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Found 7 results

  1. dwijip

    Surf Video GH4

    I do a lot of sports and surf videos and this is a recent one I did in the westcoast of Auckland. GH4 really help you in this fast paced run and gun situation where you need to change things fast and adapt to the environment. The small sensor size is actually a positive factor in sports as well because of the crop factor and deeper focus plane. Landscape shots were shot in 4K then scaled. Vintage Contax, Pentax lenses were used.
  2. Did a little test yesterday with a friend, getting shots have become much quicker since I can single focus with the FM now. This is a relevantly cheap setup as I got the takumar for about $70(US), Isco Ultra star fro about $400, FM was about $750. Pentax Super Takumar 50mm 1.4, Isco Ultra Star Anamorphic Lens, Focus Module Lens, Panasonic GH4, Natural Picture Profile with all settings dialed down, Simple color grade in Premiere, BGM : Bic Runga 'Listening for the Weather'
  3. Hey there, I am relatively new to these discussions; but after having scoured the internet for some answers I have been at a loss, so where better to ask than here??? I have been working for a my organisation for a year now, and my job is essentially being the in-house film-maker, for the past year I have been using my Hacked Lumix GH2 (don't ask me what type of hack it is, I did it in 2012, recording between 88-90mbps with no negative side effects, except that no playback is available until the camera has been turned off and on). I typically shoot in cinema 23.976 fps in 1080p and have a very fluid workflow (I produce about 2 videos a week for the company I work for). Since last month I have been 'upgraded' to the Canon 5D MkIII since the company didn't want me to use my personal gear (for insurance reasons, I travel a lot with the gear). And while there are some downsides in terms of bulkiness of the 5D body compared to the GH2 (and lack of swivel screen) it is a standalone camera and I find the two can't be compared too much: they are both great and stand well on their own depending on the job required. My ultimate question is: now that we're in 2014 and seeing as the GH4 is about to be released, what is the 'next level' in affordable DSLR's (or even dedicated cameras, like the Black Magic)in your opinion? I feel like I have been out of touch with the camera world since I hacked my GH2 in 2012, is this a camera that seems 'future proof' (with the hack) or will it shrivel to the upcoming 4k's?
  4. http://vimeo.com/74613572   My serene short macro film.   Mostly shot on Pentax-A 100mm f4 macro, with very close up shots using a reversed Sigma 24mm f2.8 super wide II.   I used my k-5 for tests and stills, but used a Canon 600d with Technicolor cinestyle installed for the actual shoot, as the dynamic range is greater, and it has manual controls. The lenses are attached using a canon-pentax adapter, which can be bought from Ebay for £10/$15.   To get closer I used a set of 50mm extension tubes, and sometimes used the Canon 600D’s 3x digital zoom (which is still full 1080p HD, a useful feature and no extra depth of field loss!)   The film itself is rather light on narrative; it’s just a progression of – hopefully!  â€“ interesting shots.   Hope you like it. I’m happy to answer questions on how I did specific shots and it’s always good to get feedback.  
  5. There is a Pentax SMC Takumar 50mm f1.4 i have my eyes on for my Panny GH2. it has a has a 42mm Screw fr micro 4/3. I wanted to know whether this lens will fit any of these adapters with no issues?   http://www.ebay.in/itm/281067558863?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649     http://cgi.ebay.in/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=271159243669&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:IN:1123#ht_2128wt_1139     i have heard that these adapters with a a "rim" inside do not work with the SMC Tak and the ones without it work well. Does these adapter have a rim inside? If not i dont want to end up wasting money buying this lens and this adapter as i dont have any M 4/2 lenses. Thanks
  6. This is my short film 'Light' I've been making over the last month using a Canon 600d with Pentax lenses.   http://vimeo.com/69428988   It's a short (90 second) simple story about a lighthouse getting through the night, and features lots of experiments in cinematography - all done on my kitchen table with reversed and macro lenses and a lot of ice!   We used a Canon 600D (with Pentax adapter for my lenses) for the film itself as the manual control on this camera, the full HD digital zoom ability and swivel screen made it very useful for those tiny close ups! The film is all shot "live" in 25 frames per second, it's not animated.   We used a Pentax-A 50mm f1.2 and a Sigma 24mm superwide II f2.8 mounted in reverse for super-close ups, and a Pentax-A 100mm f4 macro for the widest shots - none of which had an area bigger than, say, a post-it note - and some of the extreme close ups were over an area the size of a fingernail or smaller at around 2:1 to 4:1 scale. For the reversed lenses we used a Canon to Pentax adapter, then a Pentax reversing ring (52mm filter thread for both lenses), then the lens! Note, if you want to use a lens in reverse for close ups you need to use one with an aperture ring, which means most modern digital lenses won't give you any aperture control.   We needed a lot of light for shooting down to f16 at 1/50 at ISO 160 in extreme macro where you get several more stops of light falloff, and so we had a big hot 800W light. For some shots it was around a foot (30 cm) from the ice, causing severe melting problems! So we needed to be fast and accurate with focus to a millimetre level on a disintegrating, slippery set all of which was too small to position without completely ruining composition! Most of the time it was a fun challenge but was occasionally frustrating!   The ice variety was achieved by chipping it in different ways, letting it melt for different times, freezing larger volumes of water (mug sized) and smashing the ice with a hammer to get particularly clear stuff, or ice cube size to get the cloudier stuff. Some of it had a small amount of blue food colouring too.   We edited in Premiere Pro CS6 and After Effects CS6, where we added the lighthouse light and did a little colour correction.   The film was made for the Depict short film competition in the UK. I hope you like the film, happy to explain any techniques and looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
  7. Hi, I want to buy new 50mm fast prime. I will be using the lens on my gh2 and on BlackMagic cinema camera for now. I m debating between the these two: 1. Customized pro full-frame film lens cinematics Pentax PHN50/1.7 PK - for $500 2. Canon EF 50mm f1.4 - for $400 Would anybody have any suggestion on which lens should I buy. Thank you very much for your insights and your time. Cheers!
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