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Posts posted by SRV1981

  1. 58 minutes ago, gt3rs said:

    Why would you "buy" an APS-C lens for A7IV? If you already own it maybe for video, but buying it make no sense to me, for photo is meh as you loose a lot of res and for video is questionable.

    Buy a good FF used lens, you will resell it with no too much loss if you want to change.  

    I mostly buy used lens and if you find a good priced one you may end up selling for almost the same price that you brought.

    What places do you buy from?  How do you evaluate if it is clean and dust free/minimal

  2. 30 minutes ago, Ty Harper said:

    Oh wait, @ntblowz you're talking about losing lowlight advantage with just the regular adapter? But even then - I get how you'd lose focal length in S35 - but how would you lose lowlight advantage?

    Original context was Sony 

  3. 2 hours ago, Amazeballs said:

    Safe more money ang get FX30 instead of A7IV. It has more video features anyway. 

    Without a mechanical shutter you can’t shoot any fast moving subjects in photo. Unless your saying it’s smarter to get an fx30 and a photo body instead of using an a7iv for both 

  4. 56 minutes ago, PPNS said:

    im unemployed, check out my reel!


    Cool as shit 


    6 hours ago, FHDcrew said:

    Let’s share our work guys!  I’ll start. Here is an interview I shot and lit the other day, featuring a congresswoman from Indians!  One camera was a Nikon z6 recording into an Atomos ninja v.  With a Tamron 45mm 1.8.  The other was actually the ancient, cheap Canon 7D fitted with a Canon 85mm 1.2 shot at f/2.5!7A962651-8F13-422F-BB3C-44971A127F76.thumb.jpeg.d4666d323389303ec29e5aae5e64fe28.jpeg

    Lovely color

  5. 18 minutes ago, IronFilm said:

    It is not just while recording, but simply being on that apparently it can overheat under certain conditions 

    Seems premature to be that specific and confident,  no? 12 people had a stab at it with different analysis of overheating. 

  6. 1 minute ago, TomTheDP said:

    I don't feel you really have to grade log. You can just put on a lut and adjust the exposure if you need/want.

    But in terms of your question I would say it depends what other features you are looking for.

    The Canon R8, FX30, or Panasonic S5 MK2 seem like good relatively budget options. If you can, renting or borrowing is the best way to really see if you like a camera as IQ is only one aspect.

    Big knock for Canon seems to be 3rd party lenses - same for Panasonic?  Seems Sony a7iv/fx30 are a great go to for most prosumers?

  7. 3 minutes ago, TomTheDP said:

    The look difference these cameras have extends past just white balance and tint differences. Shooting in REC709 isn't bad per say. Really depends on the camera's processing. I prefer organic looking noise, REC709 profiles often use aggressive NR which gets rid of all organic looking texture. Some are worse than others. Another issue is things like color clipping and highlight roll off which are sometimes handled poorly in REC709 profiles. This is why I usually prefer to shoot log.

    But for fast turn around or low paying stuff where the client doesn't care a baked in look is sometimes the way to go for sure. Also if you just shoot a lot of home video or self documentary stuff, it can be nice to save the space and shoot 8 bit.

    I also agree with @PannySVHS It can really depend on the camera/codec/processing. All 8 bit isn't equal, same with 10 bit.

    What cameras would be good to search on YT for good baked in looks with some flexibility in look without having to grade log?

  8. 1 hour ago, Django said:

    If you're using higher bitrate codecs and/or you are in warm conditions, the camera won't last you 30-45mn. Again Dan Watson got it to overheat in under 5 minutes! Gerald Undone got run time cut in half with just 2 degrees Celsius difference. 

    This camera is all paper specs. i.e. the biggest sensor, the most advanced AF, AI etc.. in the smallest body. That's a recipe for disaster and I think it's going to backfire big time, especially with summer creeping up. 

    The camera is ok for TikTok / social media short clips in cool environments. We're talking 15 to 60 second clips. Or you gotta step down to longGOP / 8-bit / FHD for longer form content. (Sony has a chart where they specify 8-bit for the run time!)

    This camera doesn't seem to be marketed toward folks using extensive color correction or 30-45 minute runtimes for single clips.  Most content creators on YT, etc., probably record 30s to 5 minutes on most clips.

  9. 38 minutes ago, Benjamin Hilton said:

    Totally depends on your workflow. If you are shooting log and want the heavy grading workflow, in most cases 10bit is a must. If you are using a rec709 profile in camera and don't care a whole lot, then in most cases 8bit is fine. To me 10bit is simply an intermediate codec that gets us to an eventual 8bit final output, like log to rec709. 

    Curious about this. Prefer baked in LUT or SOOC with minor in camera. For example if you had an a7C could you adjust magenta in video in camera and get a more “canon” look ? For runs and gun and doc stuff - wondering if a7C is better than fx30 if not doing heavy grading and taking some pics 

  10. To what degree does this matter for you?  To bring focus to the questions let’s consider 3 scenarios:


    1. you’re shooting weddings, events, and documentaries  output YouTube and other mediums clients want


    2. you’re shooting narrative filming mostly and some event work as in 1  output YouTube and other mediums clients want


    3. you’re shooting for personal use, run and gun personal docs, narratives, sports, travel. Output: YouTube 



  11. 1 hour ago, mercer said:

    I found too many issues with the experimental builds as well. I know you have to shoot 2:35 to shoot the 3.5K but, as you said, there's a crop and the Live View is wonky. The compressed 14bit 1080p raw files are good and doubles your storage but I found they too will freeze once in a while. I think there have been some advances since I tried it a couple years ago, but there seems to be more interest in the eos-m now.

    The stable 1080p 14bit MLV Raw files from the Nightly Builds are the camera's strong suit and all I shoot with it.

    It truly has a special image.

    If you can't see the difference between iPhone footage and raw video... then God bless you and roll with that iPhone. You'll be much happier. 

    As far as lack of good, quality videos from the 5D3 ML Raw... I don't know... maybe you're not looking hard enough because there are a ton out there.  But yes, it is a hack, and it became really popular 10 years ago when they figured it out but it was still very buggy at the time so a lot of people that tried it didn't want to deal with the storage or any other issue that arose so you see a lot of short test videos.

    The 1080p is completely stable now and works like any other camera does except for playback... which I don't really use anyway.

    This camera is for low budget filmmaking and personal projects. I don't think it would/could ever replace a dedicated cinema camera or mirrorless or even phone if you don't want to put the time into it.

    With all that said, a filmmaker named Pete Ohs has made a couple films using it and his recent release, Jethica, was shot on it, it premiered at SXSW and it received a theatrical release...


    Looked epic!  That was eos-m with ML?? 

  12. 6 hours ago, IronFilm said:

    A so called "full frame" prime will not behave any differently than a S35 prime. 

    Correct - just brainstorming - get at least 1 lens that’s full frame for your apsc camera for future when or if you get a full frame then you already have glass. 

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