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andy lee

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Posts posted by andy lee

  1. ok this looks like it is a c - mount lens (screw thread) with NO x2 converter on the back to flip in

    so it maybe for 1/3 inch sensor so will vignette on micro 4/3 - unless you have a Panasonic camera and can to EX TELE mode to crop in x2 .


    its hit and miss you will have to try it


    a c mount to micro 4/3 adapter is about £10 off ebay so have a go



  2. eerr - maybe!....

    it sounds like it maybe a B4 mount broadcast lens -if it is 2/3 inch format and has a x2 extender - then you can get a B4 - Micro 4/3 adaptor off ebay

    I have one I use on my Fujinon B4 TV Z lenses - they are superb super zooms


    post a pic of your lens so I can see the mount on it


  3. ​Thank you. Just one more question then Any. I hear that this lens is par focal if it is properly adjusted. Does it maintain that feature with the focal reducer?

    ​ive not had mine fully parfocal its very nearly parfocal - its usable

  4. Is anyone using a Canon FD 35-105mm f3.5 on focal reducer and with the focal reducer added, do you think that m4/3 mount is strong enough to hold these two without any extra support? BTW, Canon FD 35-105mm is around 600gr.

    ​I use both those together and I have them on my Tecnoir shoulder rig so there is a lens support holding the lens on the rods

  5. very nicely said!

     as they rotate as you focus you have no chance of using a mattebox


    I do have some push pull lens I only use handheld - run n gun.... no mattebox

    like the excellent Nikon 35-70mm f2.8  this is a killer lens alot smaller than the Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 that I love

    optically the galss is the same quility its just as sharp just alot smaller ....BUT its push pull so you have to work round that where you can .





    You've also been raving about the Tokina atx pro 28-80 f2.8. But then you warn that they're push-pull (or maybe one of them is) and that folks ought to know this before buying.

    Not to ask a dumb question but what's wrong with push-pull zoom? Doesn't that mean the lens has a fixed tube length? And wouldn't that make it easier to mount on a rig with matte box? I mean, twist zooms that twist out like push-Popsicles, how do you matte box those things?

    I've got to be missing something obvious here.


    ​The Tokina is Not a push pull lens ....I have never mentioned that I  have no idea where you have got this misinfomation from

  7. When I had the d5200 I had the 35mm DX. Wasn't a big fan I'm afraid. Flimsy focus ring with infinite rotation and no distance scale.


    I'll be using the lens on a speed booster with my Panasonic GX7. I'm also considering an M42 mount lens, or any other mount that has a speed booster available. I just saw a Carl Zeiss Jenna 35mm f2.4. Anyone have experience with this lens? Also found a Flektagon. What's the difference there?

    ​Carl Zeiss Jenna 35mm f2.4 is a Flektogon .....its a great cheap lens that everyone should have .....its does the job and edits in well with A helios 58mm f2


  8. Hey guys, I am looking for suggestions for a lens. I am looking for the most compact 28mm (ish) f2.8 or faster lens for the A7s. I am looking mostly for size with the adapter and quality. Any recommendations? I am currently using a pentax mount vivitar F2, but I shoot mostly at f4 as it is soft otherwise. It would be great to find something of better quality and smaller if possible...?


    Thanks in advance

    ​Nikon 28mm f2.8 AIS

    Yahsica ML 28mm f2.8

    Carl Zeiss Contax C/Y 28MM f2.8


    all very very good all full frame ...

  9. It's been a bit since you posted this, but a recent check shows about $600 for one of these. My question, suppose you wanted to buy a set of Nikkor manual primes for a new kit. Say for an a7s, but the gh4 with speed boost adapter also counts. Whatever. Which lenses would you choose and how much would be the top most you'd be willing to pay? Also, suggestions for a fisheye?

    ​I saw one on ebay 2 days ago for £120 !!









    Thats a great nIkon set to have


    or just get a Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 IF ED (the Bourne Lens)

    it covers most of the above in one lens......if it good enough for The Bourne Ultimatum .....its good enough for you and me!!


    Nikon do a 15mm f5,6 ITS VERY RARE BUT INSANLEY GOOD!!

    they also do a 13mm f5.6

    both these where used by Richard Edlund and John Dykstra to shoot VistaVision model shots for Star Wars!

  10. Hello Andy, I can buy a canon FD 35mm 1:2 SSC….I allready have a FD28mm 2.8 would it be a nice addition. And would you advice me to use with a speed booster on a MFT cam? Thanks

    ​yes get an RJ canon fd to micro m3/4 speedbooster off ebay  - they are superb with Fd lenses

  11. the days of non reflex off set view finders on film cameras is long gone (my first 16mm film camera had an offet finder !!) and not many people on this forum are getting out tape measures to aquire the exact distance to a subject - which you need to do with a non reflex finder - if you want to do that these day there is Cinetape that everyone sticks on the front of their Alexa or Red , Cinetape is an industry standard .


    So I personally dont ever look at focus scale markings as the EVF gets me spot on focus everytime.

    I have some rehoused Schneider Cinema lens that have no focus scales on them at all - they work just fine

    So dont worry about imperial or metric - just buy the lens if you like it !

  12. why do you need an EVF when the GH4 has a superb oled EVF built in it!!


    Just use that

    I use it all the time on my rig - build your rig so the camera is in the correct place for your eye on the EVF .

    I cannot shoot without using the built in evf its superb - dial in the diopter to suit your eye and you will never have any focus issue every again ...its that good!


  13. vivitar make a 19-35mm series 1 lens that is rectilinear its a very nice useful lens

    Pentax TAK make a 17mm f3.5 that is great I use mine alot

  14. @nahua & @Rudolf quite surprised to hear your comments re the C/Y mount Zeiss lenses as I've only ever heard glowing comments about them. Indeed, there's a 259 page (and growing) thread all about them on the Red User's forum in which there's nothing but love for them.

    Still, it's all personal preference at the end of the day!

    ​I do really like Zeiss C/Y lenses they are superb and one of the best ways of getting a modern Zeiss look without breaking the bank .

    great colours and superb contrast and blacks and sharp !!

    Ive never had any issues with them ......

  15. you dont need to have them modified to canon ef mount - just stick a C/Y to canon ef mount adapter on the end of each lens - these cost $15 each on ebay


    I do this so I can then then use my Zeiss C/Y mount lenses on my Canon EF- micro 4/3 speedbooster


    Good cheap speedboosters where my revolution of 2014


    mitakon lens turbo and RJ speedboosers have been used on every shoot I have done this year transforming Panasonic micro 4/3  cameras into serious Super35 film making machines. Combined with Nikon 28-70mm and 80-200mm lenses they produce  F2 images just about as good as it gets


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