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Everything posted by fuzzynormal

  1. NewTek, huh? Full circle for me then. Does it come with Kiki wipes? Can I use it in my Amiga 2500? In all seriousness, I should research this. Had a municipal client request streaming service a few months ago.
  2. Not only have I lost multiple jobs and screenings at this point, but my wife and I's supplemental income as landlords looks like it might be in jeopardy too, depending on what politicians do. Yikes. The US is going to get rocked hard by this all around. If we are where Italy is 2 weeks from now, it ain't likely to be pretty. My opinion is that life in the USA is pretty much random cultural nonsense anyway, with people in power operating with fear rather than our citizen's best interest. What happened yesterday at the White House was just another paper cut, just a longer stroke. "It's national emergency time all of a sudden! Pretend everything I've said over the past 4 weeks about COVID is irrelevant. And here are a bunch of corporate CEO standing behind me for some bullshit reason! I'm not responsible!" I'm pretty damn cynical about society right about now.
  3. Any good cinematography will be emotionally manipulative. So the answer is yes. Suggest watching and studying early movies that really explored this such as Citizen Kane or Battleship Potemkin. I also just recently watched Rudolph Maté's work with Joan of Arc and was in tears by the end of it.
  4. I trust the actual medical scientists of the CDC. They're not idiots and they know how reality works. Do I trust other people that disseminate the information (including me)? Not so much. Yeah, but I think that's just in general. They'd probably rather drink a Coors Light or some shit.
  5. The way things happen in the USA is unique. We have a different sort of society and culture from elsewhere in the world. That comes with good and bad realities. When it comes to dealing with modern health issues, we all know that the USA is absolutely not great for health care for the middle and lower class. (anyone seriously dispute this?) So, how is a system that barely holds itself together in the first place handle the impact of a new novel virus? i.e: The head of the Department of Health in Ohio just said there are five confirmed cases in the state, but actually thinks there are 100,000+ cases in the state unreported. And that's as of today. Where is it in a week or two? If only a modest percent of those people start taking beds at hospitals, can our system handle it? Meanwhile, I just got an editing gig which allows me to work from home for a few weeks, so I don't feel scared or panicked (even if I do I don't fret about serious health risks). My main worry is having it spread it to the older members of my family. I guess we'll see how this all played out.
  6. Buying cameras online? 🙂 Luckily, I do a pretty good job of chillin' anyway. Love working a job and doing it well, but I tend to keep things reasonable and my stress in check.
  7. Not all American. I guess that means the teat doesn't need more suckling? https://www.narcity.com/news/ca/sk/coronavirus-vaccine-made-in-saskatchewan-is-now-in-the-testing-stages
  8. The USA developed a vaccine already?
  9. If you're hanging out at home, you don't need hand gel. Soap is better anyway.
  10. Here our CDC told Congress this week that insufficient federal investment in public health has impaired its ability to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. As typical in the USA, underfunding is common. All executive administrations have to cope with some sort of natural problem eventually. Unfortunately, because the way many of our citizens have deferred to affluent people, we're always behind the curve when disaster hits across the socioeconomic spectrum. Regardless, those in power in government can often make a bad problem actively worse because they're so ideologically stubborn, self-centered, or just flat out incompetent.
  11. Yeah, once organizations start counting numbers, the numbers increase. A lot of that is simply them just paying close attention. Also, it's easy to double numbers when you start with a low number to begin with, so that sort of rhetoric and headlines regarding "Numbers Double!" of the whole thing is to be expected. Still, there's no confidence here in the States that we'll ever have an accurate estimation regarding confirmed cases. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under orders from the executive branch stopped publicly disclosing the number of Americans who have been tested, so our government is once again in "cover-our-asses" mode rather than trying to legitimately help. i.e.: https://youtu.be/x_UuV5v34x0 My understanding is that the various shut downs for COVID are basically an attempt to slow the inevitable spread so that hospitals do not get overwhelmed treating the frail and infirm that get hit with the virus. They're trying to avoid triage.
  12. https://youtu.be/X7KCyRxOoJw
  13. Just got an email from a client that told me their event is canceled to avoid potential virus spreading. A lucrative booked gig is now off my calendar. So...what are your biz'ness horror stories about this novel virus to share? Especially in the USA? My guess is that we're a few days away from reported cases going bananas in this country. So, new numbers combined with bungling government response that causes unnecessary chaos --and then somewhat back to normal (the "new normal") a few months down the line, hopefully.
  14. If the footage quality is out of your hands and the client FULLY understands this, just roll with it. I've done this before and have tried to send along a shot sheet/brief that would help folks get better shots. For some people it works, for others it doesn't. Don't get upset about this. Again, it's out of your control.
  15. I have that Epson scanner featured in the video above. Works good, if a bit slow. My wife and I have just turned back to doing BW portraits on 120.
  16. The parasol push to clear the shot looks like a filming technique I could still use over 100 years later. Forceful yet slightly refined.
  17. Manual focus guy here. FWIW, I put a bigger loupe on my GH5's EVF and a neat-o chamois eye cushion. Blocks the light on a bright day and allows me to pull focus. And I'm not a gimbal shooter, so this traditional method is fine by me. There's also, I think, a pleasant aesthetic that shots have from a human finding focus. All that adds up to me in the "don't really care much about AF" camp. Of course, if I'm ever planning mission critical shots where AF would be the solution, then I'd certainly rent or buy the proper gear.
  18. His kind of goofiness and dipshittiness is nothing new and won't be going away simply because he just fell off the edge of the disc.
  19. You're assuming all this guy's attitude and motivation was genuine. By all accounts he was a quirky dude that wanted to screw around with building crap. The flat-earth thing gave him an excuse and notoriety to do so. If he could have grabbed more attention by exploiting 70 year old grandmas that made quilts, he would probably have done that.
  20. Supply and demand. Also, the devaluation of the service/product. Which direction you looking?
  21. In 2019: -$23,456.12 Hooray! Self funding your own movies is fun.
  22. Oly has an electronic ND function/mode. Which is pretty cool, but my understanding is that it's only for stills and doesn't work with video...which is what I was thinking about. Having physical ND glass inside the body is great, but putting it in a small EM5 body would be a real challenge; would be really wonderful if they could though. Then again, these are photo cameras first and foremost. No real desire to make the camera bigger to accommodate somehhhing like that.
  23. I don't think internal ND is do-able with these sensors for video. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  24. Indy filmmakers can use the technique as well with more modest ambition. Projection backgrounds for instance. I've also always wanted to do front plate special effects just because I love the simplicity of the process...and that it's a centuries old concept has a certain cool factor too. Made a werewolf movie once too where we tried to do stop motion animation mixed with live action. Harryhausen kind of stuff. Didn't really work, but we gave it a try. Simple concepts with sophisticated equipment are always kind of fun.
  25. "Double Punch" is what we called it in the olden days. But, yes, LUMIX cameras are troublesome for accurately triggering recording. The only solution I've found is to make myself put forth a concious effort to literally read the record clock for a second, make sure it's rolling, and get on with my work.
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