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Lars Steenhoff

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Everything posted by Lars Steenhoff

  1. If also applies to external, your computer can also be defined as external
  2. And by they way. if recording to an external ssd via usb-c it is technically not recording internally right? so any camera manufacturer can implement compressed raw over usb-c
  3. I'm happy to go with the sigma fp And compress later on the computer with slimraw. In a way it a good thing compressed raw is not coming so we have even beter quality with uncompressed. The only thing I wish for was lossless compressed raw, and I don't think thats covered by the red patent. I think the patent was about lossy compressed only.
  4. I still have an antialisaing filter for the Nikon d800, maybe it will fit? interesting
  5. Can you also make two cdng's one from the cropped apc mode and one full frame?
  6. A square sensor could work for both orientations, and with two readout modes.
  7. https://www.smallrig.com/smallrig-cage-for-sigma-fp-camera-ccm2518.html?fbclid=IwAR1qoUkxDzO_43oOWz01kyMNhLRl03UTSIflt1juJ8u4Ed-Own9mfYSFNDg new cage in development DB5207CA-ECCB-4AF0-BA5C-5C75477B3FF7.jp2 E240F685-73D5-4C23-9C8D-43C1156734E4.jp2 3B8A9510-4769-4EA8-9799-CADEF398C880.jp2
  8. you can make raw as flat as you want, even convert it to a log profile. agree about the headphone jack missing
  9. I think its linear 14 bits per channel https://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=15689.0
  10. Yea just add one of those OLED Small hd and you have a lightweight setup with a great screen. for only 300 dollars at the moment. https://store.smallhd.com/products/FOCUS-OLED/FOCUS-OLED-Micro-HDMI-Monitor And no fan noise like the HDMI recorders have.
  11. No need for an Atomos. Just a usb 3 ssd like a samsung t5
  12. Thanks they look nice, when comparing to the 4k, keep in mind the iso on the 4k is 640 and on the 1080 its iso 1250
  13. I think the clipping is because most of those videos have used a high contrast develop setting. I can pull down the highlights of the example dngs a lot in Adobe Camera Raw @Andrew Reid Do you have some 8 bit and 12 bit dng from the same test shot with the same exposure settings for us to have a look at?
  14. Yes for sure, my preference is to first go for lossless compressed first. ( Like I had in the 5d mk3 with magic lantern ) No artefacts and still save half the storage.
  15. I hope they can make 10 bit to internal sd work with a firmware upgrade. Like they originally planned to have.
  16. I think that the 8bit internal raw looks better than most cameras with compressed files, no matter if its 8 or 10 bit.
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