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Posts posted by beeldlab

  1. First I have to say that it was such a pleasure to shoot with these lenses compared to shooting with other vintage anamorphics. No hassle, no aligning, no triple checking focus. Other lenses can give great results. Kowa, Bolex Möller, Sankor, Iscorama and other anamorphics all have their special character, beauty, disadvantages and solutions to be able to shoot in a proper way. But being able to shoot without lens clamps, rings, front lenses and other stuff feels so good. It’s just choosing the right focal distance, attach it and shoot.

    Is it perfect? No. But I have to compliment SLR Magic because they are at least putting energy into anamorphic solutions and now even into native anamorphics.

    When shooting wide open, which I tend to do and have done for this short film, some chromatic aberration can be visible, it disappears when stopping down. The 35mm mm has clearly some visible circular distortion in the edges. I tiny bit too much to my personal taste but i know many anamorphic lovers love the distortion. I am enthusiastic about the sharpness, the overall look and user friendly usability. These are the first ‘lower range’ anamorphics I would dare to take with me on a commercial job.

    Color correction was done in Adobe Lightroom, not the most easiest and common way common way to color correct video but I love some tools that are available in Lightroom. I exported and color corrected every single frame as a tiff.


    A deep and delicate music documentary in which filmmaker Hugo Goudswaard is following singer songwriter duo Nancy Brick from quiet living rooms via an intriguing mausoleum to the creation of the new song'Apple tree.

    With the Norwegian landscape and the friendly locals as a moving backdrop Batelaan and Valeri tell about their motivations and they light a corner of the veil that still hangs over the second album.

    Shot on GH4 with voigtlanders.


  3. I did crop the sides. During shooting I had a smallHD dp6 to check my composition with cropped sides. I agree, 2X can be nice but often a tiny bit too much. Loss of quality is acceptable with the crop, wish I had a Isco though. The quality of the GH3 is amazing.

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