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Everything posted by Julian

  1. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lomo-Anamorphic-50mm-f-2-0-T2-5-Lens-OCT-19-mnt-EXC-RED-SONY-BLACK-MAGIC-/281105011295?pt=Camera_Lenses&hash=item41732a125f Lomo Anamorphic 50mm f/2.0 T2.5 Lens OCT-19 'mint' $3K buy it now.    
  2. Looks great! Can u use it with 50mm on the AF100?
  3. It has a integrated lens I suppose. 6mm 2-inch f/1.4 it says.
  4. Which lenses? Nice bokeh!
  5. Kowa for B&H 2x in Australia: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kowa-2x-Anamorphic-Lens-Bell-Howell-/271202967796?pt=AU_Lenses&hash=item3f24f4e0f4   Kowa 2x 16-D in the UK: http://www.ebay.nl/itm/kowa-2x-anamorphic-for-bell-howell-lens-/221224316510?pt=UK_Photography_VintageCameras_SM&hash=item3381ff2e5e   A B&H anamorphic I've never seen before, looks kinda interesting but in bad condition: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bell-Howell-Anamorphic-Lens-NR-/151042483372?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item232ad564ac     Anyone knows this lens?
  6.   The newest rumors are telling the 7D II isn't coming this year... ;) http://www.canonrumors.com/2013/05/no-7d-mark-ii-in-2013-cr2/   The 70D is coming supposedly, but it was rumoured to have the same shitty sensor again.   Maybe the 7D II is too good and beats the crap out of the fullframe camera's, so they are delaying it for a while so customers won't be too pissed off and they can still sell some old technique. *wishful thinking*
  7. The 1DX has one advantage over the Sony sensors, it holds better dynamic range at high iso's. This can be an advantage for sports shooters who work at iso 1600 or higher a lot. The Nikon D4 has the same characteristics though.. The Canon sensors just loose big time on dynamic range at low iso's.  
  8. The date stamps are a bit off in your fullframe chart:     2008/2009 really was the turning point. Both for fullframe and aps-c.
  9. I understand. Maybe some screengrabs / few second clips? Put it behind a password ;)
  10. It's shocking if you see it in a graphic way like this... It seems like some camera's are missing though, I plotted a graphic myself with this chart: http://www.dxomark.com/index.php/Cameras/Camera-Sensor-Ratings   All the aps-c camera's from Sony, Nikon and Canon. Same idea, but a bit more detailed.   [attachment=504:vergelijking.jpg]
  11. Iscorama 2002 for 3000GBP. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Isco-f-Rollei-SL35-1-2-50mm-Iscorama-2002-/370804171530?pt=Camera_Lenses&hash=item5655a6a30a     I don't know this one. The taking lens is fixed? According to wikipedia: Sealed anamorphic monobloc constructed using the cheapest of all Rollei 35mm SLR lenses,[7] the Mamiya-built Rolleinar 50mm f/2. The camera mount interface was Rollei's QBM.
  12. Hard to see anything at this low resolution...
  13. I love this Bolex Moller short:   http://vimeo.com/42252615   Camera: Panasonic GH2 Hack: Driftwood's Quantum X (v4d Orion) 'Dark Matter' Lens: Olympus F. Zuiko 38mm Pen F, Canon FD 85mm Anamorphic: Bolex Moller Anamorphot 8/19/1.5x   The image quality is not so much the great feature of the Iscorama. It does let you use wider taking lenses I think (25mm on GH2, if i'm right?) and the focusing is a huge plus of course.
  14. Three quick shots at various sharpening settings with the Panasonic 14mm at F8. Only G6. Download here (wetransfer) Natural profile, everything zero, NR at -5. Three shots, sharpness 0, -2 and -5. -2 looks like the sweet spot to me :)
  15. Tony, do you know anything about this lens? (Kinoscope, fixed focus projection 1.5x?) http://www.ebay.com/itm/190835510591?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  16. Some of the original clips. GH2 and G6. Download here (wetransfer)
  17. Other mounts are welcome! Lets say anything that is made for small formats. It wouldn't make much sense to post Nikon F lenses or anything like that ;) I'll create a subcategory for other mounts. Updating the topicstart tomorrow. Thanks for the updates guys!
  18. I'm on a free Vimeo account, so only 720p there, but I agree the compression on Youtube sucks. Probably will shoot some more stuff tomorrow. I'll try to upload some original clips via wetransfer.
  19. I like it the way it is and kinda dislike 'dark' websites. In case you go dark, please leave an option for the old design if possible :)
  20. Cool you came back to follow up on your original question. The images look great!
  21. I fixed the image :) Let us know the results!
  22. I don't have a monitor or a hdmi cable to attach it to my tv so can't test that.. Is that fixed in the GH3? might be fixed in the G6 too in that case. I'm really impressed by the G6, especially for the price. Think I'll replace my GH2 for it and keep it next to my upcoming BMPCC if I don't want to bother with the huge files from the Pocket cam :) 1080p50/1080p60 also is a big plus imo. Going to play with that soon!
  23. @Parky: You can upload your pictures in the EOSHD Gallery: http://www.eoshd.com/comments/gallery/
  24. I shot hacked with Moon Trial 5 at HBR (60Mbps). Might do more tests later. But it already looks pretty good for the G6 I think, so if I don't have to 'unhack' my GH2 I might keep it this way. On the other hand, I should try some more/other hacks.. so If I find the time :) I'm planning on making some screendumbs so you can see the actual quality, the youtube compression is pretty harsh. Don't have time now, but here are some examples (make sure you see the full res 1080p image). G6 on top, GH2 below. ISO 3200 and 160. No tripod, so not a perfect test.
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