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Andrew Reid

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Everything posted by Andrew Reid

  1. Steven Spielberg has revealed the Oscar winning blockbuster Lincoln barely made it into distribution. "[It was] this close - ask HBO" Spielberg was speaking at the University of South California Film School. The problem he says is that studios aren't taking any chances on 'fringe' subjects and scripts, preferring established franchises and superhero schlock directed by wannabes. If Spielberg can't get his artistic film into cinemas, it bodes very badly for the artistic DNA of cinema and the viability of the business which for so long has fed of ideas and talent. Have the money-men finally killed it? [url=http://www.eoshd.com/content/10583/spielberg-established-filmmaking-industry-heading-for-implosion-struggled-to-get-lincoln-into-theatres]Read the full article here[/url]
  2. I recommend speed testing it in the camera. Magic Lantern has a set of benchmarking tools in the menus. The USB reader isn't as accurate.
  3. Small and modular in design and featuring a global shutter, this raw digital cinema camera isn't built by a camera company, or even a small team. Created over the last 6 months in Flensburg in Northern Germany single-handedly by Roald Christessen, the camera features a global shutter and raw output. Here's an exclusive Q&A with Roald and more about the camera technology... [url=http://www.eoshd.com/content/10517/an-incredible-achievement-roald-christessen-builds-his-own-raw-cinema-camera-and-grading-software]Read the full article here[/url]
  4.   I don't think it will be possible to upgrade core stuff like the CPU and GPU via Thunderbolt 2, as it doesn't run on the PCIExpress generation 3 bus.
  5.   12 cores not enough? I think it is. The GPU matters more, and that is brutally fast. It is just waiting for the software to catch up (proper optimised OpenCL support).
  6. I did a review of the EF version for Mac User magazine (print) in the UK too, and still no contact from Blackmagic. Zero support.
  7. The new Mac Pro is the height of a bottle of wine, with the diameter of a small cookie jar. Cutting edge in terms of technology it's also a radical departure from the old models in terms of design and in my view it is going to be a huge success though I'm expecting a huge price tag. [url=http://www.eoshd.com/content/10562/apple-reveal-new-4k-equipped-mac-pro-suitable-for-uncompressed-raw-editing-not-just-pro-but-genius]Read the full article here[/url]
  8. That's the first Iscorama, not the Iscorama 36.   Very desirable.   Yours is in stunning condition considering it dates to the late 60s.
  9. Let me Google that for you http://lmgtfy.com/?q=gh2+record+time+limit
  10.   Thanks and for the record I strongly agree. However runs their marketing program is completely out of touch. It is as if they went through Twitter looking at follower numbers and giving out cameras based on that.   None of whom have the MFT camera are actually MFT shooters! None of them use MFT cameras like the GH2 or AF100 for their filmmaking work.   Few of them are technical enough to give good beta test program feedback either.   I'm disappointed.   I had tons of stuff to try on the MFT camera... OCT 19 anamorphic, SLR Magic 35mm T0.95 and gems from 2-years worth of collecting lenses to suit the sensor size, in terms of my GH2 MFT lenses, yet some marketing muppet thinks 30,000 spambot followers on twitter are preferable.
  11. Found an anamorphic lens on eBay and need advice?   Is it a good buy? Need more information? Want to share unusual discoveries and finds?   Post here.   No advertising of your own auctions please. No posts with only a link to eBay.
  12. I think the time has come to move on from this thread.   I'm closing it and recreating it afresh under a different concept -   http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/2887-advice-on-ebay-anamorphic-lens-listing-no-advertising/
  13.   That's an explanation I'd love to hear too.
  14. Glad you got the lens Stan, even if it seems you overpaid somewhat for it and suffered a lot of worry.   There's one clear outcome of this   No bidding on the forums.   The forums are not eBay. They are not designed for bidding.   The way the seller Ralf conducted this sale stands as an example of how not to do it.   Turn up with no posting history, ask for wire transfer, solicit secret bids by PM.   There will be no more of that thanks!   Seller from now on specifies clear price and honours the first person to pay, by delivering the goods. All communication should be done openly. All this mess could have been avoided by the SELLER.   I'm glad it turned out not to be a scam but on the other hand I think selling tactics like this undermine our peace of mind and the trust we place in the forum. Really unhappy with you Erjot. I think you owe the whole community an apology.
  15. Some of the higher frame rates are buffer limited rather than card, for example at 60p it is doing 60fps to the buffer but can do 48p to the card with the frame rate override so card speed is OK, but buffer gets full.   I'm trying 50p and 48p at 1728 x 606 (Un-stretches to 1728 x 972 for proper image in post) and having some success but after around 1500 frames the buffer chokes.
  16. Red don't make their own sensors, they order them. Canon sensors were shooting H.264, now they're shooting lovely raw cinematic images. The point being, I think ordering sensors from Aptina or Sony isn't such a bad idea.   I don't know if Panasonic have definitely cancelled production of their own DSC sensors. Nothing is confirmed.
  17. Seems they are on the right track   Here's the main presentation PDF -   http://panasonic.net/ir/presentation/irday2013/pdf/irday2013_avc_e.pdf
  18.   Panasonic are doing some restructuring.   Good to see them concentrate on the GH3 and enhancing uniqueness.   I'm very curious to hear what 'lenses for motion picture' involves exactly.
  19.   The problem is Premiere. It doesn't support Cinema DNG to a high enough standard to be feasible. The results aren't pretty! This is really strange as After Effects has no such problem and Adobe Camera Raw delivers excellent debayering quality, with plenty of features. Even stranger when you consider DNG is an Adobe technology.   Resolve the way to go for now. Just make sure you have CUDA for smooth performance. GTX 560 Ti or higher.
  20. Well I already have the BMCC 2.5K EF mount model but I am considering selling it due to using the 5D Mark III more. Any offers welcome.
  21. Magic Lantern shows 10.9 stops of dynamic range on the raw histogram when shooting raw video.   There's more to dynamic range than just a number.   I remember one of the flat picture profiles for the Nikon D800's H.264 video mode was measured nearly 12 stops.   The problem with that is you're trading colour accuracy and smooth gradation for more dynamic range.   8bit does not have the capacity to do 12 stops justice. It also depends how much of the dynamic range is usable. The Blackmagic Cinema Camera quotes 13 stops, but there's quite a lot of noise in the shadows.   In the first Zacuto shootout, which I liked because it focused on DSLRs vs film, they had a section where they imagined how wonderful dynamic range would be on DSLRs if they shot raw, and compared a raw still to the video output. That gives you an idea of what a leap raw is on the 5D Mark III regardless of whether the sensor measures, 11 stops, 12 stops of 14 stops.
  22. OK thanks everyone. Pocket Cinema Camera held onto.   I've cancelled my orders for the 2.5K Micro Four Thirds and 4K cameras with CVP and had my deposits refunded. Was in first 5 for the MFT camera and within first 30 for the 4K model but I've waited 6 months for the MFT version and still no sign of it. Enough is enough.     I would like to review the 4K camera but Blackmagic will have to make a move and support my coverage, as I'm no longer prepared to wait in an endless queue for one.
  23. Rarevision are the creators of 5DToRGB, and developer Thomas Worth has today released an early beta version of their converter for 5D Mark III raw files on the Mac. [url=http://www.eoshd.com/content/10558/rarevision-rawmagic-for-5d-mark-iii-batch-cinema-dng-converter-for-mac]Read the full article here[/url]
  24. I actually think this thread has its uses.   For those looking for advice on the suitability of the lenses they find on eBay, I encourage people to post pictures, model name and descriptions but not links to the eBay page.   - Discuss the lenses you find if they are unusual. That knowledge is important.   - Try not to post auctions links because it happens to be an anamorphic lens. Must be discussion worthy.   - Post a link if you have questions about the suitability of the lens for filmmaking   Let's try that and if the concerns about inflated auction prices still remain I will close it.   And please no advertising.
  25. It isn't silly at all. It isn't acceptable to use wire transfers. It isn't acceptable to solicit payments from multiple people with the intention to sell to the highest bidder. Once my own investigations into whether any criminal activity has taken place are concluded you will receive an instant ban.
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