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Don Kotlos

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Posts posted by Don Kotlos

  1. I doubt slog3 is going to be better than slog2. If anything it will make it worse for skin colors since there are even less values assigned in mid gray level. Increasing the dynamic range with 8 bits is just not good for skin colors. I wish they had included 10 bits. But that might have been impossible with the current thermal envelope of these cameras. 

    Now, the only difference between this and A7rII for my use is the better high ISO sensitivity. Maybe the overheating too since I doubt they released a video centric camera with overheating problems. 

  2. I might get some heat for this but I am pretty sure some of their samples are faked.  The kickstarter video, you can see some before and after videos (the girl running) are shot with 2 different cameras at a slight different angle.

    Also, if you've ever warp stabilized really shaky video, you get some artifacts due to blur from camera shake and rolling shutter.  You just can't stabilize the frames with that level of crispness if you don't have crisp frames to begin with.  Undoubtedly, if they have a real product, it will be of some use, but they are making it seem like you can replicate what a 3-axis gimbal can do with this little device and software.  My guess is, it will be slightly better than warp stabilizer, with the same artifacts.

    You are right in a way. They can never achieve the same quality as with a stabilized camera. The reason is that there are perspective artifacts that cannot be accounted for (no depth information) and even if they were it would require a very fancy image synthesis algorithms and again it wouldn't look as good. 

    This method works by actually measuring the motion directly instead of inferring  it from the data. So crisp images are not  necessary for that. What they do need is images with very very little motion blur, cause the motion blur will have artifacts from both camera motion and rolling shutter, but it is nearly impossible to compensate. As you see in their site, they have just one cross for that exact reason. 

    This is a great solution for wide angle shots, with most objects in far distance. You would not be able to create such a good footage with a normal/zoom lens and close focus. But I guess how many people run like that? :) 

    Its a great product, but for a limited use and I think they don't make that clear in their kickstarter page. The truth is that if you do any action shots like the ones that they show, then yes it will most definitely  work great. 

  3. Hi! I really enjoy grading my photos in Lightroom and think that the tools are really straight forward, easy and fast to work with. Anyone know of a video color grading program similar to it?

    There were a lot of people that asked the same. So now Premiere CC 2015 has the lumetri color panel that provides very similar experience to grading in Lightroom. 

  4. Wouldn't I need the extra stability going to the 80mm-ish FOV/shake vs using it in FF mode? 

    I'd personally set it for 80 actually not 50... 

    The crop factor is irrelevant. 

    Think about it: Take an image that is projected on the full sensor. Now you move the camera by x amount. How much the image moves on the sensor depends on the focal length of the lens. Crop it now as much as you want. The physical movement of the camera is the same, the image projected on the full sensor has moved the same as before, so the compensation by the IBIS should be the same.

  5. Perhaps we don't understand the ramifications of having manufacturer-installed malware in our BIOS.  Here's a hint -- it's not good.

    I agree that methods like these are not good, but it was crapware that was intended to help the stability of the computer for novices. Thats why these were a problem with only the non-thinkpad series. Definetly not malware.  Also Lenovo learned and stoped puting it in new computers. 

    Emanuel is right, fear is a bitch. Here's a hint to you - misinformation does not help. 

  6. oh dear god, never in post.

    Just tried warp stabilization on Premiere. Just for the motion analysis it takes about 30' for a less than 2' 4k clip. That is with a 8 core overclocked to 4.5Ghz machine! Not that cores matter since it is not a multi threaded computation.  

    Now I agree with your point. I cannot imagine myself having to stabilize longer 4K footage. 

  7. I mentioned a whole slew of other factors besides just numbers, actually.

    Yeah, I know. My point was "Relax we were just comparing some numbers and not the cameras as a whole package" 

    You compared the two and concluded that those interested in shooting video as well as stills would find the A7R II more useful. I was providing a counterpoint.

    Nope. Never did that. 

    The A7R II also doesn't stack up to the D810 in HD mode. You have to downsample its 4K to get comparable results...

    It could very well be the case, I never claimed otherwise. But if you have evidence of this I am sure a lot of people would be interested to see it. 

    and 4K overheats the camera in 10 minutes.

    Well now its getting silly. Enough with this gearheaded fights. 

  8. That this test from DXO Mark, combined with the A7R II's well-documented overheating problem, proves to me that there's little reason to choose it over the D810 for hybrid shooting.

    Again, A7RII during HD recording does not overheat.

    It takes equal or better stills, has a much better lens library, offers more robust professional and third party support, is more reliable with long recordings, has a much better battery life, and gives you comparable DR with better colors. Oh, and it's $200 cheaper. Besides 4K and the EVF, I don't see a lot that points in the A7R II's favor unless you just can't cum without 4K. 

    Where did I say that someone should buy the A7rII over the D810? Buy whatever works for you best. I am pretty sure each one has its own needs/wants. 

    Keep in mind that DXO compares just sensors and digital processing. Cameras are much more than that. Please look again and you will see that the whole conversation was just on numbers...

  9. Anyways, this stabilization hype is completely overrated. We have motion pictures since 1895 over the big screen, but maybe those guys were merely too naive then ;-)

    I am not that sure. Personally the 4K is much more overrated than having stabilized recording. Of course I value high quality HD and definitely Olympus can work on that, but the type of shots that you can get with such a small package is very very very useful. At least to me. 

    If you see the type of setups they had to stabilize their cameras (huge cameras by the way) and how shaky the footage can look on handheld small cameras like BMPCC you can also imaging how useful a proper IBIS system is. 

  10. With the FLAT profile, you get pretty much all that DR on the D810. Maybe you lose a stop, but you also have great colors to work with. Meanwhile, the A7R II has shut down due to overheating. 

    You keep mentioning the overheating but I have never seen any A7rII camera overheat during HD recording. 

    I have no doubt that D810 is a great camera and quite likely the colors will look better out of the box when compared to the A7rII, but what's your point?  

  11. Have you seen the video out of the D810? Not to mention it doesn't melt into a puddle if you record for more than 10 minutes.

    The point was made specifically for the DR during video, and the A7rII can record for hours HD footage without melting like the D810. 


  12. By the way, I shot 2 weeks with a D5500 and I was surprised by the DR for an APSC sensor. I could get good pics from one exposure, unlike on 5DIII. 
    For me DR is super important. 

    Example of a D5500 shot with the trees at the botom that were completely 100% black (image was underexposed for the sky) completely recovered : https://500px.com/photo/116251089/star-over-assiniboine-by-loup-fsr

    Great picture! Since A7rII has the same DR as D5500 (and better color sensitivity) you will be able to capture the same quality of photos.  

    DxO tests the A7rII sensor: Is the new king of Full Frame (by a hair)

    Well amazing low-light and color depth. Low light was expected. 
    Very disappointing DR,

    Oh come on. Look at my previous comment. 

    And D810 is a full stop better (huge...).

    For less than 1% of the users. For the other 99% the much better DR in high ISO and video will be more useful

    You must have found the only point in the whole review that the A7rII performs very good and not great :)  

    On that note, DXO does not test long exposures, where the DR of A7RII appears to suffer the most. 

  13. So, no, I'm not expecting the E-M1II to have 4K video or be as videocentric as the E-M5II. The E-M5III might be, but by that time they've probably hooked off anyways and leave video be to Panasonic, Sony and BlackMagic.

    In that case they will be pissing away on a big opportunity. 

    In the worst case I hope they somehow improve the 1080p quality.   

  14. Same here.  In the meantime, I've reluctantly become a little smitten with my EM5II.  Once I learned the muscle memory for the egos it became a competent shooter.  Not perfect, by any means, (no ISO exposure adjustment while shooting?) but a great creative tool if you wield it properly.

    Also, I'm discovering that shooting EM5II footage with vintage lenses really takes the edge off the video and gives it a more pleasing aesthetic, so not only is the body pretty cheap, but the lenses I'm using with it and getting the best results are as well.  

    Yep thats the reason for using the Tiffen UC3... Also outdoors a variable ND of questionable quality makes it even better since both act like low pass filters that take care of the aliasing. 

  15. Are you absolutely sure the one on the left isn't the Sony?  I see lots of strange flare that looks exactly like others get using adapters.  Look closely again.

    There was no point at which I was confused as to which is which. The difference was so dramatic that I had to double check the A7rII had the IBIS on and at the correct focal length. That is why I didn't even think of labeling the footage. The flare is because of the filter that is used with the E-M1. 

    I guess it was only clear to the ones that have used the Olympus IBIS before... 

    I also didn't want to comment on the huge difference between the two so I wouldn't start a fight. 

    All I can say is that I can't wait for the E-M1II to have 4K. 

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