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Everything posted by fuzzynormal

  1. China bears responsibility in missteps, but if you're going to be critical of mishandling this dance, prepare to put your tap dancing shoes for the next 2 months! Also, I seriously recommend you read up on the Spanish Flu. Americans were an integral part of the global crew building that glass house. --One of the deadliest pandemics in history. Maybe hold off on throwing nationalistic stones? My family has 3 family members that we know of that died from the Spanish Flu. 1 of my paternal grandmother's siblings, 2 of my grandfather's, and 1 of my maternal grandmother's uncles.
  2. I also have a fluffy butt.
  3. Yeah. Agreed, but at the same time we've been building to this moment on the schedule. Lots of sweat equity leading up to this springtime. Sunk cost fallacy, maybe?
  4. So the original post was about film jobs in the COVID outbreak. So I have a question: My wife and I are considering doing a crowd-fundraiser for a feature film that's rather inspirational. It's about animal rescue. We've been back and forth if this is a good time for such a thing? On the one hand, there's going to be A LOT of people at home just bouncing around the web, maybe we'd have a good chance at getting more eyeballs on the project that normal. However, how many people will be in the mood to donate money when the economy is screeching to a halt? Basic impressions. What's your gut feeling? Do-able/not-do-able?
  5. I'd like to take a moment and point out the history of the Spanish Flu in order to offer a little perspective if you're gonna get nationalistic.
  6. It's part of the American history and culture. We'll always be a bit behind compared to other nations in that regard. It's a blessing and a curse.
  7. I sometimes do wonder if the rhetorical triplicate thing he does is by canny design, or if it's just his nature. I think I get confused because it might be a savvy technique that's using a limited vocabulary. Hope you're right. Believe it when you see it. There happens to be a certain history with Donald Trump and promises of getting paid.
  8. Do you think I hate the "other side"? Which is how this thread started, but you know how these things go.
  9. I'm calling evangelicals evangelicals because evangelicals are the ones running the creation museum down the street with the TRUMP 2020 flag flying in front of it, and you asked me why I thought a certain political side held science in a lesser esteem, so I offered you an example of evangelicals, who overwhelmingly support the figurehead of the GOP, as not accepting scientific evidence because they run a creation museum down the street. And not that it matters much, but you should know my best firnd is an evangelical and we have these go-rounds about stuff all the time. Usually ends about the same as it's going here too. Shall we set aside an appropriate time that you're more comfortable with? By all means, I don't want you to get upset trying to defend your opinions. Let's mark the calendar to pick up the debate. I'll bring the berets and white face paint. Although, to be honest, it's going to be hard to debate if all we can do is express ourselves visually.
  10. One side says it's not alive? Ummm...? But, oh man, maybe we shouldn't really start down this road.
  11. That's cool. Free country so good for you! Curious though, do you think evangelicals respect science as much as people that are not evangelicals?
  12. Yes, I agree that people were stirring up fear about how unprepared the GOP was because the POTUS was saying stuff that was stirring up fear about how unprepared the GOP was. The evangelicals running the creation museum down the street flying their TRUMP 2020 flag would like to have a word. "Not the time to talk politics" seems to happen often when the GOP is forced to pivot and adapt to reality. Anyway, I stand by my statement, even though I'm not practicing it at the moment, that hopefully the rhetoric will wind-down a bit and be tempered in the "new normal" in the aftermath of all this.
  13. Or how about a hybrid of the technique: Three quick consecutive bracketed exposures x24fps? Anyone know the reasons why that wouldn't be implemented in M43? That's not simultaneous triple exposure, so it would have certain motion blur issues, but seems like it could be done via firmware?
  14. Says a guy sitting on the toilet. 😉 I kid! I kid! Don't take that joke too seriously. But it's kinda like the poop calling the other turd brown, you know? Speaking of jokes, less than a week ago people were making ha-ha's about the CDC, WHO, and COVID in right wing watering holes like the FNC. Mocking the virus hand-wringing. Somehow claiming it's a hoax. This week it's suddenly incredibly serious and we all need to be part of the solution. Not that I disagree with it being serious and all, but funny how rhetoric works. Maybe COVID will shake loose a little bit of that nonsense and we'll give facts and science a bit more prestige? Oh, for a silver-lining.
  15. Interestingly, the nations with the lowest numbers also took the biggest SARS hit in 2003. Those countries didn't mess around, knew what's at stake, and they're practically a flat-line on the charts.
  16. I think another thing that has flown under the radar a bit is that hospitals don't just stop trying to treat other diseases while COVID19 is garnering all the attention. The question becomes how well an they do it? An at-risk person who then gets the run-of-the-mill flu is now at a heightened amount of danger because health services are stretched way too thin. So flu deaths can spike too. When the dust settles and we look back at 2020, COVID numbers might not be as high as we feared (let's hope) but meanwhile other numbers across the board could be rather depressing.
  17. On the opposite side of things, I may need to sell gear to fund unexpected travel and from losing an important client. Not too fun all around.
  18. The history of the Spanish Flu is certainly not reassuring, unfortunately.
  19. Alright, I've been unleashing my angst on here for a lot of reasons, mostly because I can't sleep, but perspective is always important, so here it goes: My elderly mother, already suffering from another disease, is self-isolated because she has the symptoms. My brother is as well. Not tested yet, happening soon. I don't know what the heck is going to happen, but before we all get way too angry and impersonal, a little empathy goes a long way --and keep your outlook healthy. Good luck out there.
  20. Hugging the flag right now. Maybe even doing some dirty dancing with it.
  21. Because they don't spontaneous explode when they get it? Like, you know, having a 1 to 2 week incubation period. So...I'm exhausted my political hand wringing. I love everyone, even those of you I disagree with. It's okay to not share the same opinions, but I don't want to hold onto our commonalities. Which brings me to more news relating to the OP. Yeah, lost 2 more clients today. Edit jobs now, not even location shoots, edits. The company is just tightening up and "whoop" my work is on the chopping block. Hooray! On top of that, rumblings in CA that landlords should be required to forgive rent during the crisis. Well, shit, my wife and I barely make it on our rental properties as it is and now that income is jeopardized too? I used to hear stories from my grandma as a kid about what the Great Depression was like. I might need to get some chickens....
  22. They don't spontaneously explode?
  23. I thought The WHO did it a week ago?
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