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Everything posted by SRV1981

  1. Oh didn’t think about this line. Will check!
  2. Makes a ton of sense! I enjoy the convo or banter and watch videos on these cameras 😉
  3. Has anyone invested time into thinking about this? The iPhone 15 with log may be the win for ultimate travel ease but curious about the quality bump and portability of these two bad boys. The smaller the footprint the less barrier to entry and more desirability to create
  4. So no phone specially? Just dislike iPhone log? and are you staying you’d prefer the image of the RX100 over be iPhone 15 with log ?
  5. What’s some of your favorite setups for mobile video that’s superior to iPhone log? I’m not yet so, curious.
  6. what does that mean, exactly?
  7. Pretty cool! Does GoPro have log? The Apple log images look far superior and more pleasing to my brain than any GoPro footage I’ve seen. And it does feel like I’m watching a mirrorless camera in good enough lighting sans the DOF and ISO performance.
  8. Excellent logistics and detail! Thanks 🙏. What are you mostly shooting ? Paid work or hobby? YouTube or cinema output? And what’s your A Cam? Thanks
  9. Ahh good to know - not we’ll have to start an “iPhone Overheating kickstarter Ulanzi” thread
  10. I enjoyed this showcasing that the iPhone 15 pro can be your phone and an excellent travel camera. BM app has now updated to include internal and baked in LUT which is also enhancing this as a solution for many.
  11. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjlvuSPyL6CAxXoS0cBHSSnDlsYABANGgJxdQ&ae=2&gclid=Cj0KCQiAjMKqBhCgARIsAPDgWlzQYZ_HfYVTBwi-egOvjMzdFeUkllaXPl28F0MVosbJ41DHSt5L6EsaAl8FEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2XfM3irqE9M93UhizXblk495KelCQV2CKWQArdp4OPlOsnOqBilFvGjLjVnkoujL5xawqo9LMvT589ZL9xKgwiBD-CBawI6b5bf3CeRP0nq0wWOo&sig=AOD64_1wCOgWjMU6ZookOaSCUls0JZYt8A&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwivpdyPyL6CAxX7lYkEHam5BMgQwg8oAHoECAQQDA&adurl=
  12. Yes all kidding aside, just posting clips to the others that have shared clips with me and others here. Implicit has been the images from iPhone log is pleasing.
  13. FYI - new update includes baked in LUTs now 😮 making it easier than ever to use our mobile devices
  14. SRV1981

    DJI Pocket 3?

    Not bad, but I’d prefer the look of newer Apple log or Android Raw.
  15. Sure - agree but that doesn’t come at the expense of me being realistic. People have to make money in any economy. There aren’t an abundance of easily had jobs to pay the bills. If some people do so with a little flash and hyperbole on YT to make income i am okay with it and understand the show. I can watch or not watch. There’s creators more worthy of watching due to good production value and information so I tend to favor them. Now if we’re talking actual news I’d fully agree
  16. That’s for you to decide not me 😉 forums and threads are opt-in not opt-out 😘
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