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  1. How many fucking abortions do you think Trump has had? Are you really that dumb? He wants the vote of these backward assholes. Like you can trust Trump. Yeah... and the lobby groups OWN him. Castro had a great dream that was impossible to implement. That doesn't make it any less great.
  2. I know of your life because you constantly post about it and the fact that you are (like many of us) financially poor. But are you also morally/ ethically poor? I've never thought you are an evil person and have always appreciated your comments and insights here. But what I just can't reconcile is how those who put their support behind someone like Trump can see the larger damage he is doing and don't realize that in the end they will be the ones hardest hit by him and his moral corruption and ethical bankruptcy. Short term profits give way to what? Towards your question on how I've made the world a better place, I could start by saying that I'm not supporting a pig fuck. But hey... why don't you respond to Andrew's comments?
  3. Na man, your game is personal profit. And you are willing to look the other way while trying to excuse yourself. So you actually resemble... a particular politician that you support. Funny that.
  4. How else is what you've said supposed to look?
  5. So it's about your personal profit. And at the expense of what? Humanity? Morality? The natural world?
  6. Ready for that chocolate revolver yet?
  7. Send in the clowns...
  8. Gloating over the notion that you've been born into a nation - through nothing more than a genetic lottery - that has a self serving buffoon for a president only serves to heighten your own stupidity. And that you are on the losing end of his 'leadership' further exemplifies it. The blind leading the naked 😂 Tell you what though... if you're such a patriot, I think that a good gift for your hero president could be something like a chocolate revolver... but since he is so busy handling everything so well, it may be difficult to meet privately and give it to him. So I suggest you try running up and handing it to him.
  9. Who's a good boy? Roof! 😃
  10. I'll remember you said this when we are sitting in a Chinese jail having bat soup.
  11. Count the garbage bags after you drop him at the airport.
  12. Ahhh but wait... he too believes in his 'version' of God. How can that be stupid? Is your God better than his? And if He is, then my guru is better than your guru. You see where this can go? Everyone blind and heading straight to hell. Or... a stairway to the best party in the universe
  13. Alrighty Emanuel... here is one for you. How do you feel when viewing this? In the event that you aren't already familiar with this image, it's an orthodox Jewish man covering himself in a plastic bag during flight because faith forbids him to fly over cemeteries. Everyone was laughing when grandpa went fishing that morning, but nobody was laughing when he came home with that prostitute.
  14. @Super8 Would you mind telling us what you feel when viewing this image?
  15. Do you think so? I'd be willing to bet on it, the grammar and tone seem to be similar. But I'm not about to go digging through posts to make an unhealthy link. I suggest we move along as fuzzynormal suggested.
  16. Shell64 quit posting on this site just as Super8 joined. Both members have a kind of aggressive bullshit about them. I'm betting they are the same person.
  17. I'm curious... does anyone else also want to reach across this expert to the woman behind and fondle her breast? It's very distracting.
  18. Superhate... tap tap tap 😂
  19. Scheisse... I think this thread got infected with a virus
  20. Super8 tappin' on his mouse waiting to attack... tap tap tap 😂
  21. Hey amigo, you've misunderstood. Better to apologies. There is an opportunity for self development here.
  22. Yes. And I've always loved your beloved version of English Emanuel Onward!
  23. I'll rest easier knowing Jared is now on top of things: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/03/jared-kushner-coronavirus-research Pause for a moment to image the public flogging I'd love to give this marionette.
  24. Now here's a guy who really has something to say.
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