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Everything posted by SRV1981

  1. Gents! I’m most likely preordering the S5II. The videos that compare to Sony seem like Panny is the go to!
  2. I wonder if this question is obsolete with the S5II 👀
  3. Well as stated for my needs I was considering it before the S5II was announced. So they’re my two choices currently.
  4. That’s ridiculous ! 😮. I was close to purchasing an A7IV and now thinking S5II is the go to!?!?
  5. When you say baked in LUT do you mean the image on the SD card will look like that LUT SOOC?
  6. Thanks!! So yes I’m the latter - the much hated “prosumer” using it for his profession but isn’t related to paid video work (education, coaching, personal work - filming myself interviewing people, myself, and athletes as well as family and friends but desires high quality in sub-$5k hybrid cameras) so that being said, what’s the thoughts on why S5II VS a7iv ?
  7. Thanks for input. Curious: 1. why does DOF matter ? Doesn’t it just matter what we’re seeing on the screen? Every test I’ve seen, fx30 shows more static noise on the screen than a7iv and this seems to be the unanimous consensus by testers/users. 2. precisely want a hybrid to not have 2 cameras. Fx30 may be fine for photo and I’ll dig more into it. Thanks. 3. after seeing the clips today. S5II seems better for hybrid use than fx30 and a7iv. Have you seen them? Time code is a non-issue for me. Image “feel” and color SOOC matter most to me for video and photo secondary.
  8. I’m so frazzled. I was almost dead set on an a7iv and think the s52 may be better! I want to see more regarding color etc. I much prefer the magenta look of canon and Fuji but the AF ISO and DR of SONY got me. Now the Panny!? 🤤
  9. How are people thinking of this upgrade compared to a7iv, fx30, r6 ii
  10. Thanks! The videos I’ve seen def produce better noise/less noise from a7iv. But my bigger concern is being able to take photos from fx30. Seems limited severely? but today Panasonic announces the s52 and that may blow both out of the water…
  11. How are they differentiating S5II and the “x” version?
  12. Ahh thanks! Was going to delete this and collapse into that thread but the under-loved insecure men fighting scared me 😂
  13. If this is, in fact, a preview of screen grabs from S5II SIGN ME UP!
  14. RS doesn’t affect me at all. Overheating would but I asked several folks online and they didn’t seem to have that issue?
  15. Most video will be 24p some 60p and photos will be jpg. Lowlight won’t be lit by anything but ambient light. Does this make sense ?
  16. Great questions. I live in NY and heat isn’t an issue! Mostly run and gun docs for education and sports. Some sports and travel too personal not professional work. The biggest concern for fx30 is the ISO performance vS A7iv and poor photo ability in fx30.
  17. FX30 is cheaper and Apsc but a7iv has better low light, and ability to take photos. Can’t seem to find any reason to consider fx30 over a7iv , what am I missing? also - for one travel lens thinking 16-35 in a7iv makes most sense since you can use APSC and extend its range rather than the 24-70 since you’d gain on long end in apsc but not wide. any missing points ?
  18. SRV1981

    Fuji X-H2S

    Why not a7iv if fx30 doesn’t have the specs. Color is pretty good and could be setup to look similar to xh2? what’s the most challenging part of manual focus for run and gun you think? I was considering a7iv, xh2s, and s5
  19. Agree with the s5. In a similar boat. Actually thinking of dumping my xt4 due to low light performance. I hate the AF as well but considering learning to shoot manual and the s5 seems appealing. Nearly as good as color as xt4 if not better and better ISO by my a mile.
  20. If most photos are of athletes and friends and family (some motion but mostly static), could a user prioritize video in a camera and pull screen grabs for social media and a few prints ? if so, what video centric cameras would be good for this? C70? S5? FX30? XH2S? Also, is AF accuracy less important if a hybrid shooter goes this route?
  21. https://petapixel.com/2022/06/29/the-xiaomi-12s-ultra-smartphone-will-use-a-full-sony-1-inch-sensor/
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