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Everything posted by wolf33d

  1. Bad enough, Sold it because of that. Unusable for proper gimbal work in my opinion. Yeah they have all the specs. They miss a critical one for me.
  2. So if these latest rumors are true, AF is the same as GH5. Awful news. Didn't make my day.
  3. It would still miss IBIS, would still miss 4K60P unfortunately.
  4. Lol Seriously? I hate buying let's say an A7SII right now when we know the III is around the corner. But not buying a camera 2 weeks after release because the next one is coming 2 years after? You will never buy, cause the V is coming 2 years after the IV and so on.
  5. Sony A7S is half the weight of D850. I hike and trek for days at a time with 40lbs backpack so having camera as light as possible helps. I agree about 10 bits, I don’t care. However IBIS is a huge deal for me, as much as AF, and 4K60p also. A7S3 will have all this hopeful. GH5s might if only for the af
  6. Well Canon has amazing AF, amazing colors, amazing ergonomics but they have shit specs because of protecting their CINE line. Pisses me a lot but that's how it is. Plus, I would rather have a light mirrorless than heavy big DSLR. So for video it will be GH5s or A7SIII for me. Next year we will see first FF from Nikon and Canon. Will be interesting but I do not have high hopes. Will probably be limited to 4K30p and no great codecs and video features.
  7. As far as I am concerned I do not dislike M43. My complain on the GH5 is AF but that is not M43 related. Regarding sensor size, what people will probably complain VS Full Frame is the following: - Low Light. Yes it is going to be good, but 12mpx M43 will not equal FF 12mpx (A7S) for pixel size and therefore low light quality. - Bokeh. That FF look.... And don't tell me about those speed booster that run a huge lens made for a big sensor on this camera, and loosing any chance of good AF with it. Why not use FF if it is to put FF glass on the body anyway... Again depends on your use. For my photographic use, I could never use a M43 body. That's more related to DR (DR on M43 really sucks), malleability of the RAWs, low light and more (DoF for portraits for ex). Actually, I had the EM1 some time ago and I always produced way better landscapes out of a cheap APSC Nikon body, let alone my FF cameras. In Patagonia with the GH5, I did not take a single picture. Only used a small D5500 (very light body) on a tripod for landscapes. GH5 stayed on the Gimbal anyway. For video however, I could not care less of having better than clean ISO6400 as you mention so I will probably be totally fine with the GH5s, and I do not consider having extremely small DoF critical in video. I am satisfied enough with what a GH5 and good glass can get me wide open. I find it harder to work with super thin DoF anyway with moving subjects. In my case the only Go/No go for the GH5s will be AF. If it as a great DPAF I am in, if not I will wait and get the A7SIII (assuming it has GH5 specs and A7RIII AF, and will get A7RIII for photo. I am so tired of changing camera gear often. But for people who need FF for video, it's gonna be about the 2 points above. I guess you cannot argue against those points. We all have different needs and that is good.
  8. That's awesome. 60P 10 bit is really great. 1080 @240 is also great. Since this is a new different sensor, having Phase Detection AF would be EVEN more great. I am not buying it without that, even if it would do 4K10bit @ 240p (well ok I would...)
  9. GH5s specs : https://photorumors.com/2017/12/14/here-are-the-detailed-panasonic-gh5s-specifications/#ixzz51FQWa6Dj Seems like no new AF or it would be a highlight. Too bad
  10. After one year in the US, I am still far to understand who in this country could vote for this clown. Yet half of Americans stunningly did...
  11. Pros accounts like GoPro get good bitrates, most of us don’t. You have to be selected by YouTube for that and can’t do anything about it.. that sucks.
  12. Having lens IS or IBIS helps a lot. Even with perfect camera balance on a Gimbal, having both stabilization gives you better result. Many YouTube video prove that and experienced it myself. Even more true with longer lens. Now be careful with the Crane M. It stabilizes less well than the normal version even for 500g camera. Now if your camera has good IBIS like GH5, I think you are good to go with the M
  13. No AF on Gimbal seems difficult for me!
  14. Hi everybody, What is your favorite focal lens to use on a Gimbal? For me this is 21mm. Wide enough that you can film action things with full body of people (unlike 24mm, which I used a lot with a 24-70 on Gimbal), yet not so wide that it looks like a GoPro or ultra wide shot (14 or 16mm). Unfortunately, while DSLRs have the incredible sigma 20mm 1.4 that’s amazing in low light as well as creating background blur in wide shots, I think that Panasonic and Sony miss a similar offering in their lineup. There is the Batis 18mm but only 2.8 and a tad wide, otherwise a great lens. Any on Panasonic side? There is the great 12mm 1.4 but again, that’s a 24mm equivalent.
  15. I was quoting someone i do not know if they will bring same GH5 sensor. In fact do not hope... i hope for a completely new model with lower mpx count and PDAF
  16. Sounds good, good idea about the upgrade. But I do not see how can they upgrade existing GH5 with better AF? Software update for AF ok but that is nothing. I do not see them upgrading it to a DPAF then ... too big change for an upgrade of customer body. Do you think a paid upgrade could bring hardware change,,,? Also Luke said "best V LOG ever" so it could indeed be a paid upgrade.
  17. I sold the GH5 because of AF, it does not compare to A6500. My point of view is that Canon DPAF is the golden standard, it just works and is reliable enough for pro use. Then you have Sony A9 level. It is very good, just one step under DPAF but it works well and is enough for gimbal work. GH5 is not enough for gimbal work from my use. To many shots were it would hunt or just loose focus for 2-3seconds, and even when it is spot on you have some micro hunting happening in the bokeh. This is due to contrast af technology. I guess Panasonic did a great job for CAF type, they just used the wrong technology.
  18. Fuji X-H1 is coming. It will have 4K for sure, maybe 60p. F-LOG and IBIS are confirmed. Sounds good to me. Fuji color is great so is Fuji ergonomics and lenses. If the Fuji X-H1 has 4K60P, IBIS, F-LOG and a good AF, it will be a great competitor to GH5s and A7SIII. Maybe the sweet middle between the 2 later. Basically a A6500 but better (ergonomics, colors, lenses...).
  19. +10000 I wish you were advising Panasonic instead of Casey. The problem is that when you upload a video on YouTube it doesn’t push their pre-order 20%. That’s all that matters now. Thanksfully, the only thing Panasonic did not get right (video speaking) is AF, and there is a good chance Casey is sensitive to that and told them. I can only hope. A GH5 with great AF would be so great. Also they know A7S3 will have at least A9 AF And be full frame so they can’t wait 3 years to compete. Especially if A7S3 got same GH5 specs (4k60p and 10 bit) then they know they are DEAD.
  20. No camera is perfect. I bought the GH5, was not happy with AF and sold it right after. It's not like I waited the GH5s to say GH5 is full of cons. Many great cameras outthere, none perfect, depends on your need. On my side the GH5 fits everything for video except AF.
  21. in @Neumann Films video teaser, the end is "THE BEST VLOG EVER" which clearly is a hint for the best V-LOG ever. So GH5s will either film RAW with V-LOG, or get as @Andrew Reid said it will have HDR or some sort of things. I am afraid we won't see a different AF which is all I care about. Could not care less about RAW and huge files when GH5 can give me 10bit in nice small bitrate
  22. Yeah why not. I have a feeling we all get exited with many features but the GH5S will maintain same 4K60, same AF,... Nothing too crazy like DPAF or 4K120p HDR.
  23. If what is real? We have 0 spec lol. The fact that the sensor (a sensor for security cameras by the way, nobody said the GH5s will have that sensor) does 4K120p does not mean the camera will do 4K120p at all. We have seen many many times capable sensor with a different output because of processing power or heat management. So we have nothing on the GH5s appart that it will be more low light oriented. But yeah if it does 4K120p with good AF and good lowlight, I am too getting one. If not then Sony will have my money with the A7SIII cause I am sure it will have A9 AF and FF is a bonus.
  24. Good, now that Casey leaked the GH5s and will be put in jail by Panasonic, @Neumann Films you can now feel free to leak us all the specs with no risk
  25. After watching a lot of videos, G9 AF is not that good. In many cases it fails even more than GH5 when tracking. My minimum acceptable level for video AF is A6500, or A9.
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