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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2013 in Posts

  1. Took my BMPC for a spin in the Salton Sea, CA.   https://vimeo.com/77268468    
    1 point
  2. It's all good Denko. Hopefully you will have one of these beauties in your hands soon enough.
    1 point
  3.   Yeah the 2.39:1 certainly appeals to more people than 3.55:1 but if you can shoot 4:3 using full 1280p sensor vertical res on the 5D Mark III with Magic Lantern raw, 2x looks amazing. It's like turning the anamorphic amp up to 11!
    1 point
  4. nvldk

    Help... I got a G6

    As andy lee pointed out - pull down saturatuion and contrast, maybe NR too. And then? It's about the lenses. The kit lens gives super video look. Buy you some old manual lens and adapter! Or some panny/oly prime lens if you have some € left :) And I forgot - Film Convert addon for your AP/AAE.
    1 point
  5. andy lee

    Help... I got a G6

    edit avchd in adobe premier I shoot on Natural profile with contrast at -3, saturation -3 , avchd 24p I try keep between 160-400 iso dont use AWB - ever dial in the color temperature by hand it lets you shoot 2500k right upto 10,000k (its labeled k on the wb menu last one on the list WB K set) I dial this in to fit the look im after , at night on city streets try 2500k and add in more green /blue on that setting it looks superb use the adjust menu to alter the amount of r b g y you want to add to make it warm or cool out side I use 6400k with nd filters a very good cheap cinematic lens for the g6 is the pentax 25mm f1.4 c-mount cctv lens - have a look on ebay - nice bokeh and very sharp
    1 point
  6. I like it, it's a "feel good" song.
    1 point
  7. You need to chose your glass and stick with that. If you go Canon, you are going to start building a EF lens set. If you go G6, you're going to build a MFT set. It's almost like getting married! My suggestion: Go with Canon 60d or T2i/3i/4i/5i or 7d. Get whatever you can find cheap, they are all the same visually. Still photos on all these Canon cameras are superb. In fact, to really save money, see if your uncle has a Canon camera you can borrow for a few months. Instead, spend your $800 on getting some good glass. I'd suggest the Sigma 18-50 f1.8 EF. That's gives you a great range on any of the 1.6x crop Canon cameras. Eventually, when you save up some money, you can upgrade to something like the BMCC or BMPCC or GH3 and get a EF-MFT speedbooster and you'll continue to use the Sigma 18-50. If I were doing it again, that's how I'd play it right now.
    1 point
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