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Everything posted by stefanocps

  1. i don t consider at all bm, tooc omplicated to use, while i want to have a cam that can be used as most as possible as camcorder, in term of speed of use. And anyway i wouldn t get into the nightmare of a never ending wait for it
  2. Just found this What you think? https://***URL removed***/forums/post/53141471 This could simplify some thing
  3. I will edit definitely on 2k also.i want the 4k only because i can crop and this expand edit possibilies. So one of the 3 fuji or gh5...
  4. xt20 or 30? Yes you touch an importan tpoint the editing possibility of h265,..that scares me, my pc is oggd, was ood, t is 4 years old and i fear it could be a nightmare working with xt3 files I wouldnt struggle with xt30 right? or may be i will have less hard time with XH1 also?what about gh5's files?
  5. too sharp, a times seems so electronic image
  6. yes may be t is not the color what i talk about, (though i think the red dominant is still there) but more is the sharpness. Also i had lots of problem with my gh3, the dial get spolled 2 times...Can't really tell, as i sadi may be it is only a prejudice. But i am with you., with the potentital GH5 looks still a great camera and it is still my possibile choice along wit XT3 i don t do either intensive grading, with gh3 i could o little because of my knoledge but also because of the machine itself. I always have wished to be able to do more grading though, and i don t know how the 8 vs 10 bit and 422 vs 420 could affect me (compared to the possibility gh3 offfered me)
  7. may be xt3 is overall and worthy better option over xt30
  8. i think xt3 witn 18 55 could really be the one for me, and if needed i could get later a gimbal. Still i could save money getting xh1 or xt30. How will it change in practice the difference 8/10 bit recording?What are the specs on hdmi recording with xt30? i know what you mean, gh5 also is a real otpion for me too. What stop me is 1) it is old technbology right now.2/3 years makes a lot of difference. And anothe r thinf g is that wether i know gh3 is another world from gh5 they have something in common, i thonk it is t he panasonic flavour. And i am kind of fedup with this flavour. For sure with a good cc the flavour change totally, i am talking about the filke played has it comes out from the machine. Most probably it is only a prejudice
  9. yes this is not really a point for me. I think never recorded up to 29 minutes
  10. what you using now, gh5? anyway it seems that the choice is gh5 or XT3(or xh1 for more lenses options with same budget)
  11. that is why i try to go for a camera with a usable kit lens
  12. with a big effort i coul go slightly over 2k euro
  13. ok what facilities offer for manual focus then?is there a way to rack focus? or focus assist?
  14. c100 is well above my budget, can t consider it. 4k is a must, not because i deliver at 4k but for the cropping possibility that expand a lot the possibility when editing
  15. does it have stabilization?what about autofocus, is it reliable?
  16. fz2000 looks like that acamcorder i had thought about, perhaps will have same unreliable focus as panasonic have, and little control on dof, not a great image then? don t know havent checke any test yet. GH5 is for sure a good point, also for price, and at that range only XT3 could compete I have thought about LS300 that it is a real interesting camera. But the question, as you posted as well, is how worthy is buyng an old technology today?
  17. never said i am a professional I want to do nice worjk for film festival, few month one was accepted in one festival, and this push me to do better and invest in something better, as at the screeneing festival the quality of my footage was weak compared to all the other
  18. i got 2 general lumix lenses 14-42 and 45 175. Plus i have a bunch of vintage lenses, from MInolta Rokkor, and few from olympus and canon, but these could be used in other camera also, sint' it? So i really have 2 lumix lenses, and not the best. For what i have read for example Both Fuji and Nikon have a kit lenses that are supposed to be much better than those Lumix Kit lenses i own
  19. it all depends on personal evaluation of money! Z6 and Gh5 have around 500 euro difference, at least in europe where i live. With possibility to get GH5 at a lower price and also used one. But at least there are 500/600 euro difference. Which is something less than the cost of a Ninjia, whic even if it is cheapest in the market it is still worthy around 700 euo. Which is a big amount, for me. Eventually if you put the 500 more between z6 and gh5 and 700 for atomos, then you get an amount which worth a camera!. That said Z6 could be still considered for buying as it seems a great camera, but we can t tell that has the same cost of gh5, unless 600 euro for you is nothing!
  20. what i do at the most is docufilm, documentary, which i send to festival. No money from them, at least till now. Sometimes i do some short film, still for pleasure, sometimes it happens i have some paid job for small promotional video So that said i am not ready to spend a lots of money, but i still want a nice tool that give me excitment in using it, because this is part of the creativity. I could reach a budget up to a z6 with kit lens,may be a used one.. but i could not add anything else for a while. So till 2000 euro i can go, what i need more is the ability to work on my own in a fast way.And also to have possibility to work on image, dof and some color correction An handycam coul be something that fit but geerally there is little control over the image. So the idea is to get a camera that is more similar to an handycam in term of fast use. A the same time i can have mnore control whne i need to to planned shot
  21. yes a7 iii is another option, dont know why tend to consider little all sony, there is something not reliable with them for me..don t know what..may be prices always high, lots of issues about heating that most of their camera suffer, image look great yes but seems something so delicate
  22. resuming there are few candidates, from low end(in price ) XH1 to High end Z6 In the middle gh5,xt3..and i add an handycam like ax700/nx80 which i like for the quick of use XH1 has a good advante to be cheap and give the chance to invest more in other thing, it has it all but seems the weakest of the group? Z6 is the more expensivce (well above GH5 not exactly the same as @IronFilm said) look very good at all but it needs ATOMOS to have 422, also it does not have 60p (or it has it in hdmi recording?).Again @IronFilm said that Atomos is Cheap but i see it at over 700 euro...that is not cheap In the middle 2 alternative GH5 that is well know, perhaps is an oild project now and this is not an excting poin, while XT3 iit is new, but miss ibisi Of course coming from GH3 i did non have ibisi, nor a good autofocus, no many things that, for this reason, i would love to have it now! Another point i want to consider is the usability in editing of the files. XT3 seems to require a very strong job from pc, i don t know about the opthers. My pc is not really new, and i have not the intention to change it now Some Z6 user says that for video Z6 is not yeat as mature as other product being the forst mirrorless project fron Nikon Don't know..what i need is something i can primary work in a similar way to handycam, for speed of use. Also of course need to have control over the image if needed
  23. well with tripod or gimbal..no ibis!
  24. this could be a good solution. I already have a selection of old Minolta Rokkor lenses which i used on GH3. Can't rely only on manual focus though, as often i need to be able to rely on autofocus, being me the only operator working at documentary, interview etc... I don tknow how the AF of gh5 has improved, for what i have read seemes nearly unusable. You never thaught of XT3?
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