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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. You just said it shortly what a lot of others are unable to admit to themselves because their multi-thousand camera only records 1080p :D But you will only need a bit more than a grand to be updated, no more excuses for that gimmick prosumer / broadcast / professional / cinema (cough cough) camera :P
  2. Nowadays it is possible to put any videoish outcome to shine as film stock from your home computer, so it is such a mute point, actually ;-)
  3. I second that, pointless is to embrace the aliasing and moiré as a new trend of filmmaking (E :-)
  4. When the same few people I read here blatantly replying OP will have a solution for one of the major health problems of modern times aka cancer, please advise your community on topic. I am sure Nobel Committee shall have in consideration your effort. Excelent topic Junior, kudos for your initiative and congratulations to Andrew for such valuable forum, as well, to those posts really adding some worthy discussion even if from the same (un)usual suspects, if but only when so ;) Thanks on behalf of all non-Adolf grateful readers, Emanuel :-)
  5. This location is growing and growing, nice to see :-)
  6. Humorous vibe is part of life, actually. Impossible to live without it. Imagine you to write it without mention his alias now? Bits and bytes of good humor immediately lost. To Caesar what belongs to Caesar :)
  7. FimBrute quote is hilarious : ) I had a good laugh. Time to update my signature straight away... LOL ;-)
  8. At the same time, there are people like me who have defended you among the inner circle, you well know it :-)
  9. Well, he has another one plain easy and available straight away: $2,995 BMPC 4K... (E :-)
  10. Nice article, you have, Andrew. This is far to be infotainment as most severe criticism can illude. This is pure information and even dedicated education or online news at best. I am glad to see your reaction. People say crisis can make us stronger when we learn and extract the only positive side they can bring: insight from an external POV to ours and brighter side of our goodwill and skills : ) Kudos to your hard work with a much personal touch... isn't this the mass the arts are made from? E :-)
  11. V3 coming soon... for 4K video?   http://www.stevehuffphoto.com/2013/09/05/nikon-pushing-on-with-the-1-system-new-videophoto-light-attachment-ld-1000/#comments   EDIT -- Well, based on this source, not before January 2014:   http://nikonrumors.com/2013/08/03/aptina-compact-cameras-with-1-sensor-to-be-announced-in-early-2014.aspx/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NikonRumors+%28NikonRumors.com%29
  12. Here is a previous post of mine which identifies the panorama:   http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/2274-nikon-v1-shooting-4k-60fps-raw-for-200/?p=36176    
  13.   Basics matter :-) Exposure is made of aperture, shutter speed and ISO. If we work in automatic what can we expect for?   V1 is basically, in burst mode, an automatic point and shoot camera. Buy the V2. V1 is a waste of money for burst shooting IMO.
  14. Andrew is in good way... other than RAW is less, a way less -- but in everything, IQ included
  15.   It is not mine, the author is identified on vimeo: Tom Beal   And he also says that has tried to post on these boards but once his account is newbie it is waiting for prior approval, so I am only the pigeon post over here :-)
  16. aside where the automatic shutter speed is effectively a problem, here you have the most recent 4K RAW Nikon (for 190 euros) posted on vimeo:   https://vimeo.com/67656132      
  17.     V1 is a waste of money for motion picture considering the automatic shutter, when we have the V2 just for more 360 euros. Hopefully, we'll be saying the same about V2 considering the limit of 40 frames when V3 will reach the streets with 4K video but not only. Longer burst mode going with RAW is very likely to happen and would even be much more interesting than 8-bit video whether be higher rezzed or not.
  18. I concur kenuck, such claims are nothing more than mere FUD, nothing you can't handle plenty of half-full glasses...   http://www.photozone.de/nikon1/699-1nikon10303556v1?start=2   ...against a pack of 8-bit combo with shitty codecs instead as alternative ;-) Bah! :P and yes, lower resolutions in disguise of 1080p world unable to other than addressed to crappy youtubes in PressPausePlay age, DR screaming video by everywhere. Worthy still photography use at the same time, then... it is to forget.   *Sigh*   This is the first real 4.6K motion and still photography system really pocketable. It does include the cheap glass, yeah. Call it cheap, as you want. Who cares? Who pays says thanks. And it won't bother artists to produce great work and with professional usage. It doesn't matter if only for 1.67 second @24fps from post for motion. As same as the whole RAW process BTW. I mean yet, V1 is a PITA with the automatic shutter and the fully V2 only for more 360 euros... Going more wrong than with an automatic shutter, it is impossible if you'll end with flickering in the end.
  19. And here is another example of the merits of the outcome developed by the participants here, whether natively based on the purpose sui generis of this thread or not:
  20. Andrew, I don't like bans, actually, I've supported you many times on dvxuser when you were attacked there by a few of the same people in the past. And I guess you've responded in the best way to become eoshd.com in one of the most interesting sources available online for affordable motion picture acquisition. But the fact is: what the hell wants who can disagree with such unique place where it is possible to find 4K RAW moving image capture for 200 bucks?! *Sigh* A shot is not measured in seconds, minutes or hours but in what we can do in such units of time from a fps standard, whatever length we have in hands. Just it. There are A-cameras, B-cameras etc, choose what your skills fit best, if any. Be quiet if nothing you have to add. You did it in the right way. This thread is already a milestone per se. I, for example, am used to come here in a regular basis. Stick it! Kudos for your attitude regarding the dream of Coppola we all should share, if the art is actually the sake of it (not any troll in disguise whoever he/she is :P) Emanuel :-) PS -- I can't wait to expect and probably buy V3 Nikon Series 1.
  21. But there is still the double size of sensor nearby 16mm film, rather than the videoish TV-like of a 1/2.3" (do not confound with 2/3") sensor size.
  22. I hadn't read it yet. Answered it now. Thanks.
  23. And also with 40% more resolution... Any idea on how faster is to write it for card?
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