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Everything posted by mercer

  1. mercer

    One Lens?

    I haven't had the pleasure of using the summicron, but there is something special about 35mm f2 lenses. I've only ever used them on aps-c and m4/3, though. That crop feature on the a7rii sounds amazing. I think @Don Kotlos uses it with c-mounts which is definitely something I'd be interested in since one of my favorite lenses is an old zebra Cosmicar TV lens. The helios-44 is another lens that has eluded me over the years. I have only heard and seen good things from it. Yeah sure keep the LensTurbo... I have the MC W Rokkor 50mm PF f/1.4... Dang I almost forgot about that lens. Using that lens is probably the first time I fell for shallow depth of field. A true classic. Do you have any screengrabs of the MD version? I have a nice little collection of Minolta glass and I am trying to decide between my older MC Rokkor-X lenses and the newer MD versions.
  2. Nice clip. I wouldn't mind messing with the original, but I can't find the video on Vimeo. Do you have the link?
  3. mercer

    Nikon D500

    I just saw that listed on BH. Interesting.
  4. mercer

    One Lens?

    Nice. I was into Carl Zeiss Jena for a while but damn near every copy I bought the aperture blades didn't work. I eventually got bored with them. Optically, the early Jenas, when they still had the stockpile of original Zeiss glass, had some pretty sweet mojo. But I guess if I have to choose between the lenses I own... I would keep either the Minolta 28mm f2, the Nikkor 28mm f2 or the RMC Tokina 35mm f2. Not sure which though.
  5. Raw would be fantastic. I actually think one of the major camera companies are going to include this soon. Possibly in the 5div. But maybe in GH5. It makes no sense for the majors to allow BM to be the only manufacturer with a prosumer priced camera(s) with 1080p/2.5k Raw. The 5div would make the most sense since they could just reverse engineer ML, but Panasonic also makes sense since they go out of their way to acknowledge the video aspect of their cameras.
  6. mercer

    One Lens?

    I've always wondered about that one... Do you have the Nikon mount? If I hadn't had so many issues buying lenses from Russia, I would have probably bought one. Have been there... I sold my Minolta 35mm 1.8. It's probably my favorite lens I have ever owned, but it just didn't resolve well with the NX500, so I picked up an MD 28mm f2. Great lens, I should have kept both... Now I have two copies of the 28mm... The MD and a Rokkor-X. I had listed the MD but it didn't sell right away, so now I am retesting and thinking of keeping the MD and selling the Rokkor-X because it's bigger and heavier.
  7. mercer

    One Lens?

    From the footage I have seen from that lens and the GH4, it does look like a perfect combo for the GX80/85. That is what I am thinking of using it with.
  8. mercer

    One Lens?

    Yup. At least I can recognize the problem. That's the first step. Now I've been thinking... What would I do if I only had one lens? So, I looked at all my footage. Used all my lenses that I love. Then looked at videos online. To be cliche, I watched a bunch of Kendy Ty's videos and thought... No seriously what if I only had one lens? Now I know I'll never be such a utilitarian to only have one lens. There's no reason to delude myself, but I think I could narrow it down to 10 or less and if I'm going to do that, I may as well go out with a bang and get a lens I've been admiring for a while... Voigtlander 25mm...
  9. mercer

    One Lens?

    I have the 35 3.5 but then fell in love with f2 lenses. I patiently waited until I found a good price for the 35mm f2 and then 2 were listed on the same day... One for $90 and the other for $60. So I bought both, hoping one would be a good copy. I immediately fell in love with the lens, so I sold one of them but then the other day a brand new in box was listed for $250 or best offer. Since mine was a little beat up, I figured I'd throw an offer out there of $150... Sure enough he accepted it. This is the stuff I do and why I have over 50 lenses.
  10. mercer

    One Lens?

    Thanks. I guess in this instance... Google really could have been my friend.
  11. mercer

    One Lens?

    Supposedly on version II you can switch between clickless and clicked aperture, do you know if this is true?
  12. mercer

    One Lens?

    Yeah, I only have the Super Takumars too. The 35mm 3.5 is an awesome lens. I have to do more research because on BH site say the click/clickless aperture has a switch but I didn't see it in any of the photos, and supposedly it's only on version II. I think@jase has it, maybe he can confirm. If it does indeed have it, then that will be awesome for times when you want to lock your exposure down... As you already know.
  13. Yes, I usually have other clips waiting to render. No, I do not use 4K clips in a 1080p timeline, I convert my 4K clips to 1080p proresLT before I bring them into FCPX. The Color Finale clips play fine, but if I have a clip that has Film Convert on it, that clip will stutter during playback, even with rendering turned off.
  14. Yeah I turned it off, but it was still an issue anytime I played the clip.
  15. The plug in version makes my FCPX run slow and stutter. If you have a powerful computer it probably won't be an issue, probably?
  16. mercer

    One Lens?

    That sounds like a great collection. I started collecting some Contax Zeiss, but quickly realized they were a little out of my range for a whole set. And thank god I never got into anamorphic. Which Takumars do you have? I have a few, the 35mm f2, the 24mm f3.5 and a 55mm f2. Awesome lenses. Since I wrote this post, I found a box in the back of my closet full of Olympus FTL lenses. If you're unfamiliar with then, they were a set of mysterious Olympus M42 lenses that were released right before the OM mount was released. I think they were discontinued in less than a year. They were designed with a clickless aperture. Nice little lenses... Damn. In fact the 28mm f3.5 was the first lens I paid a hundred dollars for. At the times I almost crapped my pants, when I saw I won the auction.
  17. mercer

    One Lens?

    Thanks, but I think I am pretty set on the Voigt. I really like the switch that changes the aperture from clickless to clicked. But I need to sell some stuff and do some more research.
  18. mercer

    One Lens?

    It's not necessarily a financial issue as it is a utilitarian issue. Since I only use the same 5 lenses, all within long wide to normal range, then why do I have a brand new Canon FL 135mm f/3.5 sitting in a box collecting dust?
  19. Stupid question... If a color program has a color temperature slider, do you have to slide it to the same temp that you shot with to get the same look as you did in camera, or does it only affect the image if you change it?
  20. mercer

    One Lens?

    Yeah, but you're probably a better photographer than me. But seriously, my collection is getting out of hand. I have lenses that I can't use on any camera. I just want a simple set up and a few lenses. I think if I sell a quarter of my collection, I can raise the capital for a near mint Voigtlander. In the end I'll probably have 10 lenses. I can't let my 28mm f2 Minolta go. And I just picked up a brand new in box Takumar 35mm f2 for 150 bucks. It's yellowed but looks great in b&w. And then there's the Nikkor 28mm f2. But really that's about it. I don't need a lot of focal lengths because I rarely change lenses anyway... I just move. Do you know how the Mitakon 25mm is? Is it even comparable to the Voigt? Yeah it will be awesome paired with the 5-axis IBIS on the GX85. Yeah... That looks amazing. And wide open... Stunning!!! Yup, it's getting ridiculous over here. My closet is filled with boxes full of lenses. I'm up to my eyeballs in silica gel packets and adapters. I sold my NX500 the other day and I wouldn't sell it unless the buyer took all of the adapters. It would have been a deal breaker.
  21. mercer

    One Lens?

    So, is the Red 18-55 your one lens. But yeah it becomes about collecting then more than using them. I find myself doing rando lens tests just to justify their existence.
  22. mercer

    One Lens?

    Not to be depressing, but I got my first camera (a t2i) right before my mother got sick. I didn't have the time to work on any projects, so I wasted time buying lenses... In some ways it was cathartic. Over time I sold some and bought more and better ones and now I have this stockpile of lenses in case the camera apocalypse occurs... Or should I say when...
  23. mercer

    One Lens?

    Yeah, I was looking at those TV Noktons. This was meant to be a fun question, but as I was going through my gear, I thought... Why do I have all of these lenses? I do plan on making a short, or maybe even a no budget feature one day, but it's really just a hobby for me. Right now I have a ton of decent vintage lenses, but I usually only use the same 3 and they are all in the normal range in FF terms. If I thought about this yesterday, I would need 30 of my 50 lenses... Now I'm thinking 5 or 10 should do and I should get one really good lens... So I've been looking at a bunch of videos from the 25mm Voigtlander... Damn that's a nice lens.
  24. mercer

    One Lens?

    I'm in the middle of clearing out some gear and while I was going through my lenses I wondered... If I could have only one lens... What would it be? Honestly, I'm unsure. I have a Cosmicar 25mm f/1.9 vintage zebra c-mount that I love. But I also love my Minolta 28mm f/2... Hmm. Or maybe it's a lens I don't already own... That Voigtlander 25mm looks amazing... If you guys could only have one lens... What would it be?
  25. Good idea, the G7 is awesome. But be warned, after a few weeks with the G7, you may be eyeing the GH5 instead of the 5DIV. Just sayin...
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