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My cameras and kit

Found 5 results

  1. Hi, I've got pretty nice lenses for my 5D Mark III. Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 EX DG Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 USM Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 USM Since those lenses are made for fast autofocus operation for photography, the distance from the nearest focus point to infinity on the focus ring is quite short. This should make it harder to pull focus smoothly. Here is a short explaination:
  2. Hi everyone, I was wondering if I could get some insight, feedback, reviews, attempts etc at finding or modding a follow focus for older anamorphic lenses where the front element moves in and out like the Iscorama and Lomo roundfront lenses. Ive been leaning towards a lanparte follow focus and trying to join 2 of the smaller gears so hopefully the larger gear on the lens will just travel from one to the other. suggested by Mr Gale :) Anyone else have any experience on this. Is it even an issue....People have to have a solution for the Lomos at least. The Iscorama is tapered which puts friction FF's out of the question. Thanks everyone Rob B
  3. Hi everyone,   I'm posting this because I think it will genuinely be of interest to at least some of you, and I'm really hoping it isn't considered spam, because that is definitely not my intent.   I'm a DSLR filmmaker and I developed a cool little widget thing that I'm now making available via Kickstarter. It's called the Multiplate and it stays on your camera all day long, and lets you mount things like a monitor, 15mm rods, follow focus, matte box, handles, etc - without having to switch out to a totally different configuration. Just attach the pieces you need, take off the ones you don't and carry on shooting.   [attachment=500:The-Multiplate-sm.jpg]   There are only 10 days left on the Kickstarter and we're pretty close to the funding target. Take a look (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1822814480/the-multiplate-the-dslr-filmmakers-essential-mount) and see if it's something you might be interested in helping make a reality.   Thanks!  
  4. Hi everybody! This's my first post on EOSHD, I'm very happy! My name 's Brice Rudelli filmmaker of south France. I work on a accesories line for dslr like GH2, rig, dolly, jib crane and others... I present to you my first test of ultra light jib crane, it's just a prototype. Heavy 14 pounds with the GH2 and lense. [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/313980_10151054706374887_1054247970_n.jpg[/img] Video test: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVrKn0XBzyg[/media] I crop for looks and put a little bit of stabilisation because I shot without external monitor. The GH2 's no hacked. Put just color grading with MB Thanks for watching If you want more information you can go on my website for contact me. [url="http://www.pictureyourarttoo.com"]http://www.pictureyourarttoo.com[/url]
  5. Hi everyone, I've been using the iFocus from Gini Rigs for a couple of weeks now and I just thought I had to share my opinion about using it. First of all, it's a nice follow focus, it's got hardly noticeable backlash and offers smooth focusing. The main disadvantage in my opinion is its size. It's really big and looks somewhat silly on my GH2 rig, but it does the job right when used properly. So how to get the most out of it? Well, out of the box, it has it's focusgear on the right side, closest to your camera, which is very common for follow focuses. But due to it's size, it will get in the FOV of (smaller) wide angle M43 lenses (<14mm). It also won't allow the use of sunhoods, because of the small space between the gearbox and gear, the gearbox will hit the hood before the focusgear can slip into lensgear. [attachment=300:000.jpg] So the first thing I did was switching the gear from the right to the left side. You'll just need two small hex keys (I think its 2 and 3mm) to do this. [attachment=301:001.jpg] [attachment=302:002.jpg] But after this, the follow focus will block the view of the FL and DOF markings on the lens, and will make it harder to adjust aperture when having a manual aperture ring. [attachment=303:003.jpg] To solve this little problem I attached the 15mm connecter to the other side of the rig, so a large part of the FF will be under the lens. You can rotate the gearbox, so the wheel will be vertical again. [attachment=304:004.jpg] So this is my opinion on using this follow focus, just thought to share it with you. Any tips or recommendations are welcome.
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