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Posts posted by AaronChicago

  1. From Vincent Laforet's blog:


    I’m also very excited to help introduce a piece of camera equipment that I think clearly deserves being called a "game changer." 


    I feel the same way about the device that I shot with a few weeks ago – and haven’t felt that way about ANYTHING I’ve seen or shot with since the Canon 5D MKII (The RED Epic is close – the only reason it didn’t make the list was due to the fact that it’s simply not affordable to the amateur market.)   And that’s why I’ve chosen to to repeat the same blog title for only the second time in nearly 5 years for this launch…



    source: http://blog.vincentlaforet.com/2013/03/31/nab-2013-schedule-and-something-very-special-coming-to-this-blog-part-ii/


    Any ideas on what it might be? It's not a camera.

  2. Thanks for the help. I didn't own a GH2, and I know alot of you guys are familiar with the design of these cameras. I previously used mostly Canon cameras. I'm thoroughly impressed with the GH3 image. Overall better than the Canon's that I owned. I must say that I'm a bit disappointed in ergonomics and features for the most part. When connected to a RedRock rig, and external monitor it's not much of an issue though.

  3. I´ve recently shot with the C300 and it´s LCD seems to be on the greenish side, no matter what angle you see it from.

    So I guess, considering the GH3s price point, we´ve been still served well...

    I'm just wondering if it's a certain group of cameras. It only seems like a few people are complaining about the problem. It's a blatent defect, in my opinion.

  4. The death of TV is greatly exaggerated.


    Yes, it may be considered as a spoon-fed approach, but to have a product of quality you need


    1) Script of quality (writers)

    2) Continuous effort of many-many people in the production.


    Unfortunately all those people want to be paid so either movie or TV provides a model for them to be paid for the effort.


    Otherwise (originally brought by the threat of the writers' strike) it will be 'something' - as crappy as 'reality TV' - just on internet.

    I don't think they're arguing television content is dying. Just the actually device. If anything, television shows are passing cinema in quality of storytelling.

  5. Well it's cheap pretty much but has better ergonomics than the rebels.. I plan on upgrading to something higher end (maybe a C100) not too far down the track but I'd like to start investing in glass and accessories now for when I do. I don't want to spend however much on a 5D3 as it will just cut into what I'v saved so far for something better. I thought I could manage with a 60D for 12 months until I upgrade, meanwhile I'll have already invested in Canon glass. 
    Still not sure on what glass to buy though.. Not sure whether to go with f/4 zooms and 1 or 2 low light primes, or just go with the f/2.8 zooms.. BUT I'm probably going to still want low light primes even if I buy f/2.8 zooms so maybe it's dumb to spend extra on the f/2.8 zooms when f/4 zooms are cheaper since I'd want low light primes anyway.

    If you dont care as much about resolution and bitrate then the 60D will work. It feels great in the hand. Nice and sturdy. What kind of shooting do you do? If its run n gun, or event type situations i would go with a fast zoom with IS. If you do alot of narrative, or interview type stuff then I would go with primes.
  6. Ive now experienced 3 different problems with the LCD. The green tint at any viewing angle other than straight on. A flickering of brightness when i rotate the screen. Also horrible blocky gradients in the shadows (which dont show up on the recorded file).
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