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Everything posted by Inazuma

  1. So after buying expensive 35mm film and cleaning >my old cameras up, I just had to try my GX7 one last time... and all of a sudden it's fine again! I'm leaving it on electronic shutter for now though to avoid any more issues. Still going to just take my film cameras with me to Croatia. Been waiting a while to give them a proper try. If anyone's interested you can probably check my Flickr in about 3 weeks time to see some shots.
  2. 512GB on these tiny cards? Technology is amazing
  3. I thought you only just got it fixed :o Edit: I heard something about a connection to Olympus' servers being required to do firmware updates (unless you work around it). So maybe it's plausible that the firmware could be a paid-for feature? Whilst the other one that was leaked a few days ago is just some free shit?
  4. 9 is overkill and 0 is too soft. 3 Is nice :) Can you try the same thing but with a medium closeup of someone?
  5. Would really love for more resolution, better codec, 25p and a more LOG colour profile. If they implement these things the camera would be perfect for casual shooting. But you know as they say.. some things are too good to be true. These contradicting rumors are very intriguing though. Never heard of anything like this before.
  6. A lot of the time when I think "cinematic" I think muted colours and contrasty tones. I guess you could say Saving Private Ryan is my benchmark. But it's really all about context. There's a lot of aerial shots in LOTR that I find very cinematic. Yet the same type of shots in The Hobbit I find to be less so. I guess it's because the latter is a more silly movie and of course LOTR had more original orchestral music. I'm not sure how much grading helps either. Things like changing the overall look to be more teal or orange is very cliche now. Sometimes grading does make a dramatic difference to how something is perceived. Such as 58 secs into this video the mushy artificially lit scene ends up getting a properly cinematic spy drama look. But most of the time it really is simply about composition and lighting. The Sony a7s can see in the dark, but it still can't save a poorly lit scene. If light isnt hitting your subject or background in the right way, then there's nothing to draw the viewers eyes into. Probably the best way to get a cinematic image is to think in terms of caravaggio or chiaroscuro.
  7. You should ask yourself really what is worthwhile to you? Some people's idea of "worthwhile" is something that'll get them a lot of internet attention. But there are so many things that were made with no effort that get a lot of attention. It's just not worth it. That's why I find it best to just do what you wanna do. Another problem that mainly artists find is that they are overwhelmed with the possibilities. This happens to me all the time. It's much easier to sit on a forum discussing gear than it is to face the task of using the gear to make something great. The trick I guess is to be more spontaneous. Yesterday I heard that there was going to be a supermoon. It sparked my interest and I began plotting out a film around it involving actors I've been acquainted with. Unfortunately it all came to an end when I realized I was a day late and my camera was faulty. Honestly sometimes I feel like I have too much stuff. Too much furniture, too many clothes, too many electronics. It gets in the way of thought. I keep harkening back to this thing I heard about Bill Gates meeting Steven Jobs at his apartment when they were young. It was empty; barely even a bed. Just him sitting there in this Zen-like space. But the problem is we need all this stuff to function.
  8. You could meet half way and use dark grey text on light grey bg :p Some other feedback The social media icons and the big rectangular thumnails everywhere, along with the white background are giving me douchey BuzzFeed vibes. The four boxes for "reviews, latest news, creative film making, lenses" need more seperation or need to look more distinct to one another. Right now it's just all blending into one mess. The footer could use a third column. Maybe just a very short "About". Also I would arrange it so tags are on the right. I'm not a fan of the 'page against a background' look (ie. the shadows on either side). Why did you bury the creative forum even deeper? Forum theme still looks the same to me. When I view it in incognito mode, it looks different (and better, except for it being hard to distinguish which post count belongs to what thread. And yes the banner is too big).
  9. Yeh go for the Samyang 12mm or a Tokina 11-16. You wont find a bargain old lens wider than 24 really.
  10. All from Amazon UK except for the followfocus and viewfinder - bought from ebay :)
  11. The new website looks nice but the forum looks exactly the same to me :/
  12. I would not recommend those things which press against your chest. I used to have one. Because you're still using your arm to support the weight and to press the pad into your chest, you will still get jitters. If I were you i would continue using the gorillapod, which rests on your shoulders. My personal setup includes: Four 15mm, four inch rods. One Z bracket Shoulder pad Baseplate with quick release to mount the camera on Counter weight Handle Kamerar Follow Focus Kamerar Viewfinder Magnifier I would not take this for casual shooting though :P '>
  13. Yes I have those same settings. Looks like it's going to have to go back to Panasonic now. Btw the shutter on my GX7 moves extremely quickly when I turn it on (actually quicker than I can see) so the sellotape idea doesnt work.
  14. No it's happening just by me holding the body. I've turned off the touch screen and it still happens. I can also trigger it sometimes just by pressing into an empty space around the controls or grip. It's only happening with the speed booster or my other (non-optical) adapter attached. It doesnt randomly magnify with a native lens attached, although it does still randomly go into iA mode.
  15. Nice video Matt, I especially like the eye reflection shots :) Ok I received my G6 not long ago. Im having a problem - With the speed booster attached it keeps randomly going into focus magnification mode every few seconds. Anyone else experienced this? Edit: Also the iA is randomly turning on. God damnit...
  16. My system is almost exactly the same as yours except its a Windows and the CPU is OC'd to 4ghz. NeatVideo is still slow although I can play it back at half resolution without skipping frames
  17. Thanks guys, it only took me two years :p it seems like nearly everyone who starts doing a bit of research will end up going through this process. I am currently writing/directing a short series. Will put a link in my signature to a page about it in the next few weeks
  18. Inazuma


    I don't know about that lens but if I were to go wide angle I'd go with the Tokina 11-16mm. Slightly wider than that samyang and widely well regarded
  19. Sebastian, are you thinking of doing any real short film projects? With characters, dialogue, etc :)
  20. No.. I realised over the past few days that every camera has its drawbacks. Even the Sony a7s with its bad rolling shutter. If people on Vimeo are able to achieve such atmospheric/beautiful videos with the G6 then why do I need a better camera? I'm no more skilled than any of those guys.
  21. That's a cool idea but quite impractical. I have to use a thin object to lift the shutter up and there's a high risk I would damage the sensor further by trying to tape the shutter up.
  22. Just ordered the G6 :) There are so many great looking videos shot with it on vimeo that it makes me wonder why I ever doubted it https://vimeo.com/search/page:1/sort:relevant/format:thumbnail?type=videos&q=panasonic+g6 I'm going to get a repair estimate for my GX7... let's hope it's not as expensive as the sensor replacement! BTW here's a picture of the issue '> I can lift the shutter up but it just goes back down again. Makes me think actually, why they don't have a feature like this where you can lock the shutter down to protect the sensor when changing lenses.
  23. Ok this is unbelievable. I was using my GX7 just now and it made a sound as if it took three pictures very rapidly. It told me to turn off and on the camera again, so I did. But the image was black. After detaching my lens, it looks like the shutter is jammed shut! I was going to buy another camera anyway but now Im forced to and wont have my GX7 as a second camera :( BTW Matt, most of my money has been spent on lenses and kit, which is why my budget for the body is so unfortunately small. I'm thinking I will get the G6. The d5300 might have better stills and more DR at low ISOs but the Panasonics are just better handling.
  24. Looks like it works the same way as instagram hyperlapse. And also looks like it works well! Might actually give this a try
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