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    karin reacted to kaylee in Either I have lost the plot or I am in love with the Fuji X Pro2   
    i love fujis take on things im with you andrew
    idk lol but this review was shot using the provia preset check it out
  2. Like
    karin reacted to Andrew Reid in Either I have lost the plot or I am in love with the Fuji X Pro2   
    Superb as long as you use the Fast Color Corrector in Premiere to remap 0-255 RGB luma range to 16-235
    Playback the files in VLC or Quicktime and you get clipped highlights and crushed blacks.
    No idea why this is still a problem in 2016, maybe Fujifilm should talk to some Apple guys.
    Yeah, absolutely.
    It is just like having a Leica M rangefinder that happens to shoot better video than a Leica M rangefinder for 1/4th the price, with an EVF AND AN OVF, can't argue with that
    The X Pro 1 I also liked but ended up selling it at the time, lens range was rather limited back in 2012 and it was a dog slow camera.
    That was the biggest issue... the dreadful AF and even dreadful manual focus too.
    The X Pro 2 is mega fast and snappy, they nailed it. Also, viewfinder and body just seem higher quality this time round. Bit heavier, but amazingly built.
    Only weak points are the battery life and it is such a sharp 1080p image that when you do get moire, it is pretty noticeable moire.
    1 out of every 10 shot has it, but depends on the subject. Not the kind of camera to shoot a lot of infinity focus shots of buildings with, but for actors it's rarely an issue... brief occurrence on clothing, that's about it. What is amazing is that although it is clearly a moire affected camera, it is wonderfully detailed for 1080p.
    I'd put the moire at a similar level as the 5D Mark 2 RAW without AA filter and Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera.
    It's not the worst but it does happen.
  3. Like
    karin reacted to Arizona Sunset in Either I have lost the plot or I am in love with the Fuji X Pro2   
    I think that's the appeal of the X-Pro2 over the X-T1 even - it's classic, a photographers tool more than a digital experience.  Shame about the lack of 4k and moire, but I'm tempted nonetheless. Fuji said they knew their weaknesses were autofocus and video a while back, and it's so good to see the results. I personally found their lenses noisy and jumpy, quirky almost, for video, but with a beautiful image, and their cameras are improving with each generation.  Like Olympus... A bit more legacy and heritage... A bit more to go.
    Do tell us more about the moire - when, where, consistency, frequency. And the autofocus in video... 
    Just a crumb or two...
  4. Like
    karin reacted to Andrew Reid in Either I have lost the plot or I am in love with the Fuji X Pro2   
    So I really didn't think I'd end up keeping this camera, especially as it is 1799 euros body only(!!) for just 1080p and no articulated screen.
    BUT this camera is a lesson to all the others...
    1. May seem like a small thing to start but it has the BEST menus I have ever used, end of story. Properly organised. Not too long. Snappy to navigate. It is amazing how many other cameras get this wrong, even Canon which have too many sub-sections / tabs. Then there's a nice big MY menu at the end of the new Fujifilm main menu so you barely have to dig into the other tabs at all. It is such a nice improvement on the previous Fuji cameras. During a shoot the menus can make or break a camera. Ask any FS7 owner
    2. COLOUR and CODEC and DETAIL - it excels at each. The images have an electricity to them, super alive. On most cameras, even with H.265 on the NX1, the codec always pays lipservice to the blacks. Whenever you bring them up they are a mess of banding, compression, blocking. The X Pro 2 codec handles like the D750, super clean in the shadows and LOTS of detail. You can bring so much out of the blacks even when they are crushed in-camera when using Velvia - which by the way, is giving me the most satisfying out of camera non-graded non-fussed with colour yet.
    3. SMOOTH editing, and 60p for slow mo. With 4K i have come to miss my render-less timeline, snappy editing and 60p with small file sizes. The only 4K 60p DSLR is $6k and 800Mbit. Hmm - no thank you.
    4. SOUL. It has as much soul as a Leica but is far cheaper and with a much more versatile feature set and viewfinder. The EVF is super sharp and you don't even have to magnify focus half the time, just go off the EVF or the back screen. Both are superb. To shoot with it is a pleasure. The water sealed body, the build quality, the twin memory card slots, the reassuringly photographic clunk of the mechanical shutter, which by the way is much quieter than a DSLR but no less beefy, the retro good looks - SUPERB looking camera body - it all adds up to something you just want to pick up over anything else. Makes the GH4 and NX1 feel like boring utility tools.
    5. It is FAST and the LENSES are lovely. AF and general speed of operation is a big improvement from the X Pro 1. Then there's the lenses 35mm F2.0 WR, small and affordable. 56mm F1.2, creamy like a Noctilux. I also love the 18-55mm F2.8-4 zoom, it is small and well above average for an APS-C zoom of this kind, 35mm F1.4 is slower to focus and has no OIS but it is a lovely piece of glass, 23mm F1.4 also a stunner.
    OK, I wish it had zero moire, I wish it had 4K and I'd love an articulated screen.
    And yes... This is designed purely as a purist photographer's Leica-style rangefinder, what the hell am I doing shooting video with it?
    Because it FEELS so good to do so and it LOOKS so nice when I playback the results afterwards.
    Two things that are so important - the feel of holding the damn thing and the feel you get from the colour and details afterwards. Vibrant and alive, the whole experience.
    Sony, Canon, Panasonic experience dull by comparison.
    They really need to take a hint from Fujifilm.
  5. Like
    karin got a reaction from pszilard in Confirmed: Fujifilm X-T2 to feature 4K video   
    I attended a Fujilfim Australia-organised event on Saturday, discussed the X-Pro2, X-Pro1 and 4K video with one of the senior Fujifilm staffers, and he believes that firmware update switching on the X-Pro's 4K video ability will appear after the X-T2 is released.

    I told him I want 4K capability in all cameras I buy from now onwards, regardless of whether they are primarily for stills or video, as I can only carry so much gear at any time and need to respond to opportunities as they arise with whatever I am carrying at the time. 

    I see certain advantages to a 4K-capable hybrid camera with OVF and EVF. For me at least, the way I shoot stills with OVF is very different to how I shoot with EVF. I want the choice of either when I shoot video too. 
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    karin reacted to theSUBVERSIVE in Confirmed: Fujifilm X-T2 to feature 4K video   
    I don't get all this time wasting rant about the X-PRO2 not having 4K. Who cares if they put it via FW some people praise their Kaizen? Let them be, that doesn't change anything in real life, such a pitiful thing to whine about.
    I'm confused by this actually, I don't see videorgaphers buying the X-PRO2 for its 4K even if it had it, so why should Fuji please video people with a clear niche camera in the X-PRO2 when the X-T line is much more suited and expected for video?
    Sure they want to expand their customer base, but they clearly are not going to do that with the X-PRO2 and they don't need to do it with the X-PRO2, this camera is aimed at those that liked the original X100 and the X-PRO1, this is a niche camera in its core, they have other line ups for other needs, it's not like they are simply ignoring video or 4K.
    They just said that the X-T2 will have 4K, so it's implied that that' the line up that will be more aimed at videographers and the X-T2 is more suited for that anyway, why bother so much with what the X-PRO2 doesn't have if you were not going to buy it even if it had it? I don't get it.
    I prefer to look at it differently, as I see it, Fuji gave videographers a teaser of what is to come, they improved the video, that's already a good sign, X-Trans can actually make good video and with this interview, they are saying that the X-T2 will be the line up that videographers should take a look when it comes.
    I don't have high expectations for their first go for video though. I think that the Fuji colours will be there and the quality might even be there too, but I wonder if Fuji will get the little quirks right. The peaking disappearing in video mode, using a better codec, having better menus, audio feats, etc. I don't think they will get most of it right, I wished they were already talking with videographers to make it right, but I do think that part of it might be solved via Kaizen. Will it have a log-like profile? Will the button placement have video in mind?
    With Samsung - apparently - pulling out of the market, with Sony having a camera like A6300 - but with no APS-C support in term of lenses -, Fuji could take advantage of the APS-C mirrorless video market. I'm just not sure if it's going to be the X-T2 or it's already a bit too late. But it's good for consumers to see they trying.
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    karin reacted to The Chris in Confirmed: Fujifilm X-T2 to feature 4K video   
    Fuji claimed when the Xpro2 was released the new processor can do full readout with 4k, but as we see from this they say people shooting with the ancient Xpro1 don't want video, so they didn't include it. Stupid strategy to segment (sell) the XT2.
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    karin reacted to The Chris in Confirmed: Fujifilm X-T2 to feature 4K video   
    And then 6 months after the XT2 is released the Fuji cult will be singing the praises of that Kaizen bullshit when they add it via a FW update.
    It will be interesting to see what they can do with that goofy Xtrans array in 4k, one of the clips posted on DPR shows a lot of moire. If their claim of being able to do full sensor readout is true, there's hope.
    Love Fujis lenses, love the colors and I really dig little things like the joystick to move the AF point - if Fuji can get its video on par with the A7rII, I'd happily shift away from Sony and it ever bloated lens lineup. Fuji has all the primes and zooms I'd like to see in E-mount, but the insane focus on what's essentially a stills only body in 2016 is not doing them any favors.
    And I agree with moving beyond your existing customer base, what the point of building the same shit for people that are already in the X-mount ecosystem, new models should try to reach out to people that don't shoot Fuji, otherwise they run the risk of becoming Pentax.
  9. Like
    karin reacted to Andrew Reid in Confirmed: Fujifilm X-T2 to feature 4K video   
    X-Pro 2 4K - 80% said they don't need it, so Fuji didn't flick the switch in firmware. They ask a bunch of hardcore stills people if they want video and surprise surprise most of them don't.
    How are Fujifilm supposed to expand their customer base with new people if the keep asking their existing ones what they want?
    This is why camera companies keep serving up the same-old same-old every year... they never reach out new markets, because they only listen to the needs of their existing one.
  10. Like
    karin reacted to Andrew Rieger in Fuji X Pro 2 video quality a huge step up - hands on with the final hardware, pre-production firmware   
    Ok let me back up. There are a handful of cameras that pump out a decent HD image. I'm a renter so ive tried all of them. There are no cameras under 10k that I would consider buying due to deal breaker issues. The C100 2 comes closest as far as HD image quality is concerned but that camera is still brutally overpriced for what it is. I also like the Canon 1dc, lovely image but even at $7k, it's still overpriced and with no high frame rates and difficult post, it's also not worth buying. Blackmagic is hit or miss. They have a great filmic look but their cameras are notoriously unreliable and I pretty much can't trust them for paid work. Panasonic have backed themselves into a corner with m43 which will always be a disadvantage in the low light department. Nikon has never even spoken to someone who shoots video for a living so their cameras are almost always DOA. The Sony A7s has a stunning sensor and very lovely 1080p but their color science is bogus, I had to turn picture profile off and no slog 2 in order to get decent gradable skin tones but when I did that, there was a 2 stop hit in dynamic range. Since it's still 8bit color, the image falls apart quickly. Basically every camera company is run by morons when it comes to video. Canon literally hate their customers. They will give you the quality you want but they will charge you twice as much as you are willing to spend. Seriously, the c300 2 should cost $7k at most. It's especially frustrating since Samsung are literally sitting on a gold mine of video tech that they have decided to waste on cell phones. Fuji color can't be beat their video functionality almost always sucks and I'm sorry but I'm not seeing the image quality in these samples. The motion cadence is pretty unpleasant and I am seeing aliasing which at this point, is totally inexcusable. Everyone always talks about how many great tools we have at our disposal but I don't see it. I think most sub $10k cameras are garbage when it comes to image quality. I'm slightly hopeful for Panasonics new camera but with Varicam branding, I have a feeling it will be a pricy item. Keep in mind that Panasonic have the GH5 due later in the year so I doubt they would produce a Varicam in the prosumer price range.
  11. Like
    karin reacted to pszilard in Fuji X Pro 2 video quality a huge step up - hands on with the final hardware, pre-production firmware   
    I understand that the X-PRO2 does have mic input, but I would record sound on a Zoom F8 externally, anyway. Camera sound is really only for sync, unless you are out and about and want to grab a shot. I had done that with my X-T1 and a Rode Videomic Pro already with no problems, so expect the X-PRO2 to be similar.
    For me, the big question is: can I get HDMI out for external video recording? This is still unanswered, so far!
  12. Like
    karin reacted to Marco Tecno in Fuji X Pro 2 video quality a huge step up - hands on with the final hardware, pre-production firmware   
    Nice! Would be great to see an head to head comparison with nx1, both with native 1080 and with 4k downsampled.
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    karin reacted to theSUBVERSIVE in Fuji X Pro 2 video quality a huge step up - hands on with the final hardware, pre-production firmware   
    So this day has come... who would thought that? Even more Fuji doing so BEFORE Olympus.
    Fuji said that they want this to be more of a photographer camera, rightfully so, and that they were reserving the 4K capabilities for another line up, having the X-E2s being announced with it, easy to tell that the next X-T1 might get it.
    It would be interesting if Fuji who usually listen to consumers via their Kaizen, if they would add the grain simulation to the camera or even via software to do on your computer or maybe you can apply it in the camera after the shot - which is a possibility if they think that doing so in real-time to be too much.
    I would really like to see how Fuji will evolve from this. With Fuji's colour science you can use shots right off the camera without the need of a lot of color correction on it, but then Fuji can bring their own flat profile and make things even more interesting. But I wonder if with 8-bit files, a good colour science might not top the need of a flat/log profile, since 10-bit files would be much more adequate for taking real advantage of a log profile. But if Fuji could provide both, then it would be a killer. But it might be too much to expect from the next X-T1, but who knows?
  14. Like
    karin reacted to Andrew Reid in Fuji X Pro 2 video quality a huge step up - hands on with the final hardware, pre-production firmware   
    Typo sorry, meant film grain simulation. The film simulation (colour, contrast) modes are alive and well in video mode like I said at the top of the post, that's one of the main reasons for getting it!
  15. Like
    karin reacted to richg101 in Fuji X Pro 2 video quality a huge step up - hands on with the final hardware, pre-production firmware   
    would be rather exciting if they decided to offer 10bit prores 422 / LT.  Similar to Leica, they don;t have a professional broadcast / cinema range to protect by crippling this.  Though I wouldn;t be surprised if Sony made it a condition that the sensor can;t be used in such a way.    
  16. Like
    karin reacted to The Chris in Fuji X Pro 2 video quality a huge step up - hands on with the final hardware, pre-production firmware   
    Looks pretty good, will be interesting to see what the noise and DR is like across the ISO range. Fuji colors are amazing and the lens lineup is something every Sony owner can only dream about, but video has always been incredibly disappointing. I have no interest in the hybrid VF either after owning the Xpro1 and the X100, so the Xpro2 is a no go for me as I don't want to pay a significant premium for something I never use.
    I'm hoping that the little nugget Fuji dropped - stating that the new processor is 4k capable - might mean good things for the XT2. I fear Sony is going to mostly produce large/heavy/expensive lenses for the FE lineup like the 35/1.4, 90 macro and any rumored F/2.8 zooms since they seem to be driving profits along with the relentless FF body release schedule.
    In Sony-land the aps-c lens lineup seems to be at an endpoint as they've released nothing in the last couple years, which leaves me at a crossroad for my small body/lens travel kit. There are just so many attractive options in the X-mount. I'm not going smaller than aps-c, had high hopes for the NX1 but the lenses kept me from going all in there. Maybe Fuji can make it happen, maybe...
  17. Like
    karin reacted to Andrew Reid in Fuji X Pro 2 video quality a huge step up - hands on with the final hardware, pre-production firmware   
    I am really pleased to say the video quality of the X Pro 2 is seriously impressive. It's not 4K but it's enormously satisfying, sharp and detailed.
    What's great is that now we can finally shoot moving images with Fuji's superb film-like colour science, without having to worry about image quality.
    Read the full article
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    karin reacted to Nikkor in Fuji X Pro 2 video quality a huge step up - hands on with the final hardware, pre-production firmware   
    Can't wait to see some proper samples, everything I've seen so far has the typical crushed blacks look, but looking very sharp, this means the a6100 (same sensor probably, different filters on top) will be very sharp too.
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