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Ivan Lietaert

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    Ivan Lietaert reacted to Julian in Looking to spend around $2000 on camera and computer   
    Maybe buy something cheap (Panasonic G6) and keep your D300 if you are happy with it, for stills. Get a focal reducer / lens turbo (cheap speed booster) to use your nikkor lenses. If you have G lenses get a canon eos to m43 focal reducer and a Nikon to eos adapter with aperture control.
  2. Like
    Ivan Lietaert reacted to nahua in Lenses   
    @EOSHD Maybe instead of a thread, a real forum section.  I'd like to discuss specifics - Micro 4/3rds lenses, vintage lenses, full frame lenses, etc.  I'm just worried that specific topics would be lost in a single discussion thread.
  3. Like
    Ivan Lietaert reacted to richg101 in Kendy Ty and the T2i - one guy doing amazing things with a 5 year old DSLR   
    what his videos scream out is that the camera and the lens he is using are the least important aspect in the whole production.  His resources are likely spent elsewhere; socialising with fellow creatives, travelling and subconsciously scouting locations, living a cultured French lifestyle - he probably has parents who are also artistic or creative.  Writing, reading, watching independent cinema.
    I imagine he's a guy who would decline an alexa 4:3 and a set of round fronts because it would hinder his apparent efficiency and holistic working process to film making.
    I'd also hazard a guess Kendy won't even have realised he had a staff pick award or the notice a boost in vimeo plays thanks to this topic on eoshd.
    On the complete opposite end of the spectrum we have the forum culture who are driven by the technology side of things.  Resources spent on things like:-
    electricity, regularly upgraded computers and camera gadgets, socialising with other tech driven people in an artificial social environment, sitting at a computer desk rather than viewing the world, writing (forum posts), reading (forum posts), watching camera test videos rather than real films.
    Obviously there are half way housers who are interested in both creativity and technology but ultimately having the technology and consuming taking up valuable time is going to impact on the pure creative aspect.
  4. Like
    Ivan Lietaert reacted to HurtinMinorKey in 5D Mark III raw versus Panasonic GH4   
    Wow, this thread is fired up.  I really think the GH4 looks good, maybe surprisingly so, but then so does the GH3. Both cameras can hang with the 5D3R raw if you put them in the right setting and use them in the right way.  I see the GH4 as a nice improvement over the last generation, but it's lack of raw support means it's not for me. 
  5. Like
    Ivan Lietaert reacted to Glenn Thomas in Surprise! Sony Alpha A6000 video mode huge improvement   
    Thanks for all the insights here.

    After shooting more than 50 music videos with my NEX5N, some idiot broke into our house yesterday while I was having a shower and stole it, along with my iPad 2. Thankfully the camera only had my old Nikon f2.8 28mm lens on it. They left behind the charger with spare battery, Lens Turbo and other lenses.

    So I've just decided to get this A6000. To be honest, I never really had a problem with the image quality I was getting from the NEX5N. A bit of aliasing here and there, some loss of detail if I used noise reduction on low light shots, etc. But I never had an EVF, the thing always overheated, the LCD had a big splotch mark in the centre as I'd never bought a screen protector for it, it didn't have zebras, and I never had a kit lens which would have been good for travelling. So the A6000 with a kit lens seems like the perfect replacement. And affordable too, as money I've made from a couple of videos this past week will easily cover the cost.

    From reading this thread though, I'll agree some of the Panasonics may have better image quality. The Nikon 5300 too. Although I've never owned a DSLR, and never will. I really need that focus peaking. With the NEX5N, as long as I could see a red spot in someone's eyes, I knew my focus was good. And with the Lens Turbo, I can get that full frame look if I need it. Which wouldn't be possible with any m43 camera, or even the 5300.

    One other thing I do is always shoot in 50P, normally with a 1/100 shutter. Unless it's something on green screen. For music videos, being able to slow down a clip really easily I find to be a lot more important than a few possible artifacts the intended audience will never see. That slow mo can add emotion to a clip that you wouldn't get at normal speed. And for that reason, none of the affordable Blackmagic cameras are an option for me either. Or any affordable 4K camera. Better to wait until they can all do 4K 50P and without the rolling shutter. And to improve image quality, I use Neat Video followed by Boris BCC film grain.

    Anyway, apologies for the rant, but I guess my point here is to not be too concerned about image quality, artifacts and all that, but to go for whatever camera has the most features that are important to you. In my case those are compatibility with existing lenses (including my Lens Turbo), portability, focus peaking, a file format that's simple to edit (AVCHD files work great in Sony Vegas!), good low light performance, and 50P. In which case, this A6000 appears to be my best option. I'm hoping to pick one up later today. After I enquire about getting some security screens for our windows :)
  6. Like
    Ivan Lietaert reacted to Huuow in Lens recommendations for video & photo on the GH4?   
    I agree with Inazuma... 35mm (ff) is a pretty sweet focal length
    I´d say get the Panasonic 12-35. The autofocus is very fast, excellent if you are in a hurry with either filming or photography. It has an IS, so you can do some dirty shots without looking too dirty... and the olympus 45 f1.8 for portrait reasons.
    Later on the Panasonic 35-100 to complete a good zoom range and the olympus 17 f1.8.
    If you have the budget, also as Inazuma said, you could switch the two olympus with the equivalent voigtländers 17.5 f0.95 and 45 f0.95...
  7. Like
    Ivan Lietaert reacted to Danyyyel in A very short Nikon D4S review - poor video quality yet again!   
    Very very nice video, looks very sharp to my eyes. If you couple this type of sharpness with 13 stop of DR and amazing low light this is a very very good image. Now for $ 6500, it is not the best investment of you do mainly video, but the people that are going to buy this camera as primarily for photo journalism/sport/wedding are going to get a very very good video camera now.
  8. Like
    Ivan Lietaert reacted to FilmBrute in Sony A7S rolling shutter test   
    If the prosumer camera footage I watch on vimeo is indicative, 99% of the people who will buy this camera won't rack focus, let alone pan the camera. I'm pretty sure non professionals who buy multi thousand dollar cameras just buy stuff to produce test footage. In other words  the A7s will be just fine for filming bridges, people walking, and sunsets.  :P
  9. Like
    Ivan Lietaert reacted to Quirky in Potential changes to the forum to prioritise good content, suggestions welcome...   
    That's the internyet in a nutshell, or at least the gadget/tech-oriented online forums. All gadget geek subspecies tend to bicker and whine, and get into each others' nerves at times. The more popular the site gets, the harder it becomes to maintain a good signal to noise ratio.  
    Anyway, how about "hiring" a trusted moderator or two to help you in keeping the loonies on the path? That's an old-fashioned, but still a working solution, isn't it. Might be a better solution than a strictly closed forum, which might dry out and die after a few months or so, despite good intentions. Well, just a thought. Carry on, one way or other, as a private club or an open bar.
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    Ivan Lietaert reacted to DanMorrison in Potential changes to the forum to prioritise good content, suggestions welcome...   
    This is an interesting topic, and something that a lot of sites have difficulty with. 
    I have been a part of the Iron Brush forum for quite some time, and I have noticed a very different atmosphere there, it is very respectful, and every post is thoughtfully written. Amazingly, the forum feels very constructive. 
    I have also noticed a bunch of garbage posts popping up here... my favourite is when a poster has clearly not read the rest of the thread... uhg. 
    The Iron Brush forum requires that you email the mod, and present your work/introduce yourself before you are allowed to make an account. I think that this could help a great deal... though, whether or not that would take up too much of your time, I'm not sure... 
    I like the idea of a semi-closed forum, however, I do think that you should allow for the growth of that membership by accepting new members based on what they may have to offer. 
    When the membership is stable enough, and everyone is on the same page, and here to learn and grow.. it should just moderate itself pretty well. 
  11. Like
    Ivan Lietaert reacted to sunyata in Blackmagic respond to EOSHD about supporting existing cameras - audio levels and histograms on the way!   
    It's possible that blackmagic just responded to Andrew's questions with boilerplate responses, in other words, they are the ones copying and pasting..  just playing devils advocate.
    But I saw an interview where the president admitted that formatting a disk in the camera was way down on his list of to-do's and the response gives a false sense of "almost being ready".
    My general sense is that blackmagic is a little far over their skiis on products and firmware updates will be far from satisfying for most little glitches with older, less important stuff.
  12. Like
    Ivan Lietaert reacted to Ben Prater in ML Raw vs. GH4 etc.   
    The 5d3 with RAW isn't setup for serious production. It's a hack, it can be unreliable -- and yes, the video it produces is glorious.
    The Gh3 and soon-to-be big sister, the Gh4, are production-grade cameras. You take them to a shoot, hit record, know they are getting the shot, take it the edit suite -- drop the video on the timeline, edit, render, upload and get paid by the client. All in a day's work. No muss, no fuss.
    I own a production company. If I want to spend a weekend making music videos with my friends, I'll grab 5d3 and do RAW. Mmm... I love grading RAW.
    But during the week, when I have a paying client that needs video crafted for their website or products -- and wants it done yesterday, I need tools that can move video through the production pipeline quickly and efficiently. The GH-series rocks for this.
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