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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, 5 months ago our company bought Zhiyun crane plus gimbal. While we edited our footage we discovered that there is a problem in gimbal stabilisation. Though the gimbal was 100%balanced in all positions, it still appeared stabilization problem to every single shot. https://vimeo.com/295716239/241bf0e082 This a video sample with the Crane plus and a Sony A7III. I tried to sent email to the company but none of the emails in their site works and in the tech support on Facebook the answer was that everything is ok.
  2. I'm looking to learn how to fully clean/repair lenses more than simply puffing with a blower and wiping with a cloth... I have a bunch of old P entax SMC lenses that I don't mind pulling apart (two of them have a little fungus) and want to use them to practice repairing old manual primes. Unfortunately I can't find much online, nor any books on the topic. I have even tried to find information on specific lenses (Pentax, Nikkor etc.) but still nothing detailed. So essentially I am asking if anyone knows of books/websites etc. here I might be able to learn anything related to pulling lenses apart, cleaning/repairing them, and putting them back together again (all stages being vital!). I understand that this is as much a science as a skill, with precision and math being vital... but surely the talented folks repairing lenses haven't all learnt through apprenticeship? I've been pulling apart and re-assembling things since I was a kid (to various degrees of success), and sooner or later I'm just going to dive in... so please educate me before I make a mess!
  3. I do modifications on big to medium lens, the last one modified Moller 63/2x minimum fd was 1,8m (6ft) until couple of days ago, when modified even further, haven't tested it yet. The price of modification for lens is 250-500€. Optional rehousings available. Waiting time 30-60 days. Servicing starts at 85€, waiting time 7-14 days. You pay shipping charges both ways.
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