because of the high rolling shutter but my NX1 (hacked) has worse RS, and yet the motion cadence is better. Among them, my Gh5 has the better motion cadence (even with IBIS off), frames are still sharp even while panning.
  8. Can you get the same highlight compression with your HLG LUT for the A7III ?
  9. Can't wait to see more info ! And the new 24-105mm F4/F7.1 looks like a PanaLeica 12-60mm F2.8/4 at half the price.
  10. Thank you for your settings, I still enjoy my NX1 more than my A7III for videos.
  11. I would like the same with my A7III !
  12. Same experience in Windows for me, playback is still as smooth and good as ever. The 4k image quality is the best i've seen so far (i own the A7 III and GH5) especially with the 16-50S and 50-150S.
  13. I think you're right about the A7III stuttering.
  14. Your Batis lenses have OSS ? Maybe the combination of both the IBIS and OSS reduces the stuttering and the "bad" motion cadence.
  15. I was close to cancel my preorder because of the pixels issue and the massive noise reduction, but if in addition there is really a bad motion cadence and stuttering ... This high noise reduction is applied even in S-Log 3 ?
  16. Very bad news about the motion cadence and the stuttering ...
  17. Beritar

    NX2 rumors

    I think this is just prime lenses.
  18. Beritar

    NX2 rumors

    I still have my NX1 too and i still prefer the 4k it produces to my GH5. I only use the GH5 for wildlife and some events, the combinaison of great IBIS and the lightweight of the M43 telezoom lenses is hard to beat. However, for everything else, i use my NX1 with the 30mm, 45mm, 85mm and the 16-50mm S. I will probably go to Sony with the A7III but i can't see a lens similar to the 16-50S or as good as the 50-150mm in the Sony system, the lack of good and affordable zoom is my main concern.
  19. APS-C : Samsung NX 16-50mm S F2/2.8 M43 : Panasonic 20mm F1.7
  20. Indeed, the NX1 (with 16-50S/50-150S) produces the best video quality i have ever seen. I like my GH5 for IBIS, 6K video, V-LOG etc but i prefer the 4k video from the NX1 (color, sharpness and contrast).
  21. Probably, but it's the only footage i've seen that doesn't have noise @ ISO 3200 (without Noise Reduction softwares).
  22. Yes grading is the key =), but in my case, even crushing the black or overexposing V-log don't help with 3200 ISO.
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