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Everything posted by MrSMW

  1. I use Freewell VND 2-5 stop filters based on various comparison reviews. Video only but have used them occasionally with primes wide open on bright days. Not noticed anything colour cast-wise I am unhappy with. Or even notice.
  2. As a photographer, this is the bit I’m not sure about, at least yet… All my previous experience of e:shutter only for stills is it’s nowhere near enough to shoot weddings. Not seen or read a single review of this camera yet so will be intrigued to see just how this works for photographers.
  3. MrSMW

    DJI Action 2

    Just seen Zach Mayfield’s initial review on Kinotika and I love it’s size…but as is always the case with these things, I am always in a minority that I don’t want a wide angle, but a mild telephoto version. 50mm equivalent and I might be interested…
  4. When I say “if I wasn’t a pro”, I really do mean me personally as in everything & anything I do that is not paid, I never use my ‘work cameras’ but instead, much prefer to use smaller & lighter stuff. Sony ZV1 is my current ‘personal’ camera and even that doesn’t get much use next to the iPhone 8 and that is far from cutting edge these days. I think next year I am going to trade both and combine for the first time properly, phone, stills, video, all in one single unit. But as above, this is not me ‘advising’ anyone else, just stating personal use/opinion and that’s not going to be for everyone for sure 🙂
  5. Panasonic/L Mount, in my opinion as a pro user is as follows: Stills photography. Zero issues. Very quick. There are others that are quicker but for 99% of people 99% of the time, it’s quick enough. If that is not the case for ‘you’, then there is either a fault with the camera or lens or with you. General video; tracking people moving side to side, near zero issues. Tracking AF towards or away from. THIS is where it falls down. Not all the time, but enough of the time to not be able to trust it fully. In order to get the best result, you ideally need a native lens and tweaked AF settings, but even then… However, if I was not a pro, I probably would not go any further than APSC Fuji, Sony or Canon. And possibly even not beyond a high end compact. Or even one of the latest phones…
  6. Indeed and one of the most overlooked…if not the most overlooked aspects for those seeking improvement in their photography or filmmaking.
  7. True and ‘The Compromise’ with that option. Tried it. Hated it. I’ve got a camera on each hip and the sheer bulk/awkwardness just didn’t work for me. Also, on freestanding monopod, the S5 plus lens I can trust, but the S1H is literally tipping the balance. On that basis I wouldn’t trust a Z6 plus external recorder with battery. Internal recording is a must for me shooting hybrid and juggling 3 cameras as a one man band. I do like Nikon and shot the system (film and then DSLR) for 10 years prior to Fuji and nearly went Z6 instead of L Mount approximately 1 year ago.
  8. 1x static video on tripod (ceremony, speeches, entrances & exits) 1x roving video on monopod or handheld 1x roving stills handheld Simples 🙂
  9. As do I. For anyone non-pro, then fair enough, but for work... I like the capability of having one body that can do either job equally well and one of my three bodies (the S5), I do use that way, but the other two I dedicate to stills (S1R) and video (S1H), though each can do the others job almost as well. I also could not do with mixing brands etc.
  10. It depends on your needs... Mine as primarily a hybrid wedding photographer are quality of image + reliability. I actually need 3 bodies to do my job and I always stick to one brand for consistency. I also have a requirement each camera can do the others job as 'insurance' should one go down. Without taking lenses into the equation, but are just as much a part of the whole, I personally, right now, clean sheet of paper, would go: 1: Canon R5 stills, R6 video. Bodies are a bit plasticky, but otherwise, for hybrid weddings, I think I'd be hard pushed to beat this combo. 2: Fuji GFX50Sii stills, XT4 video. I came from Fuji and know their video is good, their AF good enough and the stills I think are still the best. Just. 3: Panasonic S1R stills, S1H video. Where I am right now and not unhappy. Bodies maybe a tad large/heavy, but nothing that really bothers me. Only real weak element is the less than stellar tracking AF. 4: Nikon Z7ii stills, Z6ii video. Great all-rounders though possibly the weakest video spec? Great image though. 5: Sony A7iv stills, A7Siii video. Just don't interest me but if I had to, these would be the sweet spot from Sony for me. Very sticky AF but other than that, beyond the YouTube hype, do they really offer more things to more people? I'm not sure...
  11. MrSMW

    Sony A7 IV

    If I was starting with a clean sheet, for my specific needs, Sony would still only be my 5th choice behind: Canon (never thought I’d say that) Fuji (I miss Fuji, especially for stills) L Mount (where I currently am and no regrets as such) Nikon (I could easily shoot the 6/7 system) Sony (doesn’t tick as many boxes as the others above) But for some, many even, I’m sure the IV and Sony in general is good for them.
  12. No idea, my S1R is for stills only!
  13. If I was mainly photo the S1R would be the way to go. They sell for less that the S1s and S5s on the second hand market Moving from Fuji XT3, there was and is a definite ‘upgrade’ from APSC to FF, but it’s not especially big and no viewer would notice. The 24mp FF sensor is maybe 10-15% better IMO in low light and back lit situations compared with Fuji’s 26mp crop sensor, but I’d say Fuji’s colour is better by a small margin, so swings and roundabouts as they say. But the jump from 24 to 47mp is much more noticeable. Again, it’s not anything that anyone would really notice on-line or on social media etc, but it’s very noticeable to yourself and if you care about such things as I do… The colour is also better from the 47mp sensor. I have not seen anyone mention that one but IMO, it’s not just the improved resolution, but there’s something in this 47mp sensor wherever it’s coming from…and that seems to be a bit of a mystery except it’s probably the same as the Leica SL2 and Q2 but with some slightly thinner piece of glass/a layer with the Leica version? And it’s not the Goliath unit some folks make it out to be… Maybe with the 50mm f1.4 I am leaning towards, but we’ll see next year. @IronFilm I’m sticking with my original Go for now as the combo with the lav mics & Sony recorders has been working mostly OK this year and it’s more a case of having backups due to others muppetry!
  14. I have considered all of the 1.8’s and have the 85, but went with the f2 Sigmas instead. If I do switch to the 50 it would be the f1.4 for that extra stop of low light capability ie, f2 to f1.8 is not worth it. To me. Plus it’s supposed to have a bit of magic in the quality/rendering department and that is the most important factor to me. The Sigma 65mm f2 is just stellar though… Possibly a tad tight in some indoor scenarios…but I have the 35 version for that so not a problem and then it does have that little bit more reach than a 50, but without having to go as tight as 85. I like ‘willfully different’ and shooting primarily 65 is just that. I have all Winter and early Spring to decide though so not in any rush or doing anything until after that time so we will see. I’ve read so many times in so many places about how 24mp is enough for social photography but you know what, when you’ve tasted 47, 24 is never going to cut it again. There is a real and significant difference. I hummed and hawed for so long over whether to go S1R or Leica SL2 or just stick with 24mp, but eyes opened and at 1500 euros, insane value.
  15. No issues with my S5 and I don’t use XLR so can’t help sorry! My limited 5 wedding season is now at an end and it took all 5 weddings for me to knock this L Mount system into shape. I ended up and have been most happy with the following combo: Static Video = S1H + 24-105mm f4 on tripod. Chosen because the output is superb and I don’t need or want a faster aperture than f4 for ceremonies or speeches anyway. Plus no record limit and no overheating and as the heaviest of my units, great that it’s on the tripod! Unit 2 is my dedicated stills combo of S1R (1500 euros barely used off a mate) with the 20-60mm as a wide landscape and architecture lens when again, the lack of a fast aperture is not a need. The main lenses for it though are the Sigma 35mm f2 indoors and the 65mm f2 outdoors and the combo of S1R plus the 65mm f2 is just mental. I’m pretty blown away with this sensor and these lenses. Set up 3 is my ‘filming’ clips combo of S5 + Sigma 28-70mm f2.8 mostly handheld but sometimes out of necessity, monopod. I still can’t get a better output using log than I can with the Natural profile tweaked…but I may look at that over the Winter. Potential changes for 2022…? It’s a heavy old lump but I may just swap the Sigma 35/65 f2 combo for just the native 50mm f1.4 and move those lenses over to filming. Other than that, this is my system for 2022 as things stand. In my ideal world, an S5H and an S5R would both exist and either with further improved DFD AF for video, or phase/hybrid AF. But in the absence of all that, pretty happy with this set up now. Pity the very short season ended just as I was getting to grips with it so hopefully 2022 delivers the 30+ jobs I have booked in…
  16. Isn't the 4 being announced next week? I'd wait and see what that brings to the party...
  17. As an S1H owner, nah. Still interested to see what a GH6 might bring to the table but the facts of the matter are quite simple to me; needs + wants. Needs = well, nothing really… Wants = genuinely smaller & lighter without making sacrifices (such as skipping IBIS or a tilt screen) and quantifiably better AF. So looking…always looking, but doing nothing until it’s actually worthwhile doing. Not really sure who this BS camera is for… Probably not going to tempt existing S1H users and not really going to tempt users of other kit looking for a modular box camera…so who exactly? But then again, I’m only speaking from my perspective and could be well wide of the mark re. the market for this thing.
  18. The same for me...but at the same time, also the opposite. Year 01 was pretty dreadful, ie, last year, because there was no precedent, it was all new and we mostly thought it would be over before it was. It still isn't (over) but I think we're making progress? Year 02, ie, this year has been better though because I was prepared for it. I hoped it would not be utterly shite (for business), but it has been. But because I was better prepared and been proactive rather than waiting for it to end, it has not been as bad. I think the answer to anything like this is to take back control. Within the realms of what is possible anyway. Don't follow the herd. Don't try and conform. Be like Seth Godin's 'Purple Cow', but do it for the right reasons and without selling your soul. One of the main benefits of any community is that whilst yes, you do get complete tossers within most groups, the majority belong for the right reasons.
  19. MrSMW

    DJI Action 2

    I had the first model but along with every action cam, sold it as none of them have ever really done what I wanted them to do. This might be different however and make a good little unit to pop on the hot shoe of one of my stills cameras and capture some video…
  20. I prefer high-resolution (4K+) cameras paired with a softer downsampled final look (eg, diffusion, low sharpening in post, vintage glass, etc) This is the sweet spot for me.
  21. I think I'd prefer 2 S1H both with R5 AF 😜 I may watch a review or two later out of pure professional curiosity, but the R3 isn't of any interest to me as a purchase.
  22. E shutter in good daylight only otherwise to be avoided like the plague! I used it at my first 2 weddings of the year as a custom setting as a ‘silent mode’ indoors and some outdoors when shooting video to minimise shutter sound being on the audio. Big mistake. Banding in both sets of pics from each wedding. I have used auto e/mech for a long time and will be reverting to that because that does work really well shooting wide open in bright sunlight. Also, holy moire Batman. Back to the S1H for stills this weekend and will almost certainly be sticking with that as it has an OLPF plus I use a 1/8th mist anyway. The S5’s now dedicated to video are only used with 1/8th mists also which I believe helps reduce/eliminate moire? The second wedding I shot purely stills with the S5’s, a lot of moire. Maybe it was the choice of the groom’s clothing/material, but I’ve never had anything like it before shooting Fuji. We are not talking ‘ruined shoot’ in either case, the use of the E shutter or the moire issue, but lessons learned as there are to be discovered with any new system!
  23. Well I tried log and nah… Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t get as nice a picture out of it as I can with the Natural profile. I made custom settings for; log, Natural, Cine D and Flat and shot the same scenarios; in open shade, into the sun, against the sun and the Natural profile was a fairly easy win except into the sun (where it was about equal between them all) and in highlight roll off where log won. For me, there’s just not going to be any/enough advantage to shooting log so going forward, I’m going to stick with my tweaked profile but bring the highlight setting down one more notch. For this weekends 3 day wedding, I’m back to shooting hybrid so trying the following: S5 with Sigma 35mm f2 as my ‘indoor video’ combo. S5 with Sigma 65mm f2 as my ‘outdoor video’ combo. S1H with Sigma 28-70mm f2.8 as my stills camera but ability to flick to video during the ceremony for guest reactions and alternative angles for clips, (as the 2x S5’s will be on sticks and locked on the B&G from two different angles). I’m hoping to hear much less (preferably none) shutter sound from using the S1 because last (hybrid) job, I could hear the S5 shutter in the lav mic audio from ceremony & speeches despite being an average 10-20 feet away! Re. size & weight, something between the S5 and the S1H would be my ideal. I would pick the S1H out of the two if I had to choose as it’s the more stable platform. One thing I am interested in learning is how the ‘less good’ IBIS is going to perform or whether I will need to also switch on the e:stabilisation… I don’t do any panning shots and specifically want the ‘near tripod’ look where the movement is 95% the subject and not the camera, so it will be interesting to see how the S5’s perform compared with the S1H in the real world test that only a full wedding day can provide.
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